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——_—_ ‘Azadeh Mashayekhi and Negar Santon Sensi The marketplace en important nett Eastern and North Aticansovctan gata {are the economic nexus whore both rec "etal and were conmarca come egethr vantage aka ahaa lating among members of the private sector Gta the bazaar the most powerful secioseconon aM 4 of the Islamic city. However, during the last conn? Tehran tronaformed from being a eatvely cette city to an unbounded urban regio, ts carne underwent tremendous changes. Despite of, can ond becnune of the imple and expt atomte fo ent epee Of this aging urban center to other institutions mace? tions during the upheaval, the central bazaar hac, ‘man. {sine itself as the old"besting heat’ of he cs the Grand Bazear asthe dest part of tnourbee ono {rein Tehran, survive ea powerful urban renee under two radical regimes? S in ig 8810 and song i The Pahl Regime and Tehran se the Scan ot Medan Inthe mid-nineteenth entry, Tehran was sti chase terized by atraditonel ubanvay ote nese Bazaar and mosque were the awn soelaleariet ihe sity, and protectod by ty wate Thepanee fain had te be rest othe bazaar asthe mest posure tconomie feature ofthe ty, merderts onl oe Single actvty Noverthelete ao Tehran Bocare ee uring te ndustalepech = when Europeans sis uncergoing rece changes theca uassnaes by the procestes of moderation adindesiteny An important turning point wos theinaugustoner ne Shan Pahl ao Became the king ot len ns er Stl to this day romaine the lon ef euthrtarian nar ization for meny Wenans, During seg Pe dead ne Ulateral powers oestablh a unis army empct chaos and bd a modern nonstate nthe mod post-Napoleoic France and Attar Trkih Reps Reza Shela ran goa ws transforming even the national captain perfect, modern europens city which woud eet es model or tet lrg ces Across the nation He impamonted trdareta charges inthe capta's phyla! evucture based onthe Vestn Tete) ere ede Fae atte eee erect Gt Napoleon In ths way, Tehran begen to reserole the opt et Pal esi reduayorqured entry tare, which greed the oat underneath nde the dogucton of tho teadional pattern fife ther ts esut on open urn mtr web created ith the am Of easing movernent of tan, goods onde ser in Tetvon, walled forncators were removed ond vo venues were conetucted. Along wth hes avers: hat Scctrted the becaa rom to ct fable modemzaton 2 slgnale the emergence of modorn etal et tretsin the frm of rbbon development lensed he renues tothe north ofthe hy “The nature ofthe bazaar has alvays been =n ot intaroraton thus, during the urban uphewa° Irworly focused aote-ecoramicpowe fhe DE vrs rth soled. The presence of sch = #0 Communty was ave ote et tat economies into the bacaar was to overbearing today = Ibu te aetrtion btweon engan, si bern ond cormrc, Th areata 9 tens betwee vrous comme spees (eS ‘ensenan storage an hans aed woacamoniet byngronthiotrersocelandpustesaces I fosters, schools, mater storage 59 lous institutions (mosques, churches, hose ratsigous schools, holy shines), governmental i si 'dwolings. Allo these components (etang an etul bulked crater ener ond coi crepn the bazaar fr the bazearis, Tye fe modernization pressures, the supply chain Me trenaformation in Tehran. Merchants rading goods to Tehran's raster elsounderwer Fin ehe bazaar were not only tr ee Attor World War a8 Iran's economy began h the access to rapidly rising oll revenue; {0 gio" gestablhed tarife to protect nascent industries. tre srve merchants tranaferred their properties from ran ize importing or exporting consumer and inter Spence good into industry.” Within the marketplace, reas ened the role of citributing goods on a nation: wrererto warehouses thet were acting on the regional aaa after pessing through the networks of importers vert noleslers the goods would find their place in the Taeears retells where they wore directly accessible for tho customer. Inbetween this hiorarchical (and entangled) utwork of relations, brokere and middleman had the role Srintrducing and factitating the steady flow of infor tration erect and goods to facilitate these networks The Pablav modernist program intensified in the 1980s and 60s under Reza Shah's con, Mohammad Rez. ‘Shah Pahlavi During 1963, Mohammad Rezo Sheh, fo! tewing the modernizing ambition of his father, declared “The White Revolution t promoted an overall strategy ‘tomodernize the country, covering all aspects from tehcation to economics. In particular, one message was "rongly conveyed to all Iranians: Iran had to catch wp with the eading nations of the world and play side-by tide with them, In is memoirs, published less than "Wo. ‘years after his fl from power, he writes, ‘| could not stop bulding supermarkets. wanted @ modern country’: Mod: frization, which included now alternatives lke linear development of shopping patterns and nevr spatial quali ties euch 98 boutiques, supermarkets and department store along the boulevards, wae a drect economic attack aganst the Grand Bazaar. ‘Thebazaar adjusted to the new economic condi tions by shiting from manufacturing to commerce and from etal to wholesale, Hence, many workshops took ‘over the residential areas around the main axes of bazar. Many caravansersis changed function to be used as Storage or production spaces. And later on, several pro lessons had toleave the narrow arteries ofthe bazeer ‘search of bigger and more economical spaces for their | production, Asa rault of these transitions, ‘the Bazaar and heimmodiate ares surrounding lost 23 percent ‘is population while the population of the whole city neroased by 79 percent during the period of 1956-1966" an Capt mas not scarce in ran during the fate Pala sre: honever. it was highly polticized “The state tributes the abundant ol revere as subsicized credit ‘trough state-owned commercial ane development banks ‘This Creat-warthiness was bated on political and cul- {wal algince tothe Pahlavi monarchy and specifically {2s modernization agenda Fr rotalers and most Sataars, twas not possible to benefit rom these subst #5. Que to thc etuation, »nonotfcial internal creat ‘stem created a paralel economic ayatom to finance “merce activities, rel estate investments and the Provate consumption of bazeaie, ae well 08 vs imi fart Tetvann 963, the bazaars in ian wero est Tatedto loan as much os al the commercial banks put 'oether* In this way during the pre-revolution period neti to grow throug! the Grand Bazar was shaping a stable and strong com. ‘munity, which at certain moments, even acted against the political governor. Islamic Revolution. Islamic Bazaar From the turmoil ofthe revolution, the changing of Government policies towards the bazear le tothe trans formation ofits structure and major instability" On ‘ne hand, three years after establishment ofthe Islamic Republic its new leader ‘Grand Ayatollah Fasized thatthe government ‘should strongly support he basaer, and the bazeer chould support the govern Inert’ On the other hand, the slogan of anti-capitalsm islamic Republi eater ar This group joined the undergreund econ« ose actaios comprised 26 percont of tho oeaced the piysea structure of the Bazoer by rs aatgnjinth af informal shops. During ths time, Tey planners who went to maintain the old al units anost doubled from iy half of them Boing unl ines ory Starr ot Toho By undoing the close-knit community ofthe bazaar ‘heheterogenety ofthe social and economical relations wewaltomuteted = they bocame mare disconnected {romeach other: though the bazaar stil hosts a diversity Siete, thay are not conglomerated within an

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