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Complete the story with the verbs in

Use the Past Simple.
When I (1) was (be) 8 years old, I (2) lived (live) in a very nice
neighbourhood. I (3) had (have) some funny neighbours living
next door. They (4 ) were (be) called Amanda and Alex and
they (5) were (be) twins.

I 6) did not have (not have) any brothers or sisters, so I 7) liked (like) playing with the twins when
we 8) came back (come back) home from school. They 9) shared (share) a big room full of
adventure books and colourful posters of animals, planets and fantasy creatures. Their desk 10) was
(be) large and there 11) was (be) many boxes with felt pens, scissors, rulers, pencils and glue. They
12) loved (love) painting and making crafts!
So, when we I13) finished
really (finish)
16) enjoyed our homework
(enjoy) and we
writing stories ofdidn`t have toand
superheroes 14) (not have

to) we 17) wrote (write) plays. Amanda 18) designed (design) the
study for an
costumes exam,
and Alex we
and15) spent
I 19) (spend)
recorder the rainy
(record) our and cold
stories ondays there.
In summer, we all 20) rode (ride) our bikes and 21) visited (visit) a lighthouse. The
owner 22) let (let) us climb up and we 23) watched (watch) the horizon looking for

Well, time 24) passed (pass)

and we 25) grew up (grow
When we 26) began (begin)
to study at the high school, we 27) stoped
(stop) playing together.
However, some years ago, we 28) met (meet)
again and 29) discovered(discover) that our
creativity 30) was (be) still part of our lives:
Amanda 31) became (become) a popular
ld days there
designer, Alex 32) work (work) as an editor and
me 33) earned (earn) my living as film director.
By the way, my name is Arthur and I 34) got
marry (get marry) Amanda. Now the twins
and I have a company together!

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