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Gunnar Script

The camera looks across a beach with the dulled ocean lapping the sand. The camera looks onward
for a while expecting the next interviewee, Gunnar, to appear. He finally appears at the edge of
cameras sight, trembling with fear.


(Shakily) I’m not…I’m not…coming on…do you not see that vast ocean of which lies as the domain of
the World Serpent-


Get over there, you snivelling coward!

Hendrik appears and shoves Gunnar over into view. Gunnar bellows in terror.


No, please! (Grunts).


Make this quick we’ve only got a few minutes till

Hendrik walks off. Gunnar looks at him before turning to the camera, a worried expression adorning
his face.


(Shakily) Well…my name is Gunnar…er…my parents died while they were sailing. Jörmungandr
devoured them. Asger says it was punishment for being heretics.

He becomes startled after the sea waxes against the beach.

That’s why I fear the sea. But if I play my role in servitude to the Aesir I’m sure I’ll go too Valhalla like
my brothers. That’s why I’m going on this raid, my third one to be more specific. They had to knock
me because I wouldn’t stop panicking on the last two.


Gunnar glances at his bow.


As you can see, I have chosen a bow as my weapon. For you see I am quite proficient with it. I can
give you a demonstration if you wan-

Gunnar leaps backward as the sea waxes again.


(Scared) I’m not a coward! Admittedly I do prefer the presence of land and the forest. But by Aesir
I’m not a-

Gunnar is cut off when Hendrik appears and grabs him by the collar.


Times up, coward! Let us sail for the south.


(Yelling) Wait, I’m not finished!

Hendrik throws Gunnar into a boat with the other characters as he screams. Hendrik gets on the boat
pushes it away greatly from the beach with his sheer strength. They sail away into the sunset.


(Yelling) Row you mangy twats! Row! We’ll be slitting throats by the tomorrow night. Oh, the
Southrons won’t know what him them (laughs).
Gunnar continues to scream and yell.


Someone knock him to Valhalla.



Bjorn punches Gunnar unconscious.

Hendrik resumes laughing frantically before a large sea serpent gobbles them.




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