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ksnetwork of Figure 5.13 and the four-stage network of Figure 3.

17 satisfy these
conditions; the two-stage network of Figure 5.11 and the partially interconnected three-
stage network of Figure 5.14 do not. The condition for a rcarrangcablc fully interconnected
three-stage network to be nonblocking is simply g2 > n. It can be shown[2] that the
maximum number of existing connections to be moved to enable a new connection to be
made is n — 1.
Rcarrangeable networks arc not used in spacc-division telephone exchanges. The clicks
caused by the interruptions of current when connections were rearranged would be
objectionable to users. Rearrangement could be used in time-division exchanges, because
each connection is made and disconnected eight times every millisecond. A reduction in
the number of crosspoints could thus be obtained. However, there is no incentive to obtain
this reduction because crosspoints are used very economically by being time shared
between a large number of connections, as described in Chapter 6. Moreover, time-division
switching networks normally have a high connectivity, which provides very low blocking.

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