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Work presented by Diego Ambuila and Esteban Gomez

Carro- medio de transporte

Hace 132 años se inventó el primer automóvil. El 29 de enero de 1886, fue inventado

por el ingeniero alemán Carl Benz patentó su triciclo motorizado. Fue el primer vehículo
en funcionar sobre la base de combustión interna fue considerado el primer automóvil.
El invento constaba de tres ruedas y una propulsión a gasolina.

El ventilador que en 1886 presentó era eléctrico. Fu creado por el
estadounidense SchuylerSkaatsWheeler estudiaba ingeniería en Columbia College,
escuela que dejó a los 21 años para convertirse en asistente de electricidad en una

La electricidad fue creada por Benjamin Franklin, un adelantado para su época, fue uno
de los mejores científicos en la historia de la humanidad. Estuvo Interesado en muchas
áreas, descubrió e inventó muchas cosas, entre ellas, a mediados del siglo XVIII,
la electricidad.
Car - means of transport

132 years ago the first car was invented. On January 29, 1886, it was invented by the

German engineer Carl Benz patented his motorized tricycle. It was the first vehicle to

operate on the basis of internal combustion and was considered the first automobile. The

invention consisted of three wheels and a gasoline drive.

The fan that he presented in 1886 was electric. It was created by the American
Schuyler Skaats Wheeler studied engineering at Columbia College, a school that
he left at 21 to become an electrical assistant in a company.
Electricity was created by Benjamin Franklin, an advance for his time, he was one
of the best scientists in human history. He was interested in many areas, he
discovered and invented many things, among them, in the middle of the 18th
century, electricity.

The telephone is a telecommunication device designed to transmit acoustic signals at a
distance by means of electrical signals. It was invented by Antonio Meucci, who in 1854
built a first prototype, although he did not formalize his patent due to financial difficulties,
presenting only a brief description of his invention at the United States Patent Office in

The periodic table

The periodic table was invented in 1869 by the Russian scientist Dmitri Mendeléyev who
worked at the University of Saint Petersburg. This chemist created a table to classify and
distribute the chemical elements according to their properties and characteristics.
Previously, other scientists had already tried to order the elements they knew, but until
then very few had been discovered, so little information was available.

Christopher Latham Sholes (February 14, 1819 - February 17, 1890) was an American
inventor and politician, famous for designing the first commercial typewriter and
"QWERTY" keyboard in use today.

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