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SNHU/ULIS – C 22 – S 8 – RF 2 – Tran Hai Yen

I have been taking a course of teaching grammar for two weeks which was offered by

Southern New Hampshire University. To be honest, the course satisfied me more than I had

expected. I got myself refreshed after working in a negative teaching environment and found

the solutions to some of my teaching problems. Actually, I was amazed by what I have got at

this time. I have just demonstrated my lesson two days ago, and I have had a lot of things to

discuss about this lesson.

There are some points in my lesson which I feel very happy about. During I

demonstrated my lesson; students were very eager and happy to do all the activities that I gave

them. In my opinion, the topic caught the students’ interest; hence they didn’t feel stressed

when doing the activities. Besides, all the activities are designed in the level of difficulty, the

activity started from single sentences using “used to”. Then students had to use the grammar

point to compare things they used to do in the past; but now they don’t do it anymore. Finally,

students had to use the grammar point to solve a problem. They matched their grandpas’

picture now with the picture in the past by exchanging information. They get used to with the

grammar points from the easier level to the more difficult one which is logical in learning

something new.

On the other hand, my lesson includes some weaknesses needed to be improved. I felt

myself not totally excited during the lesson. If the teacher doesn’t feel happy about her lesson,

it is difficult to inspire her students. Next time, I needed to prepare my lesson more carefully

and double checked everything until I feel satisfied with it. The second problem is that I still

talked too fast. Maybe it will lead to the misunderstanding between my students. They won’t

completely understand what I am talking about. Hence they can understand the direction and

do the activity in the wrong way. I tried many times to slow down; however it couldn’t work. In

the future, I will demonstrate my lesson before hand. Meanwhile, I will record it and hear my

voice to see how fast enough I need to talk so that everybody can hear my clearly.

At this time, I still feel thankful for what I have earned from the course. I received more

than I had expected. Whenever I think about the course, it gives me many motivations to

overcome all the stress from work and find out the best solution.

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