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FILL IN THE BLANKS (100 points)

(33 items x 3 points)
1. Mendelian laws are discussed in _____ genetics, while _____ and _____ genetics are focused on the
integration of technology to make the analysis of genetic data more efficient.
2. In the dissection of _____ and _____ representatives, organisms under the Phylum _____ and Order
_____ were used.
3. The study of form and structure is known as _____, while _____ is the study of function and relationship.
4. In animal anatomy and physiology, organ systems include _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____,
_____, _____, _____, _____, and Endocrine.
5. In plant anatomy and physiology, it is important to understand both _____ structures and _____ systems.
6. The theory of _____ is supported by the concept of _____ selection as outlined in Charles _____ book On
the _____ of _____.
7. Field _____ and _____ outline the differences between _____, _____, and _____.
8. Species richness of a certain location is known as _____, while _____ is focused on analyzing biological
data using programming and mathematics.
(1 item x 1 point)
9. In the study of field taxonomy, features that share characteristics, despite having different appearances, is
called a _____ structure.

Type (or write) your answers here. Separate your answers using a comma.

1. Classical, Modern, Applied.

2. Animal, Plant, Anthophyta, Anura

3. Anatomy, Physiology

Skeletal System, Muscular System, Digestive System, Nervous System, Reproductive System,
4. Circulatory System, Urinary System, Respiratory System, Itegumentary System.

5. Vegetative, Reproductive.

6. Evolution, Natural, Darwin.

7. Taxonomy, Systematics, Phenetucs, Phylogenetics, Cladistics.

8. Biodiversity, Bioinformatics.

9. Analogous.

eLMS Assessment *Property of STI

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