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This text is for questions No.


To: All students.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, our school will have a poem writing
contest. The poems should be about mother’s affection or your
love for her. You can also show your gratitude for her merits. The
poems should be typewritten and submitted to the committee
before Saturday. For further information, please contact Hanny
the committee chairperson. Thank you.
1. What is the text about?
A. A mother day. B. A poem writing contest C. School activities D.How to write a poem.
2. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To announce the mother day. B. To announce about a poem contest in mother’s day.
C. To inform about mother’s day contet. D. To inform
3. What will the school have in Mother’s day?
A. School Porseni. B. Writing contest
C. A poem writing contest. D. A festifal

This text is for questions 3 - 5.

We would like to announce that the library will be renovated
in order to improve its services. Therefore, the library will be
closed for three days, from August 12–14, 2012. Thank you.

The librarian
3. What is the announcement about?
A. The renovation of library.
B. Library service.
C. Library improvement.
D. The will be opened at 12–14, 2012.
E. The will be closed at 12–14, 2012.
4. How many days the library will be closed?

A. Two days.

B. Three days.

C. Four days.

D. Five days.

E. A week.

5. The library will be renovated to……..

A. To change the position

B. The building is not good anymore

C. To make a new concept

D. To improve the service

E. There will be more books

This text is for questions 6 to 10.

Aristotle was a great Greek philosopher. His father was a physician (doctor) to King Amyntas of Macedonia. As a
boy, Aristotle probably watched his father treating patients and making medicines from parts of plants and animals.
From this, Aristotle may have gained his interests in nature study, biology and anatomy.

Aristotle was away from Athens for twelve years. First he went to Assoc, to the court of Hernias of Atarneua, part
of what is now Turkey. Here he studied politics and biology, taught pupils and advised the rulers. During this time,
Aristotle carried out many observations and studies on nature, especially fish and seashore creatures. He cut them open,
identified their parts and organs, and suggested what these might do.

This method of working was very unusual for the time. Most of his colleagues did not ‘get their hands dirty’. They
were thinkers, not doers. They rarely carried out tests, or observed the real world closely, or made records of what they
saw. Aristotle was establishing a whole new tradition, which for us today, is a central part of science.

6. Where did Aristotle come from?

A. United States.
B. England.
C. Canada.
D. Greece.
E. Japan.
7. What did his father do?
A. A scientist.
B. A biologist.
C. A physician.
D. A philosopher.
E. A fortune teller.
8. Why did most of Aristotle’s colleagues hesitate to work at that time?
A. They were thinkers, not doers.
B. They were not scientists.
C. They were not smart.
D. They were cowards.
E. They were lazy.
9. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. Aristotle carried out many observations, especially on fish.

B. Aristotle left Athens for twelve years.

C. Aristotle studied politics and biology in Assoc.

D. Aristotle had interests in nature study, biology and anatomy.

E. Aristotle’s colleagues always observed the real world closely.

10. “He cut them open . . .” (Paragraph 4)

What does the word ‘them’ refer to?

A. Fish and seashore creatures.

B. Giant creatures.

C. Human bodies.

D. Big plants.

E. Pupils.

This text is for questions 11 to 14.

Once upon a time there was a queen who had no children. Every morning she went into the garden and prayed to God
in heaven to bestow on her a son or a daughter. Then an angel from heaven came to her and said, “Be at rest, you shall
have a son with the power of wishing, so that whatsoever in the world he wishes for, he shall have.” Then she went to
the king and told him the joyful news and when the time was due, she gave birth to a son and the king was filled with

Every morning she went with the child to the garden where the wild beasts were kept and washed her there in a clear
stream. It happened once when the child was a little older when he was lying in her arms and she fell asleep. Then came
the old cook, who knew that the child had the power of wishing and stole him. He took a hen, cut it in pieces and
dropped some of its blood on the queen’s apron and dress. The cook carried the child to a secret place, where a nurse
was obliged to suckle him and he ran to the king and accused the queen of having allowed her child to be taken by the
wild beasts.

When the king saw the blood on her apron, he believed this, which he ordered a high tower be built, in which neither
sun nor moon could be seen nor had his wife put in it and walled up. Here she was to stay for seven years without food
or drink and die of hunger, but God sent two white doves, which flew to her twice a day, to bring her food until the
seven years were over. Meanwhile, the nurse who suckled the child knew the fact. She felt guilty after years try hiding it.
So, when the cook died, she came to the king to confess and gave the child to the king.

The king did not believe her. He even accused the nurse of creating an imaginary story. However, when he saw the
power of wishing the child had and his wife’s condition, he believed it. The king asked for his wife’s forgiveness and the
family lived happily ever after.

11. Who stole the king’s child?

A. The child’s nurse.

B. A witch.

C. The king’s soldier.

D. The king’s brother.

E. A cook.

12. What did the person do to cover his guilt?

A. He killed the queen.

B. He kidnapped the queen together with the child.

C. He accused the queen of letting the child be taken by wild beasts.

D. He did as if the child had been kidnapped by a cruel creature.

E. He ran away with the child.

13. What did God send to give the queen food?

A. An eagle.

B. Two doves.

C. A hen.

D. Two crows.

E. Some ants.

14. How did the king know that his son was still alive?

A. The queen told him what really happened.

B. A bird showed him where his son was.

C. An angel told him the fact.

D. The child’s nurse gave him to the king.

E. He had a dream about his son.

This text is for questions No. 15 - 16

How to make a scrub

First, pour the honey into a medium sized bowl, then add the sugar and stir to
combine. Add the salt in installments, to adjust the consistency to your
liking. When all the ingredients have been blended, add the oils and stir well.
This recipe is particularly long lasting, as the lack of water discourages

15. What is the text about?

A. The information of scrub.

B. The composition of scrub.

C. The instructions on how to get scrub.

D. The instruction on how to make a scrub.

E. The directions on how to use shower gel.

16. What materials do you need to make a scrub?

A. Honey and Sugar.

B. Honey, milk and salt.

C. Honey, sugar and oil.

D. Honey, sugar, oil and water.

E. Honey, sugar, salt and oil.

17. Woman : Good morning, Sir. I’d like to introduce you the new teacher, Miss Clara.
Man : ________
A. Not bad at all, thanks.
B. Glad to meet you, Miss Clara.
C. Good afternoon, Miss Clara.
D. Thank you for your help.
18. Man : How about going to the fitness center tomorrow morning?
Woman : ________
A. How do you do?
B. What great news.
C. Good morning, Hilda.
D. All right. I’d love to.
E. See you later
19. Boy : I’m sorry. I must go now. I have to accompany my mother to see a doctor.
Girl : All right. See you later.
Boy : _________
A. See you
B. Nice to meet you too
C. I am sorry, I can not
D. Take care
E. Be careful
20. Indra : Hi, Sheila. This is my mother.
Mother : How do you do?
Sheila : _____________
A. I’m fine. Thank you
B. Nice to meet you
C. How do you do
D. what is your name?
E. Long time no see
This text is for questions number 21 - 22

Robby, there will be Ungu concert at the town square next week. I want to invite you to
come to the concert with me. I have two free tickets. But if you don’t want to come, I
will give the ticket to Andra. Please respond soon.

21. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To decline an appointment.
B. To invite someone to do something.
C. To ask for information about something.
D. To ask someone to do something.
E. To congratulate someone.
22. Who writes the text?
A. Robby
B. Andra
C. Dion
D. Robby and Andra
E. Dion and Andra
23. Man : Hello. My name is Robin.
Woman: ________
A. You’re welcome.
B. Hello. I’m Tina.
C. Not very well.
D .It’s really great.
E. Nice to meet you
This text is for questions No. 24 - 26

Attention, please.
Now, we have arrived in the park. You can go everywhere you like. If you go to the right side,
you will find many kinds of birds, on the left side there will be some games such as flying fox and
boating. There is also a tree house. If you go straight ahead, you can go to either the swimming
pool, or the forest following the path beside it. Don’t forget to gather here at 12:30 p.m. sharp. We
will have lunch and then go home.

24. What kind of text is the text above?

A. A letter
B. A warning
C. Invitation card
D. An advertisement
E. An announcement
25. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To invite someone to do something
B. To advertise a place
C. To give warning to the visitor
D. To tell the role in the park
E. To give information about the locations in the park
26. Where should we go to play some games?
A. To the left side.
B. To the right side.
C. Straight ahead.
D. Near the bird’s cages.
E. Near the swimming pool.
This text is for questions No. 27-29

New English Dictionary,,,

Do you want to master English well? We have the solution!
New Dictionary of Oxford will help you. It consists of hundreds words
with explanation and hard cover. Not only that, it provides us with many
examples. So, what are you waiting for? Get this dictionary in book

27. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To announce a new English dictionary
B. To advertise an English book
C. To advertise a new English dictionary
D. To inform a new Book store
E. To tell a new English book
28. Where can you get the dictionary?
A. In the market
B. In the school
C. In the library
D. In the rental book
E. In the book store
29. What does the dictionary provide?
A. Words, example and the pictures
B. Words, explanation and the example
C. Explanation and examples
D. Examples and pictures
E. Words and explanation
This text is for questions No. 30 - 32

To: Intan,
Next week is my birth day. I want to invite you to celebrate it at:
Place: Jalan Khatulistiwa no. 4, (my house)
Time: Sunday, December 2, 2012 at 5 p.m.
I hope you can come. Your presence will really be joy for me.
Thank you.
With love,

30. Why does Ira send the card to Intan?

A. To invite Intan celebrating her birth day
B. To invite Intan celebrating Intan’s birth day
C. To announce her birth day
D. To come to Intan’s birth day
E. To invite Intan celebrate their birth day together
31. When the birth day will be celebrated?
A. Sunday, December 2
B. Sunday, December 2, 2012
C. On Sunday at 5 p.m
D. Sunday, 2012 at 5 p.m
E. Sunday, December 2, 2012 at 5 p.m
32. Where the birthday will be held?
A. In Intan house
B. In Ira’s house
C. In the Cafeteria
D. In the school
E. In Jl. Khatulistiwa No.14
This text is for questions No. 33-36

Here are what to do:

1. Slide the POWER switch to ON to switch on the DVD player.
2. Press SET UP for the set up menu.
3. Select GENERAL SET UP and press OK.
4. Scroll and select OSD LANG.
5. Press 2 to select from OSD language options.
6. Select your preferred language and press OK.
7. After switching on the player, insert the disc and close the door.
8. Playback starts automatically.
9. The screen shows the type of disc loaded.
10. The disc may invite you to select an item from a menu.
11. Use the 3, 4, 1, 2 keys to highlight your selection, and press OK.
12. Finally, enjoy the music of the movies.

33. What is the text about?

A. The steps to watch TV.
B. The explanation on how a DVD player works.
C. The procedure of enjoying music from CD player.
D. The general information about a DVD player.
E. The procedure to play a DVD player.
34. What should we do to switch on the appliance?
A. Scroll and select OSD LANG.
B. Slide the POWER switch to ON.
C. Press SET UP for the set up menu.
D. Select GENERAL SET UP and press OK.
E. Press 2 to select from OSD language options.
35. What will happen after we insert the disc and close the player?
A. Playback will start automatically.
B. We can enjoy the music of movies.
C. We need to select the preferred language.
D. The screen shows the type of disc loaded.
E. The disc may invite you to select an item from a menu.
36. When the screen will shows the type of disc loaded?
A. After switching on the player, insert the disc
B. Before switching on the player, insert the disc
C. After Playback starts automatically
D. Before Playback starts automatically
E. Press SET UP for the set up menu
37. There are … steps mentioned in the text above.
A. Fifteen
B. Fourteen
C. Thirteen
D. Twelve
E. Eleven
This dialogue is questions for No. 38-40
Antoni : Next week is holiday.
I and my family will go to Pasir Panjang Beach for picnic.
Meta : Wow! It sounds good!
Antoni : you can join us Meta. Come on!
Meta : I would love to. But I will go to my grand Mother’s house in Singkawang with my family.
38. Who are in the dialogue?
A. Meta, Antoni and family
B. Meta and his friends
C. Meta and Antoni
D. Meta, Antoni and their friends
E. Antoni, Meta, their family and their friends
39. From the text we know that Antoni … .
A. Will go to his grand mother’house
B. Will have a picnic to Pasir Panjang Beach
C. Can not join his family to Pasir Panjang Beach
D. Will join join Meta to singkawang
E. Antoni will not go anywhere in his holiday
40. Does Meta accept Antoni’s invitation?
A. Yes, she will
B. Yes, she is
C. No, she is not
D. Yes, she does
E. No, she does not
This text is for questions No. 1-2

Attention, students.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, our school will have a poem writing
contest. The poems should be about mother’s affection or your love
for her. You can also show your gratitude for her merits. The
poems should be typewritten and submitted to the committee before
Saturday. For further information, please contact Hanny
the committee chairperson. Thank you.

This text is for questions 3 - 5.

We would like to announce that the library will be renovated
in order to improve its services. Therefore, the library will be
closed for three days, from August 12–14, 2012. Thank you.

The librarian

This text is for questions 6 to 10.

Aristotle was a great Greek philosopher. His father was a physician (doctor) to King Amyntas of Macedonia. As a
boy, Aristotle probably watched his father treating patients and making medicines from parts of plants and animals.
From this, Aristotle may have gained his interests in nature study, biology and anatomy.

Aristotle was away from Athens for twelve years. First he went to Assoc, to the court of Hernias of Atarneua, part
of what is now Turkey. Here he studied politics and biology, taught pupils and advised the rulers. During this time,
Aristotle carried out many observations and studies on nature, especially fish and seashore creatures. He cut them open,
identified their parts and organs, and suggested what these might do.

This method of working was very unusual for the time. Most of his colleagues did not ‘get their hands dirty’. They
were thinkers, not doers. They rarely carried out tests, or observed the real world closely, or made records of what they
saw. Aristotle was establishing a whole new tradition, which for us today, is a central part of science.

This text is for questions 11 to 14.

Once upon a time there was a queen who had no children. Every morning she went into the garden and prayed to God
in heaven to bestow on her a son or a daughter. Then an angel from heaven came to her and said, “Be at rest, you shall
have a son with the power of wishing, so that whatsoever in the world he wishes for, he shall have.” Then she went to
the king and told him the joyful news and when the time was due, she gave birth to a son and the king was filled with

Every morning she went with the child to the garden where the wild beasts were kept and washed her there in a clear
stream. It happened once when the child was a little older when he was lying in her arms and she fell asleep. Then came
the old cook, who knew that the child had the power of wishing and stole him. He took a hen, cut it in pieces and
dropped some of its blood on the queen’s apron and dress. The cook carried the child to a secret place, where a nurse
was obliged to suckle him and he ran to the king and accused the queen of having allowed her child to be taken by the
wild beasts.

When the king saw the blood on her apron, he believed this, which he ordered a high tower be built, in which neither
sun nor moon could be seen nor had his wife put in it and walled up. Here she was to stay for seven years without food
or drink and die of hunger, but God sent two white doves, which flew to her twice a day, to bring her food until the
seven years were over. Meanwhile, the nurse who suckled the child knew the fact. She felt guilty after years try hiding it.
So, when the cook died, she came to the king to confess and gave the child to the king.

The king did not believe her. He even accused the nurse of creating an imaginary story. However, when he saw the
power of wishing the child had and his wife’s condition, he believed it. The king asked for his wife’s forgiveness and the
family lived happily ever after.
This text is for questions No. 15 - 16

How to make a scrub

First, pour the honey into a medium sized bowl, then add the sugar and stir to
combine. Add the salt in installments, to adjust the consistency to your
liking. When all the ingredients have been blended, add the oils and stir well.
This recipe is particularly long lasting, as the lack of water discourages

This text is for questions number 21 - 22

Robby, there will be Ungu concert at the town square next week. I want to invite you to
come to the concert with me. I have two free tickets. But if you don’t want to come, I
will give the ticket to Andra. Please respond soon.

This text is for questions No. 24 - 26

Attention, please.
Now, we have arrived in the park. You can go everywhere you like. If you go to the right side,
you will find many kinds of birds, on the left side there will be some games such as flying fox and
boating. There is also a tree house. If you go straight ahead, you can go to either the swimming
pool, or the forest following the path beside it. Don’t forget to gather here at 12:30 p.m. sharp. We
will have lunch and then go home.

This text is for questions No. 27-29

New English Dictionary,,,

Do you want to master English well? We have the solution!
New Dictionary of Oxford will help you. It consists of hundreds words
with explanation and hard cover. Not only that, it provides us with many
examples. So, what are you waiting for? Get this dictionary in book

This text is for questions No. 30 - 32

To: Intan,
Next week is my birth day. I want to invite you to celebrate it at:
Place: Jalan Khatulistiwa no. 4, (my house)
Time: Sunday, December 2, 2012 at 5 p.m.
I hope you can come. Your presence will really be joy for me.
Thank you.
With love,

This text is for questions No. 33-36

Here are what to do:

1. Slide the POWER switch to ON to switch on the DVD player.
2. Press SET UP for the set up menu.
3. Select GENERAL SET UP and press OK.
4. Scroll and select OSD LANG.
5. Press 2 to select from OSD language options.
6. Select your preferred language and press OK.
7. After switching on the player, insert the disc and close the door.
8. Playback starts automatically.
9. The screen shows the type of disc loaded.
10. The disc may invite you to select an item from a menu.
11. Use the 3, 4, 1, 2 keys to highlight your selection, and press OK.
12. Finally, enjoy the music of the movies.

This dialogue is questions for No. 38-40

Antoni : Next week is holiday.
I and my family will go to Pasir Panjang Beach for picnic.
Meta : Wow! It sounds good!
Antoni : you can join us Meta. Come on!
Meta : I would love to. But I will go to my grand Mother’s house in Singkawang with my family.

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