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What are superpowers?

Many forms of fiction feature characters attributed with superhuman,

supernatural, or paranormal abillities, often referred to as

Today, I choose to speak about my favorite “superhero”,Harry Potter,

but is he really a superhero?

The popular answer is a no.

It’s true, Harry Potter has no mask and cape, but I have to go against
conventional wisdom and answer: Pretty much.
To explain why, let’s break the question into pieces. Definitions of a
superhero vary, but here are some basic qualities.
Does he have superpowers?
Well, for starters the kid can fly, teleport, turn invisible, and talk to
animals. That puts him right up there with Superman, Invisible Woman,
and Aquaman.  Ultimately the Harry Potter wizarding world is a lot like
the superhero world, a community of the superpowerd.
So what’s next? Super orphan?
Harry’s parents, like Bruce Wayne’s, were brutally murdered. Superman
lost his parents plus his entire home world, like Harry.
How about a superhero symbol? Does Harry have a bat or
spider or capital “S”?
Yep. Look at his forehead. Captain Marvel sports the same icon. A
thunderbolt. And like every good superhero, the icon codes his identity.
Captain Marvel shouts “Sha-zam!” and down comes a lightning zap to
transform him. The same way baby Harry was transformed into a
horcrux by Voldemort’s magic blast.
Save him the world?
Yes, we can say that Harry Potter save the world of Voldemort, we can
considered Voldemort the „bad guy” and Harry Potter is the superhero.

Consequently, Harry Potter is a superhero and as I have already said is

my favorite.

I don’t know what superpowers I would like to have, but if I were to

tkink twice probably I would choose time control.With this power, I
could pretty much do anything I want to do. 
  The main reason why I choose this power is because I could stop time.
As a teenage high school student, I don't have enough time. Therefore,
sometimes I want more time to study for my tests. Not only for studying
but I would get more free time as well. Also, when I am tired in the
morning before school, I can stop time to get more sleep. 
Another reason is because I can go back in time. I as a human is not
perfect so I make a lot of mistakes. But if I can go back in time, I can go
back and fix what I did wrong in the past. 

The last reason is because I can go to the future. With this power, I can
just  go to the future and find out any up coming trouble. Moreover I
will know things about my future like:

Where I will work or with whom I will remain a friend.

To conclude, I would love to have the power to control time. That is

because I can get rid of the trouble in my life, be able to redo anything I
want to, and never run out of time. I would turn into a "perfect" person
with this power.

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