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How To Grow Papaya 

From Seeds 
Date:​ 30/04/2020 

Items required 
● Papaya seeds 
● Well draining soil (we use cactus soil/potting mix) 
● Pot to plant seeds in 
● Cling film 

How to 
1. Soak seeds in water for 8 - 24 hours. No longer than 24 hours as this can 
seriously reduce germination rates. 
2. After soaking the seeds you will usually find the seeds inside a pod/sack - this 
required pinching and the seed squeezing out from the sack/pod. 
3. Fill the growing pot with well draining soil (we use cactus potting mix for this, 
however any well draining soil will work). 
4. Dampen soil in pot and allow excess water to drain off 
5. Place seed in the soil and cover with a thin layer of soil. 
6. Apply small amounts of water to soil covering the seed to ensure soil 
surrounding the seed is damp but not saturated. 
7. Cover pot with cling film to create a humid environment. 

8. Place the pot in a bright spot and ensure the soil is always moist but not 
9. Seed should germinate between 2 and 5 weeks - it is worth checking every few 
days for signs of seedlings and also to ensure soil is still damp. 
10. When seedlings sprout and have either grown 2 sets of true leaves or outgrown 
the original pot - move into its final pot - Papayas do not like to have their roots 
disturbed so it is best to plant them up into their final pots to make sure this is 
the only transplant they will have. 
11. Papaya trees require plenty of water, and sun, to ensure fruit growth - however 
they will NOT tolerate ‘wet feet’ (constantly wet roots) 
12. Watch the tree grow and hopefully produce fruits, if given enough daylight, by 11 
months of age! 

Good Luck! 

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