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Aisha Eisa ALMatrooshi

H00277097 Reflection on week 2

As it is the second week on Sunday, we went on a trip here was my opportunity to get

involve with the MST. The school took the students to a trip to the Islamic museum when

we went their the MST was very helpful and give us the opportunity to give the students

the instruction for the trip that we walk all together, be polite, and walk safely in a one

line. That gives me self-confident to be part of the teachers. after the trip my MST she

was very happy of what I did in the trip that I give them the instruction of the trip in a

loud voice and the students listen to me and they were behave, and they were polite. That

gave me a motivation to do more and prove my self more to the MST. On Monday, the

MCT will observe me at my teaching. The thing that I noticed when I start to explain to

the students about the lesson at the beginning I get nervous and i get out of focus

however when it pass two minutes I get everything back and on control and what I did

this time on my lesson that I did the lesson as we are playing a game I did this so I set a

goal last week that I will engage the students with me and in the same time I will be focus

too on the timing management through the lesson.

Engaging the students to the lesson is so important to let them not to feel bored in the

same time their educational development is raising without let them feel about it and not

let them to put more effort on getting the lesson or to understand what the teacher are

talking about. For this reason, I set this goal because I felt that the student doesn’t

develop what I need it to develop.

On other hand, my MST and MCT they gave me a lot of comment that I must work on,

the negative points I will work on them and try to achieve it in better way. And the

positive points I will develop it and raise it higher than I gave so I be on control more and

professional, so in this way I will get more respect from the students.

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