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Nuclear Engineering and Design 72 (1982) 321-327 321

North-Holland Publishing Company


Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute of Nuclear Reactor Components, Karlsruhe, Fed. Rep. Germany

Received 16 June 1982

A new method for the determination of valve coefficients for choked vapor flow is presented. The procedure is based on the
non-steady equations governing isentropic critical flow of gases from finite sized pressure vessels, and can be extended to
subcritical vapor flow. This method has two advantages. A relatively small pressure vessel, i.e., a time dependent upstream
reservoir, takes the place of a large continuous flow loop, and only the pressure decay in the vessel need be accurately
measured, instead of mass flow rates and stagnation conditions.

1. Introduction the steam generator and flow loop necessary to achieve

steady state tests and difficult because of the need to
The A S M E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code de- measure the steam flow rate accurately. Extreme scaling
termines the steam flow rating of a safety or pressure down of the valve can lead to a significant error in the
relief valve as determination of the valve coefficient and should there-
fore be avoided.
W=CWN, (1) This paper describes a new method for determining
where C is the valve coefficient and W N is the theoreti- valve coefficients for choked steam or vapor flow. The
cal steam flow rate calculated with Napier's rule, namely method is based on the non-steady blow-down of steam
or vapor from a pressure vessel and can be extended to
Wr~ = 51.45 Ap I b m / h , (2a) non-choked steam or vapor flow. Gas dynamic theory
can provide the vessel pressue as a function of time with
W~ = 1.457 X 10 -3 Ap k g / s . (2b)
certain test variables held constant during any particu-
The Code certified discharge is 90% of this theoretical lar test run, namely, initial vessel pressure, initial vessel
value. In eq. (2) A is the minimum cross sectional area temperature, vessel volume and minimum flow area of
available to flow inside the fully open valve, and p is the the valve. The gas constant for steam, the specific heat
pressure at the valve inlet. The units of A are in 2 and m 2 ratio and the compressibility factor are also constant,
and of p are psia and Pa in eqs. (2a) and (2b) respec- with slight variations possible for the latter two parame-
tively. ters, to improve the accuracy of the method by match-
The valve coefficient C must be determined experi- ing reference tests with nozzles of known nozzle coeffi-
mentally either for every valve or for a specific valve cient. With the proposed method, the valve coefficient
design. In the latter case, three valves each of three can be determined for steam or vapor flow over a given
different representative or scale models must be tested. pressure range by monitoring the pressure decrease in
The A S M E Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code prescribes the steam supply vessel as a function of time.
the precise individual test procedures and the permissi-
ble data scatter for safety valve certification testing.
Determination of the valve coefficient C can become 2. Napier's equation
expensive and difficult when large valves are tested at
high steam pressures; expensive because of the size of The theory upon which the proposed new method of
determining valve coefficients is based assumes that the
* Professor, on sabbatical leave from the Dept. of Mechanical steam or vapor flow can be calculated with reasonable
Engineering, The University of Maryland, College Park, MD. accuracy using the equation of state

0029-5493/82/0000-0000/$0.275 © 1982 N o r t h - H o l l a n d
322 D. W. Sallet / Vaporflow rating of valves'

p~ : Z R T , (3) rh -- 2.954 X l 0 2 A , p o / ( Z T o ) l z kg/s, (9b)

where where the units of A* are in 2 and m 2, of P0 are psia and
R : 1545.34 f t - l b f / ( l b m o l ° R ) / M , (4a) Pa, of To are °R and K for eqs. (9a) and (9b), respec-
tively. The theoretical mass flow rates predicted by eq.
R = 8.31441 N m / ( m o l K ) / M . (48) (9) (perfect gas and isentropic flow theory) can now be
It is therefore of interest to compare the steady steam compared to the results from Napier's formula, eq. (2),
mass flow rate as predicted by the currently accepted for several different pressures. The compressibility fac-
method (Napier's equation) with the steady steam flow tor Z in eq. (9) is calculated using eqs. (3) and (4) with
rate using isentropic flow equations and the equation of values of v and T from the steam tables (saturated
state given by eq. (3). vapor) at the chosen pressure. The values in the second
For choked flow, i.e. as long as column of table 1 were generated in this manner. The
last column in this table, ~b/exp/WN, was reported by
Thompson and Buxton [2] and shows that between 400
p*/po <--. ~ , (5)
and 1600 psia (2.76 and 11.03 MPa) Napier's equation
correctly predicts the steam flow rates within 1%, but
where p* is the static pressure at the critical section of
that at higher pressures, say 1900 to 2100 psia (13.10 to
the valve and P0 is the isentropic stagnation pressure;
14.49 MPa) Napier's rule underpredicts the mass flow
the mass flow rate through the critical flow area A* is
rate by 4 to 7%. The underprediction of actual mass
rhst = A*poKI/ ( ZRTo ) 1/2 (6) flow rates calculated with Napier's equation exceeds
10% at pressures near 2500 psia (17.24 MPa).
where T h e mexp/Fh column of table 1 represents a compari-
2 )(k+l)/(k son between the experimental flow rates and the theo-
retical mass flow rate calculated with eq. (9). It can be
seen that eq. (9) is comparable to Napier's equation in
as follows from elementary gas dynamics, see for ins- the region of interest. The use of eq. (9) for the predict-
tance Shapiro [1]. Eq. (6) can now be rewritten specifi- ion of saturated steam flow rates is therefore justified.
cally for saturated steam. The specific heat ratio k = 1.13
yields Kj = 0.635. Setting
3. Non-steady choked flow equations
R s t e a m -~- 85.793 f t - l b f / l b m ° R =0.46152 k J / k g K, (8)

yields Described in this section are the non-steady mass

flow rates and stagnation conditions which occur when
rn : 1398.98 A*po/( ZTo )1/2 I b m / h , (9a) steam flows from a high pressure reservoir to a low

Table 1
A comparison of mass flow rate predictions

p Z m~p/m r/~exp/ W N
pressure compressibility factor exp. flow rate/theor, flow rate exp. flow rate/Napier eqn.

500 psia 0.841 1.016-1.027 1.00-0.99

3.45 MPa (400-600 psia)
1000 psia 0.745 0.996 0.99
6.89 MPa (900-1100 psia)
1500 psia 0.659 0.980 1.00-1.01
10.34 MPa ( 1400-1600 psia)
2000 psia 0.576 0.961-0.989 1.04-1.07
13.79 MPa (1900-2100 psia)
2500 psia 0.486 0.965 1.12
17.24 MPa (extrapolated)
D. 144 Sallet / Vaporflow rating of valves 323

pressure reservoir. The high pressure reservoir is a pres- becomes N = 5.83 for engineering units and 2.38 for SI
sure vessel of a given, finite volume and is not recharged units.
during the blow-down process. In eqs. (14) and (19) the variable t is the time (in
The pressures in the pressure vessel and the receiver seconds) which has elapsed since the start of the blow-
vessel (i.e., the low pressure reservoir) are assumed to be down.
such that choked flow exists [see eq. (5)]. In addition it
is assumed that the thermodynamic changes in the
pressure vessel and in the flow process from the re- 4. Non-steady blow-down for vapor flow rating of valves
servoir to the choked flow cross section are isentropic.
As shown by Sallet et al. [3], the non-steady mass flow The non-steady equations given above can be used
rate from the pressure vessel and the decreasing steam for vapor flow rating tests of valves as explained here.
pressure, temperature and density in the vessel can be The basic idea is to compare the time it takes for the
theoretically derived as functions of time and are given pressure in a steam filled vessel to drop to a given value
by the explicit formulas when flow takes place through a calibrated ASME
nozzle with the time it takes the pressure to drop the
rh ( t ) : rhst [ F ( t ) ] ( k + l)/(k- l), (lO) same amount when flow takes place through the valve
to be calibrated.
po(t):poi[F(t)] 2k/<k 1) (11) Eqs. (11) and (14) can be solved explicitly for the
blow-down interval t. Using the notation of eq. (19), the
To(t)= Toi[ F(t)] 2, (12) expression for t is

t = [ ( P] ° ( t )-) (]-k)/2k
- 1 V (20)
Po( t ) : P0i [ F( t )] 2/~k- '), (13) P0i NA* ( Z Toi ) i/2'
where where the values to be used for N depend upon the
initial stagnation conditions and are given above.
F(t) = 1/[(A*K3Toli/2)t/V+ 1], (14) The vapor flow rating of the valve is carried out in
the following three step method:
= - - , (15) Step I: Determination of effective compressibility factor Z
and the effective specific heat ratio k
and where nhst is given by eq. (6). The mass of vapor at The available pressure vessel is filled with saturated
any time in the pressure vessel and the time at which or superheated steam to the desired initial pressure P0i
critical flow will cease are given by and temperature T0i. The steam in the vessel is partially
vented to the atmosphere through a calibrated ASME
M(t)=Moi[F(t)]2/~k l), (16) nozzle which has effective critical area A*. This effective
area should be approximately equal to the theoretical
and critical area (given by the valve geometry) of the valve
tc = V ( K 4 - 1)/[A*K3Tgi/2], (17) to be rated. The initial pressures and temperatures
should roughly correspond to the pressures at which the
where valve is expected to operate. The effective compressibil-
ity factor Z and the effective specific heat ratio k are
found by comparing the actual time needed to achieve a
suitable series of pressure ratios po(t)/Pol when the flow
takes place through the calibrated ASME nozzle with
For dry or wet saturated steam, the specific heat
the time predicted by eq. (20). In other words, the
ratio is approximately k = 1.13 and eq. (14) becomes
effective compressibility factor Z and the effective
F(t) = I/[N(ZToi)'/2A*t/V+ 1], (19) specific heat ratio k are experimentally determined by
monitoring the pressure decay in the pressure vessel
where N = 2.17 if customary engineering units are used during a given time period when the venting takes place
and N = 0.886 where SI units are used. through a nozzle of known effective flow area A*. The
For superheated steam, the specific heat ratio is initial values for k should be 1.13 for saturated steam
approximately k = 1.33 and the constant N in eq. (19) and k = 1.33 for superheated steam. The k values should
324 D. ~ Sallet / Vaporflo~* rating of valves

only be changed when further i m p r o v e m e n t by chang- saturated steam means that T0i = 5 9 6 ° F - - 1056°R (842
ing Z is not possible. The m a x i m u m variation of k K). Further, let the valve throat area A be 0.6 in 2
should not exceed -+0.03. ( 3 . 8 7 × 10 4 m2), k = 1.13 and Z = 0 . 6 6 . It is instruc-
Step 2." Valve test tive to compare the depressurization times for A* --A
The pressure vessel is recharged to the initial condi- with those for A* = 0.9A and for A* = 0.92A. This will
tions on Step 1. The vessel is then vented to the atmo- indicate if the time differences which may be measured
sphere through the valve and the pressure decay po(t) is to an accuracy of 0.01 s are large enough to determine
accurately measured as a function of time. In particular the valve coefficient to an accuracy of -+0.01. T a b l e 2
the time t is recorded which was needed for the pressure also indicates the mass flow ratios r h / r h i and the vessel
ratio po(t)/po~ to reach a selected value. t e m p e r a t u r e ratio To/Tol; the initial mass flow rate rn i is
Step 3: Calculation of valve coefficient 13.25 l b m / s (6.01 k g / s ) .
The valve coefficient is C = A * / A , where A is the Table 2 shows, for instance, that the vessel is depres-
m i n i m u m cross section in the valve which is available to surized to P0 = 0.7 P0i = 1050 psia (7.24 M P a ) in 113.0 s.
the fluid passing through the valve. Area A is readily A valve coefficient of C - - 0 . 9 0 would be indicated by
calculated from the blue-prints of the valve. A* is a n increase in depressurization time of 125.6-- 1 1 3 . 0 -
calculated from eq. (20) by substituting t and po(t)/Poi 12.6 s, while a valve coefficient of C = 0 . 9 2 would be
(the selected pressure ratio from Step 2) as found ex- indicated by an increase of 1 2 2 . 9 - 113.0 = 9.9 s. It can
perimentally from the valve test of Step 2. The effective be seen that the suggested accuracy is easily surpassed
compressibility factor Z and the effective heat capacity for this particular vessel and valve size since quick
ratio k were determined in Step 1. opening valves can start the blow-down within +0.01 s
a n d time m e a s u r e m e n t s can be taken even more accu-
rately without u n d u e experimental complexity. Interpo-
5. Discussion lation of the pressure data shows that a 10 psia (68.9
kPa) error in pressure m e a s u r e m e n t would show up as
The proposed m e t h o d of vapor rating valves has two an 0.3 s time error, also well below a final accuracy of
prime advantages over current steady-state test: a large the valve coefficient of ±0.01.
v a p o r generation capability is not necessary, a n d mass The influence of vessel volume V and of effective
flow rates do not have to be measured. The proposed valve area A* on the depressurization time t is given by
m e t h o d is only of value if the vapor rating is possible to eq. (20); t is directly proportional to V and inversely
an acceptable degree of accuracy. This accuracy de- proportional to A*.
p e n d s upon the relative sizes of the available pressure The effect of variation in compressibility factor Z is
vessel and the valve to be tested, a n d on the accuracy shown in tables 3 and 4 and the effect of variations of
with which the vessel pressure po(t) can be monitored. the specific heat ratio k is shown in tables 5 and 6. The
This can best be d e m o n s t r a t e d by a n example. initial mass flow rates for tables 3, 4, 5 a n d 6 are 13.90
Let a pressure vessel have a volume V of 1300 ft 3 l b m / s (6.31 k g / s ) , 12.69 l b m / s (5.76 k g / s ) , 13.12 l b m / s
(36.8 m 3) a n d let P0i = 1500 psia (10.34 MPa), which for (5.96 k g / s ) and 13.38 l b m / s (6.07 k g / s ) , respectively.

Table 2
Predicted blow-down, k = 1.13 and Z = 0.66, saturated steam at 1500 psi (10.34 MPa). V = 1300 ft 3 (36.8 m3 ). A - - 0 . 6 in2 (3.87 × 10 4
m 2)

Po/Poi Time t in seconds for:

A* = A =0.6 A* = 0.90A A* = 0.92A vh/rh, To/To~

1.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000

0.900 33.1 36.8 36.0 0.905 0.988
0.800 70.4 78.3 76.6 0.810 0.975
0.700 113.0 125.6 122.9 0.715 0.960
0.600 162.6 180.7 176.8 0.618 0.943
0.500 221.8 246.5 241.1 0.520 0.923
D. W. Sallet / Vaporflow rating of valves 325

Table 3
Predicted blow-down, k = 1.13 and Z =0.60. Other parameters as for table 2.

Po/Poi Time t in seconds for:

A* = A =0.6 A* =0.90A A* = 0.92A ,~/,~ T0/To,

1.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000

0.900 34.8 38.6 37.8 0.905 0.988
0.800 73.9 82.1 80.3 0.810 0.975
0.700 118.6 131.7 128.9 0.715 0.960
0.600 170.5 189.5 185.4 0.618 0.943
0.500 232.6 258.5 252.9 0.520 0.923

Table 4
Predicted blow-down, k = 1.13 and Z =0.72. Other parameters as for table 2

Po/Poi Time t in seconds for:

A* = A =0.6 A* = 0.90A A* =0.92A m / ,~ ~ ro / To~

1.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000

0.900 31.7 35.3 34.5 0.905 0.988
0.800 67.4 74.9 73.3 0.810 0.975
0.700 108.2 120.2 117.6 0.715 0.960
0.600 155.7 173.0 169.2 0.618 0.943
0.500 212.4 236.0 230.8 0.520 0.923

Table 5
Predicted blow-down, k = 1.10 and Z =0.66. Other parameters as for table 2

Po/Poi Time t in seconds for:

A* = A =0.6 A* =0.90A A* = 0.92A ~11~1 i To lIToi

1.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000

0.900 34.4 38.2 37.4 0.904 0.990
0.800 73.0 81.1 79.3 0.808 0.980
0.700 117.0 130.0 127.2 0.711 0.968
0.600 168.2 186.9 182.8 0.614 0.955
0.500 229.2 254.6 249. I 0.516 0.939

Recent safety valve tests performed by the author s e p a r a t i o n a n d s h o c k l o c a t i o n s in t h e valve. In f u t u r e

s h o w e d t h a t valve c o e f f i c i e n t s for c h o k e d v a p o r flow v a l v e r a t i n g t e s t s t h i s d o w n - s t r e a m o r receiver p r e s s u r e
w e r e i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e receiver p r e s s u r e . D e p e n d e n c y effect s h o u l d b e n o t e d . T h e n o n - s t e a d y m e t h o d o f v a p o r
u p o n receiver p r e s s u r e w a s p r e v i o u s l y a c c o u n t e d for r a t i n g d i s c u s s e d in this p a p e r a v e r a g e s t h e effect o f t h e
o n l y in s u b c r i t i c a l flow. T h i s d o w n - s t r e a m effect o n receiver p r e s s u r e , to a c e r t a i n degree, d e p e n d i n g u p o n
c h o k e d m a s s flow r a t e s is at first s o m e w h a t s u r p r i s i n g t h e p r e s s u r e d r o p r a t i o w h i c h is s e l e c t e d f o r t h e i n d i v i d -
b u t is e x p l a i n e d b y t h e effect t h e receiver p r e s s u r e h a s u a l test.
o n t h e critical a r e a in t h e v a l v e t h r o u g h i n f l u e n c i n g
326 D. ~ Sallet / Vapor flow rating of valves

Table 6
Predicted blow-down, k = 1.16 and Z : 0.66. Other parameters as for table 2

Po/Poi Time t in seconds for:

A* = A : 0 . 6 A* : 0.90A A* -- 0.92 A

1.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.000 1.000

0.900 32.0 35.6 34.8 0.907 0.986
0.800 68.1 75.6 74.0 0.812 0.970
0.700 109.3 121.4 118.8 0.717 0.952
0.600 157.4 174.9 171.1 0.622 0.932
0.500 214.9 238.8 233.6 0.524 0.909

6. Conclusion T temperature
U specific volume
This paper develops a new m e t h o d to determine the V total volume
flow coefficients for valves, orifices and other sudden Z compressibility factor
flow restrictions, for choked vapor flow. The m e t h o d is p density
valid for all gases and vapors a n d can be extended to
subcritical vapor flow. A comparison between the steam Superscripts
flow equation currently used (Napier's equation) and
the theoretical a p p r o a c h used in the d e v e l o p m e n t of the
refers to quantities at critical section
new valve rating m e t h o d shows that the latter predicts
when choked flow exists
measured steam flow rates as well over a comparable
vessel pressure range. The theoretical a p p r o a c h used for
the non-steady flow analysis is therefore valid. It is Subscripts
suggested that an extensive experimental program be
carried out to test the accuracy a n d the practicality of N refers to Napier's equations
the suggested valve rating method. 0 refers to isentropic stagnation condi-
0i refers to initial stagnation conditions
Nomenclature rec refers to receiver vessel
st refers to steady state
A area (cross sectional flow area)
C valve coefficient
c~ c o n s t a n t pressure specific heat Acknowledgement
Cv c o n s t a n t volume specific heat
F(t) defined in text This work was supported by the D e p a r t m e n t of
k specific heat ratio: k = C p / C v Transportation, contract D O T - F R 64181. The author
gl, K3, K4 defined in text would like to express his gratitude to Professor U.
rh, W mass flow rate Muller, Director of the Institute for Nuclear Reactor
M mass, molecular weight C o m p o n e n t s , where this research was performed.
P pressure
R gas constant: ratio of universal gas con-
stant to molecular weight of gas
N defined in text References
t time
tc time d u r a t i o n from start of blow-down [1] A.H. Shapiro, The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of
to the instant at which choked flow Compressible Fluid Flow, Vol. 1 (The Ronald Press Co.,
ceases New York, 1953) p. 85.
D. IV. Sallet / Vaporflow rating of valves 327

[2] L. Thompson and O.E. Buxton, Maximum isentropic flow flow of fluids from pressure vessels, Dynamics of Fluid-
of dry saturated steam through pressure relief valves, J. Structure Systems in the Energy Industry, Eds., M.K. Au-
Press. Vess. Techn. 101 (1979) 113-117. Yang, S.J. Brown, (ASME, PVP-39, New York, 1979, pp.
[3] D.W. Sallet, M.E. Palmer and S.R. Rod, The non-steady 213-228).

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