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Climate Change

Climate change is the alteration of temperature and normal weather in the

planet. Climate change is occurring as a result of global warming. Global
warming is an increase in the temperature of the planet due to greenhouse
gases. These gases trap the heat from the Sun’s rays inside the atmosphere,
causing Earth’s temperature to rise.
Some changes are happening because of global warming. Sea level is rising
and some animals are moving to new homes because their natural habitat is
disappearing. If the warming gets worse, some kinds of plants and animals
could become extinct. There may be more storms, floods and fires. Due to
melting ice caps, sea levels may rise so much that people have to move away from the coasts. Some areas may become
too dry for farming.
The best way to help the planet is to reduce greenhouse gases. One way to do it is to reduce deforestation, the cutting
down of trees. Trees soak up carbon dioxide from the air, so having lots of trees around is good for the atmosphere.Try
some of these tips to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.
- Use public transportation, walk, or ride your bike when you can.
- Reduce and reuse things as much as possible. Factories emit lots of carbon dioxide when making new products.
- Unplug electronics when you’re not using them.
- Don’t ask for plastic bags in the supermarket if it is not necessary
- Eat less meat and dairy. Farm animals emit another heat-trapping gas, methane.
- Inform with others what you know about climate change.
National Geographic Society- March 28, 2019

Reading comprehension

1. Is the title related to the text? Yes___ No_____

2. What is the text about?

a) Climate change, its causes, effect and suggestions

b) Climate change and global warming their causes, effects and suggestions
c) The effects of greenhouse gases
d) Suggestions to stop global warming

3. Answer true or false

Climate change is a result of global warming True / False

Global warming is a decrease in the temperature of the planet True / False
Greenhouse gases cause global warming True / False

4. Match the words of the first column with their definition in the second column

Climate change Natural gas, oil, coal

Deforestation Alteration of temperature and normal weather patterns in a place.

Fossil fuels Increase in the planet’s overall temperature

Global warming The cutting down of trees

5. Which changes are happening because of global warming?

6. Write three consequences if the warming gets worse

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________

7. What's the best way to help the planet?


8. Circle the verbs in the text that are giving advice

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