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Cues/Data Nursing Diagnosis Goals/ Objectives Intervention/s Rationale Evaluation

Subjective: Disturbed auditory After 2 hours of  Instruct the  Thin
sensory perception nursing intervention, patient in washcloths
"Hindi ko kayo related to ear the client will be able using safe and fingers
masyadong marinig sa discomfort secondary to: techniques are best for
kanang tenga ko, to surgical procedure for cleaning cleaning the
pwede bang sa done.  To verbalize ears. ears. Cotton-
kaliwang side ko kayo understandin tipped
magsalita?" as
g about the applicators
verbalized by the
health should be
teaching avoided to
done. prevent
injury to the
 To  Teach some eardrum.
 Irritability in demonstrate non-verbal  Teaching of
the right ear some non- gestures. non-verbal
due to the verbal gestures will
fluid. gestures. help the
 Impaired understand
communicati  Interpret the words
on. verbal and Interdependent: others will
nonverbal utter.
messages.  Instruct
patient to
have a
routine  Exams will be
examination the best
by an source to
audiologist. check for the
status of the
Provide Health the auditory
teaching to the senses.
family and peers:
 Reduce or
minimize  So that
environment patient
al noise when
communicati doesn’t have
ng. to compete
 Face patient with the
in good light noise to be
and keep heard.
hands away  This will
from the enhance the
mouth or patient’s use
anything that of lip-reading,
will tend to facial
cover the expression
mouth(e.g. and
hanckerchiefs gesturing.
 Speak slowly.

 This will help

the client to
 Use simple understand
short clearly words
language and uttered.
 Avoid

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