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LSS+ Electronic Infobase Edition Version 5.

• The door should be carefully fitted so that no instrument

could be inserted between the edge and the outside of the
safe. The iron of the door should be so hardened that no
drill can penetrate it for drilling a hole to insert gunpowder
into the lock mechanism. The lock-studs, by which the
lock-case is secured to the interior surface of the door,
should not be capable of observation from the outside or front
of the container.

• The large lock, the bolts of which are thrown by a knob or

handle, should be well made and of simple construction. This
will negate the requirement that the case be taken off after
it is once fastened to the back of the door. The large lock
should be so contrived that in event of one or more holes
being drilled through the door, there should be no space
inside the chamber sufficiently large to contain enough
gunpowder to blow it open. There should be bolts at the back
and front in large safes. In those with double doors, there
should be bolts all round.

• The case at the back of the door containing the lock and
fire-proof composition should fit the interior of the safe as
tightly as the opening and closing will allow. This is to
keep out external heat, and prevent the escape of that
moisture evolved by vaporizing material.

• The inside case that forms the chambers for the fire-resisting
material should fit the inside of the outer body tightly and
prevent the undue escape of the vapor in a fire. It should be
so secured to the outer frame that no violence exerted upon
the door should force the removal of such lining.

• The non-conducting and steam-generating composition placed in

the chambers or within casings and at the back of the
lock-chamber should be prevented from having any harmful
effect upon the iron. When subjected to the action of fire,
whilst the vapor would preserve the contents from combustion
or damage of that kind, it should not injure plate or specie,
or affect the writing upon, or substance of, papers or books.
The thickness or quantity of the composition should be in
proportion to the risk or probable duration of a fire.

• The small lock which secures the bolts should be one that
3095 29/09/2006 2:58:40 PM
(c) 1999-2004 Marc Weber Tobias

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