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I think when it comes to the law of attraction, there are a lot of subtleties that can often be

lost in translation. This leads to confusion and, at worst, discouragement. I believe that many
of these confusions come from a lack of clarity about what exactly constitutes the "mind" and
the subtle differences between the words, thoughts, emotions, feelings and vibrations.

The spirit and its relationship to matter

When it comes to manifesting the law of attraction, a common word that is often invoked:
"spirit over matter." This saying, however, taken by many as a universal truth, though, is a
Western belief and insufficient understanding of the relationship between spirit and matter,
and consequently, between the spirit and the body.

Spirit is matter.

Matter is spirit.

The two are still different inoperable aspects of a reality. This is important to recognize
because manifesting through immaterial thoughts does not happen alone. It is a full-bodied
experience where mind and body, spirit and matter work together.
read about​ Manifestation miracle ebook

In Western society, I think it is quite common for us to think of mind and body as separate.
We often imagine ourselves as a cartoon bubble thoughts thinking outside our heads (with
words in the thought bubble). But this makes no sense at all.

Thoughts are not outside of ourselves. When you have a thought, there is a simultaneous
neural transmission that takes place in your brain on a physical level, as well as in other
parts of the body through the nervous system.

When we set intentions and visualize our manifestations, this process in our mind and body
happens simultaneously. This is why people say that everything they want to create is
already existing within you. Your visualization is not a thought bubble outside of your head
and there is not a thought bubble inside your head. Your visualization IS YOU. Both mentally
and physically, it is vibrating through every cell of your body.

Words, thoughts and emotions are simultaneously both spirit and matter and the matrix of
your vibration. Your vibration always manifests your reality.

The difference between words, thoughts, feelings and vibrations

The difference between words and thoughts

Many people believe that words are the most important aspect of manifesting a reality. While
they are important, if you notice at the top of my picture, words will actually play the smallest
role in creating your overall vibration.

Furthermore, words are not the same as thoughts. While words can be part of your thoughts
and are a wonderful tool to clarify your thoughts, they are not the same as thoughts.

Thoughts are primarily concepts and ideas. Have you ever tried to explain an idea to
someone who speaks a different language than yours? This is a good example of how words
do not necessarily equal thoughts.

We can communicate concepts and ideas in many different ways without even using words.
I personally often manifest images. I have many moments in which I walked in a moment
and I felt like I was in a photograph or somewhere, or a picture that I drew.

So basically, thoughts = ideas and / or concepts.

Does law of attraction work?​ ​see it here

If you have a clear concept of something about your body and mind, the words are not so
important. Once you tune into this, you can find with the divine source quickly more
communicate. I creators often send giant concepts and simply ask that it be taken care of.
As I have a clear concept I trust that Creator understands all my intentions.

The difference between emotions, feelings and vibration

Instead of words, some people say that it is not what you think your reality manifests, but it is
how you feel. On a certain level, that's true. Where the confusion can come, however, is to
understand the difference between emotions, feelings and how these are connected to your
Your vibration consists of your words, thoughts and emotions. Your vibration creates and
manifests your reality. It is possible to FEEL your vibration - but this feeling is different from
what you experience when you "feel" emotions.

Start by differentiating between emotions and feelings. What I share with you now are not
universal definitions - only those I am creating to communicate certain subtleties that I
believe will be useful to you.

When I say "feelings" I mean all the things you can feel. Yes, you can feel emotions. But you
can also feel the sensations that certain emotions can activate, but are not emotions
themselves, like shivering, or touching something soft, feeling the wind blowing through your
hair, or feeling your body move, like you are walking or riding a bicycle, etc.

When I say "emotions" I am referring to certain emotions that Western society has marked
as positive or negative feelings. For example, common negative emotions are: shame,
anger, sadness, regret, remorse, etc. Common positive emotions are: happiness, peace,
contentment and joy, etc.

When it comes to the​ ​law of attraction​, many people have positive emotions with their
vibration. So there is often a great focus on constantly feeling "good" emotions. And that is
when you are a perfectionist, for example, a lot of unnecessary discouragement can occur.

I am super aware of everything I feel all the time. The slightest shift occurs and I can feel it.
Emotions as positive or negative is not very useful for me, especially this idea that "good"
emotions = high vibrations - because obviously I like possible to hold the highest vibration.

What can happen in the end is I might feel a slight "negative" emotion, and then suddenly I
feel like: "Oh no, why do I feel bad?". And then: "Oh no, I feel bad! My vibration is low!" and
"Oh no, I still feel bad! My vibration is getting lower and lower!"

The good news is that your emotions equal not your vibration, so negative emotions do not
automatically lower your vibration.
Your vibration is not affected by small fluctuations in your emotions. Moreover, if you are on
a conscious healing journey, these "negative" emotions will only point to something that is
released in Creator's Light, will ask.

These emotions are not trying to make you feel bad, to lower your vibration, nor are they
taking you "out of alignment" - if you do not feed them with the faith that they are. The first
slight "negative" emotion is usually not the problem. It is assessing and labeling this feeling
as negative, which all of a sudden can put you into a negative spiral (which, if this happens
for a long time, can lower your vibration).

You have the ability to feel several things at once. So you might run the tears feel your
cheeks, his crying and feelings of sadness, but if you pay attention to this while this is
happening you can also feel your vibration. You simply say yourself, "This is a feeling - this
is not my vibration, my vibration is perfect and exactly where it was supposed to be.

Receive immediate displacement notice when you do so. In fact you should put it in this
letter just make me feel alone. In addition, you can immediately tap into your vibration. You
should be able to see, hear or feel it in some way. Personally, I can usually hear my vibration
like a tingling sound over my ears. They can perceive you differently. One only needs a
moment now and seek to be your vibration. They will know.

Your vibration is always there and you are always in alignment with it. If you feel "not
aligned", your attention will simply be focused elsewhere. You may experience deep
sadness, but if you shift your focus from the emotion to your vibration you will find it is still
there in perfect alignment.

Instead of leaving a "negative" feeling, pull down, pull this feeling up in the vibration, which is
now always perfect and exactly what it is meant to be in this moment.

This does not necessarily mean that the feeling you are experiencing will stop immediately.
An emotion up in the vibration pulling does not mean stop or suppress it. It may still have to
run its course, but your experience will be much easier, even surreal. I almost feel like I'm in
a movie pretending to act out the emotions and when it's done, it's done. Art feels like it
never happened before - and it didn't technically.
So I listened to Abraham Hicksder the other day (they guide people how to use the law of
attraction), and I started to feel really angry and upset. But only a few days before I listened
to them and really loved it. So I really sat down to investigate what was bugging me so
much, and what it was about was the fact that they were throwing around the word "thought"
too much without really explaining to people what thinking is. And I find this usually to be the
case with almost everyone who talks about the law of attraction. People will often tell you
that your thoughts create your reality, but then assume that people have a clear
understanding of what is thought. And I can only * FEEL* that many people are confused
about this without realizing it. I wrote about the "mind" and "thinking" a while ago in a post
here, but I feel that in this in detail, especially in terms of what should go into the empath

I think in Western societies there is a great tendency is thought to see as a cartoon thought
bubble that is outside or in our heads with words in this thought bubble. My guess would be
that most people consider their inner dialogue to be their "thoughts".

So if this is how you think your thoughts and you share the following common ideas about
the law of attraction, you will probably try to focus all your inner dialogue on positive
thoughts. This is great and you should definitely keep doing this ... the problem with this is
that you only do it by addressing this one layer of your thoughts.

Maybe you have had this experience ...

You have focused all your thoughts on positive interpretations, you have all given the benefit
of the doubt in your life no matter what you do - you are wildly optimistic. You are seen as a
very positive person, who sees of himself and others.

Suddenly, that something negative that you would consider happening. You feel terrible -
you really do not see coming. And it's not so much that something that happened is bad, that
makes you feel terrible, then it's the fact that you totally don't see it coming! You are in
complete disbelief and shock. You really never imagined anything like this could happen...
and you start to feel a little angry and doubtful about the law of attraction... WTF feel!? I
know that I've never "thought" of anything like that! How did I attract this?!

And here's the thing - I know that you have to be honest with yourself, and never consciously
"thought" about the negative thing that happened before. What happened was the result not
of your conscious thoughts or your inner dialogue, but the other layers of thinking that most
people are not aware of them. And if you are very sensitive and/or empathic some of these
layers you can be influencing very intensely without you fully knowing it yourself.

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