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Cloze Test

Answers with Explanation

Cloze Test Answers with Explanation

1. (a); help 32 . (b); regained
2. (e); deeply 33. (c); raises
3. (a); incorporating 34. (b); sank
4. (c); impart 35. (e); hesitantly
5. (b); enhanced 36. (a); brightened
6. (e); lieu 37. (a); aggressively
7. (b); off 38. (b); attract
8. (b); enable domain (V.) : degrade
9. (d); experts 39. (e); boost
10. (b); availability 40. (a); contraction
(11-20) 41. (b); examines
Meanings of difficult words/phrases revitalise (V.): Empirical (Adj.) :based on experiments/experience
to make something stronger, more active or more rather than ideas/theories
healthy Augur (V.) : to be a sign that something will be
11. (b); enjoy successful or not successful in the future
12. (d); provide 42. (a); address
13. (e); share 43. (d); have
14. (e); supervised 44. (a); which ongoing (adj) Currently happening
15. (d); Most 45. (c); attributed
16. (c); borrow Singe (V.) :to burn the surface of something slightly
17. (b); accounted usually by mistake
18. (a); branches 46. (b); appears
19. (b); known 47. (a); due to
20. (e); revitalise 48. (b); primarily
49. (e); are
(21-30) 50. (b); consistently
Meanings of difficult words/phrases consistent (Adj): always behaving in the same way, or
drive (N.): an organized effort by a group of people to having the same opinions, standards etc.
achieve something consistently (Adv.): always the same
addressed (V.) : to think about a problem/a situation haphazardly (Adv.): in a way the is not organized
and decide how you are going to deal with it well
force (N.) : thestrong effect/influence of something turbulently (Adv.) : in a violent manner
21. (e); largely (51-60)
22. (d); making 51. (a); related
23. (c); problems 52. (b); vital
24. (b); addressed 53. (c); transition
25. (c); force Transition (N.): the process/a period of changing from
(26-30) one state/condition to another
26. (d); long 54. (b); offers
27. (e); sorts 55. (b); highlighted
28. (b); hardly 56. (d); strategic
29. (e); difficult Strategic (Adj.): connected with getting an advantage
30. (a); innovation 57. (a); conducive
Conducive (Adj.): making it easy, possible/likely for
(31-40) something to happen
31. (a); risk Congruence (N.) :the quality of having the same size
and shape Page 1
Cloze Test
Answers with Explanation

58. (c); highest Elite (N.) : a small group of people in a society, who
59. (c); suitable are powerful and have a lot of influence, because they
60. (a); incentives are rich, intelligent etc.
imperatives (N.): a thing that is very important and nuanced (Adj): distinct
needs immediate attention/action 76. (d); minority
(61-70) 77. (c); attend
61. (c); dominant 77. (b); accounted
Integra (Adj.) :being an essential part of something 79. (c); toughest
Dominant (Adj.) :more important, 80. (a); nuanced
powerful/noticeable than other things (81-85)
Proven (Adj.): tested and shown to be true Meaning of difficult words/phrases
62. (b); importance exacerbated (V.): to make something
63. (e); profitable Worse
Isolated (Adj.) :single; happening once Driver (N): one of the main things that
Apportioned (Adj.): given out in portions influencesomething/cause it to make progress
Object (Adj.): terrible and with out hope 81. (d); key
64. (d); varying 82. (d); low
65. (d); positively 83. (a); exacerbated
66. (b); fold 84. (c); driver
Fold (N.) :a group of people /institutions bound 85. (c); argue
together by common beliefs and aims 86-105
Accessibility (N.): how easy something is to reach, Meanings of difficult words/phrases
enter, use, see, etc. stride (N.): an improvement in the way something is
67. (b); aim developing
68. (c); enable loan shark (N.): a person who lends money at very
69. (e); lays high rates of interest
70. (a); augmenting stamp out (Phr. V): eliminate
Augmenting (V.): to increase the amount, value, size, shadow economy (N.): illicit economy activity
etc., of something existing alongside a country’s official economy eg.
(71-75) Black market
Meanings of difficult words/phrases inhibition (N.): the act of restricting/preventing a
Rat race (Id.): a difficult, tiring, often competitive process an action
activity/routine scrap (V.): to cancel/get rid of something that is no
mushroom (V.) : to grow/increase in number longer practical/useful
mind-numbing (Adj.): extremely boring and 86. (c); effort
uninspiring 87. (d); improving
rote learning (N.): memorization by repetition 88. (d); what so ever
drives (V.) : to force somebody to act in a particular 89. (e); accounts
way 90. (b); stands
71. (b); mushroom 91. (b); rough
72. (e); choice rough (Adj.): difficult and unpleasant tough
73. (a); victims 92. (b); prohibits
74. (a); crush 93. (a); These
75. (b); drives 94. (a); economical
95. (d); offers
(76-80) (96-115)
Meanings of difficult words/phrases 96. (c); celebrate
97. (e); great
98. (b); born Page 2
Cloze Test
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99. (b); ancestors

100. (c); family
101. (c); later
102. (b); dropped
103. (a); only
104. (d); lonely
105. (e); companion
106. (e); through
107. (b); mitigating
108. (a); lack
109. (c); activities
110. (c); operations
111. (a); gained
112. (e); impressively
113. (d); coming GK Study Materials PDF Download
114. (b); suited
115. (c); promote
(116-135) All subject Study Materials PDF Download
116. (c); comprises
117. (c); fit
amalgamate (V.): merge 2018 Current Affairs Download – PDF Download
conjoin (V.): to join together
118. (a); attempt
119. (b); appear
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120. (d); eventually
121. (e); take
122. (e); back
inexorably (Adv.): in a way that cannot be Telegram Channel Click Here
123. (a); order
124. (b); impact
deployed (V.): to used something effectively Join Us on FB : English – Examsdaily
125. (d); likelihood
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