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Beetles are the most

common type of insect.

Most insects have wings,
and those that do have two
pairs.  Beetles differ from
all other winged insects by
having the first pair of
wings hardened and
thickened.  These hard
forewings serve as a
protective shield for the
fragile flying wings, which
are folded underneath.  
There are about 180,000
different types of caterpillars.
Caterpillars are a kind of
animal called an
insect. Insects have three
body parts and two antennae
on their heads. The three
body parts are called the
head, the thorax, and the
abdomen. The head is just
like a head on any other
animal. It's where
caterpillars' eyes and
antennae are. The thorax is
the middle part of the body
between the head and the
abdomen. The abdomen is
the tail end of the body with
the belly and digestive
system. Caterpillars can be
lots of different colors and are
usually the same color as
their habitat, or home..
The wings, bodies, and
legs of moths are
covered with dustlike
scales that come off if
the insect is handled.
Compared with
butterflies, moths have
stouter bodies and duller
colouring. Moths also
have distinctive feathery
or thick antennae.
Flies are insects with a pair
of functional wings for flight
and a pair of specialized
called halteres for balance.
Adults are small (3mm
long) and shiny black with
clear wings. Larvae
(maggots) are cream with
dark mouthparts and grow
to 3mm long. Pupae are
brown and cylindrical with
rounded ends.
Leaf miner damage is
generally attributed to
larval feeding or
"mining" of leaf tissue
between the upper
and lower surfaces.
Mining of the leaf
tissue may cause
desiccation (drying),
browning and
premature defoliation.
In certain cases, the
leaves may become
thin, papery and
translucent and the
two leaf surfaces can
be peeled apart.. 
True bugs have all the
general characteristic
s of typical insects.
They are divided into
three regions: head,
thorax and abdomen.
The thorax bears legs
and wings; the head
bears eyes, antennae
and mouthparts.
The green stink
bug's color is typically
bright green, with
narrow yellow,
orange, or reddish
edges. It is a large,
shield-shaped bug wit
h an elongate, oval
form and a length
between 13–18 mm..
All aphids have very small
eyes, sucking mouthparts
in the form of a relatively
long, segmented rostrum,
and fairly long antennae.
These insects are so small
(a few millimeters in
length), that winds can
transport them for fairly
long distances. They are
often green, but might be
red or brown, as well.
Leafhoppers, also known
as hoppers, are minute plant-
feeding insects in the
superfamily Cicadelloidea in
the homopterous division of the
order Hemiptera. Leafhoppers
are found all over the world,
and it is the second largest
family in the Hemiptera; there
are at least 20,000 described
species. Leafhoppers have
piercing sucking mouthparts,
they feed on plant sap and can
transmit plant-infecting viruses
and bacteria.
Mealybugs are
small insects, 1 to 4 mm
long, and covered with a
white cottony
or mealy wax secretion.
This gives them the
appearance of being tiny
cotton balls on plants.
Their body outline is
oval, functional legs
allow them to be mobile.
Grasshoppers are
medium to large
insects. Adult length is 1
to 7 centimetres,
depending on the
species, they have
chewing mouthparts,
two pairs of wings, one
narrow and tough, the
other wide and flexible,
and long hind legs for
Crickets, have
powerful hind
legs, two pairs of
wings, flattened
bodies and
antennae that can
be as long or
longer than their
There is a great
among ants and their
behaviours. Ants range
in size from 2 to about
25 millimetres . Their
colour may vary, most
are red or black, but
other colours can also
be seen, including some
tropical groups with a
metallic lustre.

Beetles Caterp
Flies Mo
Beanfly Leaf M
Green Soldier Bug True B
Aphids Hop
Grasshopper Mealy
Crickets An
Blossom- end rot of
Downy mildew in
damping-off seedlings
Cucumber mosaic virus
in tomato
Post-emergence: rapid
rotting at the base of the
enlarged seedling
causing it to fall
Fruit rot in eggplant
Bacterial spot in pepper
Leaf blight
Blossom- end rot of tomato
A water-soaked spot at
the blossom
end of tomatofruits is the
classic symptom
of blossom-end rot. This
relatively common garden
problem is not a disease,
but rather a physiological
disorder caused by a
calcium imbalance within
the plant. It can occur in
pepper, squash, cucumber,
and melon fruits as well as
Downy mildew in cucurbits
Downy mildew is a
serious disease
of cucurbit crops grown
in Ontario. It is caused
by the fungus-like
water mould Pseudoper
onospora cubensis.
Once established in a
region, the disease can
spread rapidly, causing
significant loss of fruit
quality and yield. 
Cucumber mosaic virus in
The cucumber mosaic virus
overwinters in perennial weeds and
may be transmitted to healthy
plants by aphid vectors (although
tomatoes are not the preferred
host of aphids) or by mechanical
means. The cucumber mosaic virus
cannot withstand drying or persist
in the soil. It also is more difficult
than tobacco mosaic to transmit
mechanically. Thus, cucumber
mosaic tends to progress more
slowly than tobacco mosaic in a
field or garden.
Bacterial spot in pepper
Except for virus
diseases, bacterial
spot is the most important
affectingpeppers in New
York. A mild case
of bacterial spot causes
necroticspots on leaves; a
severe case can cause
premature leaf drop and
spotting of stems and pods
that results in
unmarketable fruit.
Fruit rot in eggplant
A symptom
of fruit soft rot of eggplant 
caused by Choanephora
cucurbitarum. A: A typical
symptom of the
soft rot of eggplant
fruit with marginal water-
soaked lesions, B: Inner
soft rot of the
infected fruit, C: A
symptom induced by
artificial inoculation.
Pre & Post Emergence: Damping off
Seeds may rot before germinating and
seedlings may decay before emergence
(pre emergence damping- off), giving the
appearance of poor germination. After
emergence (post emergence damping-off)
the seedlings develop lesions at the base of
the stem, and the tissue becomes soft,
constricted, and the plants wilt and fall

Pythium species and Phytophthora species

– Pre-emergence damping-off commonly
occurs with these fungi and typical
symptoms are a soft mushy rot and dark
brown to black water-soaked lesions that
rapidly spread over the entire seedling.
Post-emergence damping-off is
characterized by dark colored water-
soaked lesions that start on the roots and
spread up the stem to above the soil-line.
The lesions continue to expand above the
soil line, eventually girdling the stem,
causing the plant to wilt and die.
Leaf Blight
The fungus Alternaria
cucumerina causes
Alternaria leaf blight. This
disease is most common
melon, but can also affect
cucumber, pumpkin and
squash. Alternaria leaf
blight does not commonly
infect fruit. It can reduce
yield and quality through
reduced plant vigor and
sunscald of exposed fruit.

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