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InvGate Insight User Manual 

Versión en español ​disponible aquí.​  

I. Introduction to InvGate Insight 5 

II. Requirements 7 
Web Application Use 7 
Cloud Instances 8 
Proxy 8 
Proxy Installation 8 

III. Agent Deployment 8 

Manual Deploy (for Windows, Linux, and macOS) 9 
Remote Deploy (for Windows, Linux, and macOS) 9 
GPO Deploy (only for Windows) 9 
Google Play Deploy (only for Android) 9 

IV. Settings 10 

General 10 
Preferences 10 
Locations 11 
Creating locations 11 
Editing and deleting locations 12 
Tags and smart tags 12 
Introduction 12 
Tag creation 12 
Creating smart tags 16 
Assigning tags 16 
Edit tags and smart tags 17 
Deleting tags and smart tags 18 
Creating, editing and deleting tags from the main menu 19 
Users 20 
Users 20 
List of users 21 
Create local users 22 
Importing users 24 


Directory Services 26 

Assets 30 
Asset Fields 31 
Creating asset fields 31 
List of fields 33 
Manual asset creation 33 
Asset editing 37 
Types of assets 38 
Asset type creation 38 
List of types 39 
Health rules 40 
Creating health rules 41 
Life cycle 43 
Creating status 43 
List of status 45 
Inventory ID 45 
Creating Inventory ID templates 45 
Editing Inventory ID templates 47 
Using the Inventory ID as the name of the asset 47 
Asset import 48 
Network 50 
Agent Deployment 51 
Proxy 51 
Discovery sources 53 
Create integration for asset discovery 53 
Azure 53 
AWS 55 
Google Suite Admin 57 
InvGate Discovery 59 
List of integrations for asset discovery 61 
Tasks 62 
Detail of tasks 63 
Integrations 64 
InvGate Service Desk 64 
Introduction 64 
How to configure the integration with InvGate Service Desk 64 
API 65 
Introduction 65 


How to configure the integration with the API 66 

API 66 
Integration with Google Suite Admin 67 

V. User guides 68 

Searchsearch 68 
Filters 68 
Suggestions 69 
Explorer 70 
Introduction 70 
Functions and behavior 70 
Editing an asset 72 
Mass Asset Editing 74 
Massive editing of asset 76 
Custom views 77 
Creating and updating custom views 78 
Report generation 79 
How to generate a .csv report 79 
Discovery 79 
Introduction 79 
Functions and behavior 79 
Conversion to an asset 80 
Change of status 83 
Profiles 83 
Active 84 
Location 86 
Manufacturer 87 
User 88 
Software 89 
Notifications 90 
Introduction 90 
Visibility 91 
Subscriptions 92 
Introduction 92 
Subscription 92 


I. Introduction to InvGate Insight 

InvGate  Insight  is  a  tool  devised  to  manage  IT  assets,  based  on  a  web  architecture 
compatible  with  any  browser.  It  simplifies  inventory,  providing  detailed  and  updated 
hardware,  software,  and  asset  records,  as  well  as  financial  information  from  the 
organization.  It  also  allows  integration  with  InvGate  Service  Desk  to  enhance  request 
processing and Change Management. 

The  assets  that can be monitored using this tool include monitors, routers, phones, virtual 

machines  and  printers,  among  others.  Each  entity  has  its  own profile, accessible from the 
InvGate Insight smart search engine. 

The application has three main components: 

● Server​:  It  stores  the information received from agents and performs the necessary 

operations in order for the application to work properly.  

● Agent​:  ​A  service  that  runs  on  client machines and reports information about them 

(operating system, hardware, software, events, users, etc.). 

● Proxy  (required  for  cloud  instances):  It  forwards  the  agent  reports  received  on  a 
local  network  to  the central server, and allows for communication from the central 
server  to  the  agents  if  they  are  in  a  private  network.  It  also  executes  asset 
discovery tasks. 



The following diagram shows how these components interact with each other: 



II. Requirements 
The installation of InvGate Insight comprises three parts:  

● Application server installation 

● Proxy installation (if necessary) 

● Agent deployment 

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between these three parts: 

The  technical  and  functional  requirements  necessary  to  use  the  product  are  detailed 

Web Application Use  

The following browsers support the use of the web application: 

● Mozilla Firefox version 34 or higher 

● Google Chrome version 42 or higher 
● Safari version 8 or higher 
● Internet Explorer version 11 or higher 
● Edge version 41 or higher 


Cloud Instances 

The  purpose  of  the  proxy is to enable a means of communication between the agents that 
will be installed on the computers and the server where the application will be installed, in 
case  communication  between  them  is  not  possible  due  to  privacy  policies  or  internet 

There are two scenarios where the proxy applies: 

1. Agent  Deployment:  The  proxy  will  be  necessary  to distribute the agents remotely 

to  any  machine  that  is  not  visible  by  the  application  server,  such  as  closed  and 
protected networks or infrastructure.  

2. Agent  Reporting:  If  the  installed  agents  do  not  have  visibility  of  the  application 
server,  the  installation  of  a  proxy  will  be required. Otherwise, they will not be able 
to report to InvGate Insight. 

Similarly,  the  proxy  performs  the  network  analysis  task  to  collect  data  from  the  devices 
connected to it and thus be able to add them to the inventory. 

Proxy Installation  
The  InvGate  Insight  architecture allows you to install as many proxies as necessary. To do 
so, follow the instructions: ​Proxy Installation​. 

If you require assistance, contact ​InvGate Support​. 

III. Agent Deployment 
In  order  to  retrieve  information  about  the  assets  and  the  software  within  the 
organization, it is necessary to install InvGate Insight agents, which will report to the tool. 

The InvGate Insight agent is compatible with the following platforms: 

● Windows XP or higher 
● Windows Server 2003 or higher 
● macOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or higher 
● Ubuntu 12.04 or higher 
● CentOS / RHEL 7 or higher 
● Debian 6 or higher  


● Android 5.0 or higher 

InvGate  Insight  has  four  methods  of  distribution  and  installation  of  agents,  which  are 
described below. 

Manual Deploy (for Windows, Linux, and macOS) 

It  involves  downloading  and  manually  installing  agents,  as  well  as  a  brief  additional 
configuration of the installer for each platform. 
Remote Deploy (for Windows, Linux, and macOS) 
A  hostname  or  IP  range  is  used  as  a  target  parameter  to  perform  the  installation.  If  you 
have installed a proxy, you must select it to be able to perform this procedure. 

For  the  manual  and  remote  procedures,  instructions  are  within  the  Product,  in 
Settings > Agent Deployment. 

GPO Deploy (only for Windows) 

It  consists  of  creating  an  internal  policy  in  the  Windows  domain  and  modifying the agent 
installer, so that it can be distributed to all computers in the domain. 

For the GPO procedure, instructions are ​in this document​. 

Google Play Deploy (only for Android) 

It  consists  of  downloading  and  installing  the  “InvGate  Mobile  Agent”  app  from  Google 
Play in compatible Android devices. 


IV. Settings 
The  "Settings"  section  of  the  left  vertical  menu  allows  you  to  perform  a  variety  of  tasks: 
set  system  preferences,  add  assets,  manage  users,  labels,  health  rules,  locations,  and 
status, in addition to distributing the agent and enabling integrations. 

Next, we will review each option within the Settings menu. 

1. General 

A. Preferences 
To  set the system preferences, go to “Settings” > “General” > “Preferences” ​and enter the 
following information: 

1. Company name​. 
2. Size limit ​of files that can be uploaded to entity profiles. 
3. Reporting frequency​ (only configured by Superadmin users). 
4. Task frequency ​of installed agents (only configured by Superadmin users). 


5. Number  of  failed  reports  admitted  from  an  agent  to  consider  an  asset  as 
disconnected (only configured by Superadmin users). 
6. Geolocation ​(only available for Windows 10 computers). 
7. This  option  defines  the  unification  criteria  for  agents  if  ​duplicate  ​reports  are 

Next, click on “Save”. 

B. Locations 
Location  is  a  property  that  can  be  assigned  to a user or asset. A location profile will list all 
the assets, users, and program facilities assigned to it. 

Locations  can  be  nested  to  organize  a  structure;  for  example,  within  the  “United  States” 
location, there can be another one called “San Francisco”. 

Creating locations 
Go to ​“Settings” > “General” > “Locations” and click on ​“Add location”​. The following data 
must be completed: 

1. Parent location​, if this is a sub-location. 

2. Location Name​. 
3. Description​. 


Next, click on “Save”. 

Editing and deleting locations 

From  the  main  list,  under  ​“Settings”  >  “General” > “Locations”​, locations can be managed 

using the tools located on the right: 

1. Edit. 
2. Delete. 

C. Tags and smart tags 

i. Introduction 
Tags  are  a  classification  and  characterization  tool for active users/owners, programs, and 
program versions. They are also used as parameters to search for assets or software. 

Upon  assigning  a  tag  to  any  of  the  previously  mentioned  entities,  it  will  be  visible both in 
its profile and in its view within the Explorer. 

Tags  can  be  converted  into  ​smart  tags​,  an  additional  feature  ​exclusive  to  assets​.  Smart 
tags  automate  the  assignment  of  tags,  allowing  filters  to  be  configured  in  the  Asset 
Explorer so that any asset that meets the conditions is assigned a certain smart tag. 

ii. Tag creation 

There are two ways to create tags. The first is through the shortcut located in the top bar: 


This shortcut opens a pop-up window to:  

A. Search 

B. Create 

C. Edit 

D. Delete tags 

By clicking on the “+” sign, the tag creation screen will open, where you can: 
1. Enter name and choose an identifying color 

2. Enter description (optional) 

3. Create tag 


The second way to create tags is from the Settings menu. To do this: 

1. Go to​ “Settings” > “General” > “Tags”​ and click on “New tag”. 


2. Enter  a  name  and  choose  a  color  for  the  tag.  Optionally,  a  description  can  be 

3. Click on “Create”: 


iii. Creating smart tags 

Go to the Asset Explorer and follow these steps: 

1. Click on the ​Filters ​tab. 

2. Apply a filter in the search bar and click on the “Create smart tag” option. 
3. Create  the  smart  tag  with  the  same  procedure  as  a  tag,  entering  a name and color 
to identify it, and a description (optional). 
4. Click on "Apply". 

iv. Assigning tags 

From the profile of any entity that allows adding tags, follow these steps: 

1. Locate the box where the tags associated with that profile are located. 
2. Click on the “add tags” icon in the upper right of the tag box. 


3. Choose, within the drop-down list, the tags you want to assign. 
4. Click on "Apply". 

v. Edit tags and smart tags 

1. Click on the tag shortcut in the upper right menu: 

2. Click on the “Edit” icon for the tag or smart tag that you want to modify: 


3. Modify the necessary data and click on “Apply”. 

Similarly, editing can be executed from ​"Settings" > "General" > "Tags"​. 

vi. Deleting tags and smart tags 

1. Click on the tag shortcut in the upper right menu: 


2. Click on the tag or smart tag icon that you want to delete: 

vii. Creating, editing and deleting tags from the main menu 
Another  way  to  manage  tags  and  smart  tags  is  from  the  main  menu,  under  ​"Settings"  > 
"Tags"​, using the buttons located on the right side to: 


1. Create tag. 
2. Edit tag or smart tag. 
3. Remove tag or smart tag.  

2. Users 

There  are  two  types  of  users:  ​with  or  without  credentials​.  Both  may  own  an  asset;  the 
difference  is  that  the  user  with  credentials  can  access  the  system, while the user without 
credentials  does  not  have  access,  since  it  is  only  an  entity  created  to  be  assigned  to  an 

For  credential  users,  the  unique  differentiator  is  the  username;  therefore,  ​it  cannot  be 
repeated​. Meanwhile, usernames without credentials can be repeated. 

As for users with credentials, there are two roles: 

● Administrator 
● Technical 

Next, we will describe the two configuration tabs available in this section. 


A. Users 

List of users 
Within  the  ​"Settings"  >  "Users"  >  "Users"  section​,  you will find the list of InvGate Insight 

In  there,  you  can  see  which  users  have  credentials  and  which  do  not,  and  also,  which  are 
local and which are imported. 

These are the actions you can perform within this section: 

1. Import ​Users 
2. Create ​Users 
3. Tabs ​by role and user type 
4. Multiple selector 
5. User search bar 
6. Page selector 
7. Setting​ for number of items per page 
8. User profile image 
9. User information 
10. User type 


11. Sync ​user information - only available to users imported via LDAP 
12. Edit​ user profile 
13. Delete ​user 

Create local users 
Go to​ "Settings" > "Users" > "Users" ​and click ​"Add"​: 

If  you  want  to  create  a  ​user  with  credentials​,  select  the  type  of  user  "Technical"  or 
"Administrator", and the fields to enter a username and password will be displayed. 

The  remaining  fields  of  the  pop-up  window  will  be  the  same  for  all  types of users. Within 
the first tab, the required field is the full name. 


While on the second tab, you must complete the ​email address. 


Additionally  and  optionally,  you  can  enter  other  information  such  as  telephone,  address, 
position, and date of birth. 

Importing users 
There  is  a  feature  that  allows  to  import  users  through  a  .CSV  file,  so  that  they  can  be 
added  to  InvGate  Insight.  They  will  be  users  without  credentials.  To  use  it,  go  to 
"Settings" > "Users" > "Users" ​and click on ​"Import"​: 


When  you  click  on  the  highlighted  button,  a  pop-up  window  will  open  with  the  following 

1. Select​ the file in CSV format. 

2. Select ​the file delimiter. 
3. Import​ (upload) the file. 
4. Download​ the template. 

Once the file has been uploaded, its content will be displayed as a preview: 


1. Preview​ of users to be imported. 

2. Upload​ a new .CSV file. 
3. Import​ valid users (the ones without errors). 

B. Directory Services 

In  “Settings”  >  “Users”  >  “Directory  Services”  ​it  is  possible  to  synchronize  existing  users 
to InvGate Insight from LDAP. 

This section shows a list of all the directory integrations made, plus different options: 


1. Form to perform a ​new integration​ with directory 

2. Integration ​name 
3. Type ​of directory and synchronization ​recurrence 
4. Last successful​ synchronization 
5. Force ​a​ ​synchronization 
6. User Selection​ Tool 
7. Integration ​Edition  
8. Integration ​Elimination  
9. Turn Off ​synchronization recurrence  

When  entering  the  integration  registration  form,  you  must  fill  it  out  with  the  following 


1. Save ​form and set up integration 

2. Name ​of the integration 
3. Directory ​type 
4. Connection test   


5. Hostname ​or ​IP server  

6. LDAP security ​server connection 
7. Port number​ for the LDAP server 
8. Domain ​for the directory service 
9. Domain name 
10. Base DN 
11. DNs  
12. Administrator​ ​user 
13. Administrator password  
14.   ​User  Auto  Import  ​tool  -  choosing  this  option  synchronizes  the  LDAP and imports 
any  existing  new  users  in  the  LDAP  that  aren’t  in  Insight  yet.  Otherwise,  it  only 
updates users that have already been synchronized. 
15. Schedule the synchronization recurrence 

User Selection Tool 

When  using  this  tool,  you  will  proceed  to  the  following  screen  to  determine  which  users 
will be imported and synchronized with the directory: 


1. Enter a ​custom query 

2. Test ​the custom query 
3. List of users​ detected by the query 
4. Page selector 
5. Number ​of results shown per page 
6. Import ​users (requires to have at least one selected) 
7. Total ​number of users and selected users 

Selected users will be created in InvGate Insight. Take into account that: 

● Only one integration per domain can be made. 

● User  synchronization  will  update  the  information  of  existing  users  in  InvGate 
Insight,  and  also  create  missing  users  and  delete  those  that  are  no  longer  in  the 

● Selected users will be shown in the user list. 

● By  eliminating  the  integration  with  a  directory,  users  imported  by  it  will  also  be 



This  section  allows  you to manage different types of assets and their related adjustments. 

For example: 

● Desktop 
● Computer (Laptop) 
● Monitor 
● Tablet 
● Phone 
● Router 

A. Asset Fields 
This  section  allows  you  to  create  and  assign  custom  fields  to  asset  types.  Custom  fields 
can be of any of the following types: 

● Text 
● Numeric 
● Date and time 
● List 

Creating asset fields 

To start, go to ​“Settings” > “Assets” > “Fields”​ and click on ​“Add”​: 


Upon entering the Registration form, the following fields must be completed: 

1. Name​. 
2. Description. 
3. Types of assets​ to which it will apply. 
4. Field type. 
5. Additional configurations​ depending on the type of field. 
6. Custom format ​for the value. 


List of fields 
Within  the  ​"Settings"  >  "Assets"  >  "Fields"  section​,  you  will  find  the  list  of  customizable 

From it you can edit or delete existing fields. 

1. Type ​of field 

2. Name ​of field 
3. Number ​of asset types to which it is assigned. 
4. Edit. 
5. Delete. 

Manual asset creation 

To manually add assets, click on the “+” shortcut on the top menu: 

Next,  select  the  type  of  asset  you  want  to  add.  The  following  screen  will  be  the  same  for 
all types; next, we will review each of its sections. 

● General 
The following information must be entered: 


1. Name. 
2. Status​. 
3. Manufacturer:  ​If  the  desired  option  does  not  exist,  it  can  be  created on-the-fly b
​ y 
clicking on the “+” sign and completing the name of the new manufacturer: 

4. Model:  The  options  depend  on  the  manufacturer  chosen  in  the  previous  field;  if 
the  desired  option  does  not exist, it can be created on-the-fly by clicking on the “+” 
sign and completing the specifications of the asset*: 


*Note:  If  the  asset  being  created  is  of  type  ​monitor​,  when  adding  a  new  model,  the 
following additional fields will appear: height, width, aspect ratio, inches, and resolution. If 
the asset is of type ​tablet ​or ​cell phone​, the additional screen size field will appear. 

5. Total:  ​Amount  of  assets  with  the  same  description  that  will  be  created;  allows  to 
register  the  same  device  several  times,  thus  only  changing  the  inventory  ID  and 
the serial number. 

● Financial information 
The following information must be entered: 


1. Invoice number. 
2. Acquisition date. 
3. Type of acquisition. 
4. Price and currency. 
5. Cost  center:  ​If  the  desired  option  does  not  exist,  it  can  be  created  on-the-fly  by 
clicking on the “+” sign and completing a name: 

6. Purchase number. 
7. Provider:  ​If  the  desired  option  does  not  exist,  it  can  be  created  on-the-fly  by 
clicking on the “+” sign and entering a name: 

8. Warranty expiration. 


9. Depreciation percentage. 
● Inventory information 
The following data must be entered: 

1. Inventory ID​ generation mechanism. 

2. Inventory ID 
3. Serial number. 

Then, click on “Save”. 

Asset editing 
Within the profile of any asset, in the top bar, there is a button for editing: 

There, you can edit data related to three sections: General, Additional, and Financials. 


Then, click on “ Save". 

D. Types of assets 
This  section  allows  you  to  manage  the  types  of  assets  and  custom  fields  that  apply  to 

Asset type creation 

To begin, go to ​“Settings” > “Assets” > “Types”​ and click on ​“Add”​: 


You must complete the following information and click on “​Save​”: 

1. Name​. 
2. Asset fields ​that will be assigned. 

List of types 
Within the section ​"Settings" > "Assets" > "Types"​, you will find the list of types. 

From there, you can edit or delete existing types. 


1. Icon ​representing the type of asset. 

2. Name ​of the​ ​asset type. 
3. Amount ​of fields assigned. 
4. Edit. 
5. Delete. 
6. Disable.  ​Note:  when  you  disable  a  type,  you  cannot  create  new  assets  associated 
with  it.  However,  the  assets  already  created  will  not  be  modified.  This  option  is 
only available for non-native types. 

E. Health rules 
This  feature  consists  in  the  evaluation  of  certain  conditions,  which  are  qualified  as  in 
“Critical”  or  ​“Warning”  status​.  Health  rules  apply  to  assets  with  tags  and  are  executed 
every hour on new assets with those tags, or when a rule is created, edited or reordered. 

If  more  than  one  rule  applies  to  the  same  labels,  their  order  of  evaluation  is  determined 
manually, by doing drag & drop in the list of rules from ​"Settings" > "Assets" > "Health"​: 


Creating health rules 

To begin, go to ​“Settings” > “Assets” > “Health”​ and click on ​“Add”​: 

Then, provide the required information: 


1. Enter a ​name​ for the new rule. 

2. Enter a ​description ​for the new rule. 
3. Define which ​tags ​will be affected. 
4. Add  all  the  necessary  ​conditions  and  assign  them  the  status  of  “Warning”  or 

Then, click on “Save”. 



Health  rules  determine  the  health  status  of  an  asset:  if  it  meets  at  least  one 
"Critical"  ​condition,  it  will  adopt  that  status;  if  the  most  serious  condition  that  it 
meets  is  a  ​"Warning",  it  will  adopt  that  status.  If  no  condition  is  met,  it  will  adopt 
the ​"Safe" ​status. 

F. Life cycle 
The  life  cycle  state  is  a  property  that  can  be  assigned  to  an  asset.  Each  state  will  have  a 
behavior that will indicate how the asset will be affected. 

Below, we explain the different behaviors and their characteristics: 

● Tracked​: 
○ The asset can be found using the Explorer and the Search Bar. 
○ Asset information will be kept up to date based on agent reporting. 

● Hidden: 
○ The  asset  cannot be found using the Explorer nor the Search Bar, unless it is 
specifically searched for the status assigned to it. 

○ Asset information will be kept up to date based on agent reporting. 

● Untracked​: 
○ The  asset  cannot be found using the Explorer nor the Search Bar, unless it is 
specifically searched for the status assigned to it. 

○ Asset information will not be updated. 

○ The asset cannot be edited. 


Creating status 
To start, go to ​“Settings” > “Assets” > “Life cycle”​ and click on ​“Add”​.  


The following information must be completed. Then, click on “​Save​”: 

1. Name​ of the status. 

2. Behavior​ of the status. 


List of status 

In ​“Settings” > “Assets” > “Life cycle”​, you will find the list of status. 

From there, you can edit or delete the existing life cycle statuses. 

1. Icon ​representing the​ ​status. 

2. Name ​of the status. 
3. Behavior ​of the status. 
4. Edit. 
5. Delete. 

If you delete a status, another status must be assigned to its assets. 

G. Inventory ID 
In  this  section  you  can create, edit, and delete inventory ID templates. This feature allows 
you  to  associate  unique  identification  codes  (Inventory  ID)  with  assets,  so  that  you  can 
easily differentiate them. 

Creating Inventory ID templates 

Go to ​"Settings" > "Assets" > "Inventory ID"​ and click on ​"Add". 


The system will open a form where you must complete the following information: 

1. Name ​of the template. 

2. Prefix. 


3. Base number ​for generating the Inventory ID. 

4. Minimum number ​of digits after using the prefix. 

5. Suffix. 

Next, click on “Save”. 

Editing Inventory ID templates 
From  the  main  listing  in  ​“Settings”  >  “Assets”  >  “Inventory  ID”,  you  can  manage 
templates using the tools located on the right: 

1. Edit. 
2. Delete. 

Using the Inventory ID as the name of the asset 

From  the  main  listing  in  ​“Settings”  >  “Assets”  >  “Inventory  ID”,  you  can  indicate  which 
types  of  assets  will  use  the  Inventory  ID  as  the name. This means that when the asset has 
an assigned Inventory ID, it will be synchronized with the name property. 

To  define  the  types  of  assets  where  this  feature  will  be  used,  select  them  from  the 
“Inventory ID as name” selector and save the configuration. 


*​Note​:  When  saving  the configuration, the properties synchronization for all the assets of 

the selected types will be performed. 

H. Asset import 
This  feature  allows  you  to  import  assets  using  a  .CSV  file,  so  that  you  can  add  them  to 
InvGate Insight. To do so, go to ​“Settings” > “Assets” > “Import assets”​. 

A form will open, where you must complete the following information: 

1. Download​ the template. 

2. Select​ the file to upload in CSV format. 
3. Select ​the file delimiter. 

When you finish, click on “Validate”. 

The  column  assignment  must  be  made  with  respect  to  the  properties  of  the assets. Once 
finished, click on “Preview”. 

Note​:  If  any  column  contains  the  same  name  as  the  asset  properties,  it  will  be  assigned 




Once the file has been uploaded, its content will be displayed as a preview: 

1. Preview​ of the assets to be imported. 

2. Upload​ a new .CSV file. 
3. Import​ valid assets that have no errors. 

*​Note​:  For  some  of  the  properties,  if  a  value  is  not  found  in  the  system,  it  will  be created 
on-the-fly  when  importing  the  assets.  These  cases  will  be  marked  in  blue  in  the  preview 
and will be considered valid. 


4. Network 
In  this  section  you  can  perform  the  remote  installation  of  the  InvGate  Insight  agent,  or 
download  and  install  it  manually  on  the  assets  you  want  to  monitor.  In  addition, 
integrations  can  be  configured  to  import  and  synchronize  assets  from  external  entities, 
such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Suite Account. 

A. Agent Deployment 
This  section  allows  you  to  deploy  the  InvGate  Insight  agent  on  the  supported  operating 
systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android) in its different ​methods​. 

To begin, go to ​"Settings" > "Network" > "Agent Deployment"​. Choose: 

1. Operating system 

2. Method 

3. Proxy 

4. In  the  case  of  manual  installation,  you  can  indicate  whether  it  is  a new installation 
or  the  re-installation  of  the  agent.  ​Note​:  In  case  it  is  a  re-installation,  you  must 
enter  the  agent  identifier  in  order  to  avoid  generating  duplicate  assets.  It  can  be 
found in the profile of the assets. 

5. In some cases, additional documentation will be shown to continue the process. 


B. Proxy 
In this section, proxy servers can be detected and managed: 


1. Search for ​new connections. 

2. Proxy name. 

3. URL​ and ​version. 

4. Date​ of last proxy use. 

5. Number​ ​of assets​ that report through this proxy. 

6. Edit. 

7. Hide​.  ​Note:  the  proxy  will  not  be  listed  until  it  is  used  in  a  discovery process or an 
agent uses it to report. 

C. Discovery sources 
The  InvGate  Insight  discovery  feature  allows  to  configure  integrations  with  external 
entities or define the parameters to run a network analysis to identify devices. 

Regarding  external  entities,  InvGate  Insight  integrates  with  Amazon  AWS,  Microsoft 
Azure and Google Suite Admin. In this way, it imports and synchronizes information about 
EC2 instances, virtual machines, Chromebooks, and smartphones. 

Regarding  the  network  analysis,  InvGate  Insight  allows  to  define  a  range  of  IP  addresses 
and,  based on the network protocols, tries to identify all the devices that are connected to 
it.  Then,  within  the  Discovery  section,  you  can  verify  these  devices  and  identify  them  as 
assets where appropriate. 

Create integration for asset discovery 

Go  to  ​"Settings"  >  "Network"  >  "Discovery"  and  click  ​"Add".  Configure  the  new 
integration according to the corresponding form for each case, which we review below. 


Integration  with  Azure  allows  you  to  import  and  synchronize  VMs  in  InvGate  Insight.  In 
this  way,  profiles  are  generated  with  information on each of the existing VMs, as well as a 
profile with global account information, such as costs or status of the instances. 

Registration Form 


1. Name ​of the integration. 

2. Type​ of integration. In the case of Azure, select “Azure account”. 
3. Credentials.  Note:  When  creating  an  integration, you must validate credentials by 
entering the following data: 
a. Client ID. 
b. Client access secret key. 
c. Tenant ID. 
4. Azure  subscriptions  ​available  to  synchronize  and  option  to  calculate  amount  of 
VMs in each one. 
5. Behavior for un-synched ​VMs. 
6. Synchronization schedule​. 
7. Starting date​. 
8. Sync Recurrence. 

When you finish, click on “Save”. 

Integration  with  Amazon  Web  Services  allows  you  to  import  and  synchronize  EC2 
instances  in  InvGate  Insight.  In  this  way,  profiles  are  generated  with information on each 
of  the  existing  EC2  instances,  as  well  as  a profile with global account information, such as 
costs or status of the instances. 

Registration form 



1. Name ​of the integration. 

2. Type ​of integration. For AWS, select “AWS account”. 
3. Credentials.  Note:  When  creating  an  integration, you must validate credentials by 
entering the following data: 
a. Access key ID. 
b. Secret access key. 
4. AWS  regions  ​to  synchronize,  and  option  to  calculate  the  amount  of  instances  in 
5. Cost synchronization​. 
6. Behavior for un-synched ​instances. 
7. Synchronization schedule. 
8. Starting date​. 
9. Sync Recurrence. 

When you finish, click on “Save”. 

Google Suite Admin 
Integration  with  Google  Suite Admin allows you to import and synchronize Chromebooks 
and  mobile devices in InvGate Insight. In this way, profiles are generated with information 
on each of the imported assets. 

It  should  be  noted  that,  for  this  feature  to  be  available,  the  integration  parameters 
detailed in ​this section​ must have been configured. 

Registration form 


1. Name of the integration. 

2. Type of integration. ​For Google Suite Admin, select “Google Suite Admin”. 
3. Credentials.  Note:  When  setting  up  a  new  integration,  you  will  need to log in with 
a Google account with Admin privileges. 
4. Types ​of assets to synchronize. 


5. Synchronization schedule. 
6. Starting date. 
7. Sync Recurrence. 

When you finish, click on “Save”. 

InvGate Discovery 
When  configuring  a  new  “InvGate  Discovery”  integration,  you  need  to  specify  the 
parameters to execute network analysis. 

The  network  protocols  available  to  perform  the  discovery  are:  DNS,  ICMP,  mDNS, 
NetBIOS,  SNMP  (in its three versions), TCP and UPnP. For each of them, you must specify 
the corresponding credentials and the network port you use. 

*Note:  To  set  up  an  integration  of  this  type,  it  will  be  required  to  have  a  v2.0  ​Proxy  (or 

Registration form 



1. Name ​of the integration to be displayed in InvGate Insight. 

2. Type​ of integration. For network discovery, choose “InvGate discovery”. 
3. Proxy​ selected to run the discovery​. 
4. Range of IP addresses​ to analyze. 
5. Protocols ​available to use. 
6. Protocol Configuration.  
Note​: one box will be displayed for each of the selected protocols.  
7. Synchronization schedule. 
8. Starting date. 
9. Sync Recurrence. 

When you finish, click on “Save”. 

List of integrations for asset discovery 

Within  the  ​"Settings"  >  "Network"  >  "Discovery"  section​,  you  will  find  the  list  of 

From it you can edit, execute or delete the already configured integrations. 

1. icon​ Representativeof integration. 

2. Name ​of the integration. 


3. Type ​of integration and ​frequency ​synchronization. 

4. Date of last​ ​synchronization. 
5. Force ​sync. 
6. Download  ​the  logs  of  the  last  run.  ​Note​: This feature is only available for “InvGate 
Discovery” integrations. 
7. Edit ​integration. 
8. Delete ​integration. 
9. Disable ​integration. 

4. Tasks 
Tasks  are  executed  in  the  background  to  monitor  the  progress  and  status  of  certain 
processes. They can be viewed from thesection. ​"Settings"​ ​> "Tasks"​. 

These are the types of tasks currently supported: 

● Agent  Deployment  on  Windows,  Linux  and  macOS: List of deployment processes 

and  details  of  computers  and  platforms  where  the  agents  will  be  installed,  as  well 
as their protocol or installation methodology. 

Next we point out the items available on the main task screen: 

1. Create​ a task. 


2. Tasks ​awaiting​ execution. 

3. Tasks ​in execution. 
4. Tasks ​completed. 
5. Update ​task list. 
6. Finder ​Task 
7. Access to the ​detail ​of the task. 
8. Task notice with ​errors​. 
9. Cancel ​a task in progress. 

Detail of tasks 
Clicking  on  the  hyperlink of the title of a task you access its details, which includes a list of 
sub-tasks included in the process.  

Here are the items available on this screen: 

1. Details  ​of  the  task:  title,  number  of  processes  included,  start  date  and  time,  end 
date and time and author. 
2. Counter ​sub-tasks pending, running, completed or failed / canceled. 

3. Update ​data 


4. Restart ​tasks 
5. Cancel ​tasks 
6. Search ​among sub-tasks. 
7. Show ​all errors. 
8. Details  ​of  the  sub-tasks:  IP  or  equipment  on  which  they  are  executed,  start  date 
and time, end date and time, duration and confirmation or error message. 
9. State ​of the sub-task. 
10. Cancel sub-task​ (only available on new or running tasks). 

5. Integrations 

A. InvGate Service Desk 

The  integration  of  InvGate  Insight  with  InvGate  Service  Desk  helps  to  improve  the 
management of requests and change processes, since it allows: 

● Obtain the number of requests related to an asset and display them in the profile. 
● Obtain  the  data  of  requests  related  to  an  asset  (title,  status,  priority,  customer, 
● Apply filters or assemble reports using the number of open incidents an asset has. 
● Go to a request via a direct link. 

How to configure the integration with InvGate Service Desk 

Go  to  ​“Settings”>  “Integrations”>  “Service  Desk”,  ​enable  integration  with  the  selector, 
configure it according to the parameters described below. 


1. Activate​ the integration function 

2. API  URL  ​for  InvGate  Service  Desk  (see  section  "API"  of  the  manual  InvGate 
Service Desk) 

3. API ​User  

4. API ​Password  

5. Source  ID  -  This  ID is obtained from Service Desk, in Settings> Integrations> Asset 

Management, as you can see in the following image: 

6. Test Connection 

When finished, click "Save". 



The  API  provides  a  set  of  functions  that  allow  other  applications  to  access  system 
information,  as  well  as  take  action  on  it.  To  allow  integration  with  external  applications, 
the corresponding credentials must be created. 

How to configure the integration with the API 

Go to ​“Settings”> “Integrations”> “API” ​and use the following configuration options. 


1. API  URL​,  which  will  be  generated  by  default  in  the  instance.  Your  documentation 
will also be available. 

2. Credentials  ​for  external application. To generate them, click on the “+” sign. A field 

will  be  displayed  to  enter  the  name  of  the  application and, once entered, you must 
click on “Generate credentials”, as shown in the previous screenshot. 

credential  management  The  credentials that have been added will be listed in ​“Settings”> 
“Integrations”>  “API”​.  With  the  tools  located  on  the  right,  you can perform the following 


1. Enable / disable​ integration. 

2. Download ​JSON file that contains the ​client's secret ​application. 
3. Remove ​the integration. 

C. Integration with Google Suite Admin 

This  integration  allows  you  to  inventory  and  synchronize  Chromebooks  and  mobile 
devices from Google Suite Admin to InvGate Insight.  

The  data  for ​Client ID and ​Client Secret ​can be generated by following these ​instructions​. 

The following steps to continue the integration will be explained in the next section. 

1. Client ID of Google Suite Admin 


2. Client Secret of Google Suite Admin 

3. JSON with Client ID and Client Secret generated with this ​instruction​. 

V. User guides 

1. Searchsearch 
bar  Thebar  allows  you  to  assemble  terms  based  on  filters  and  operators  using  only  the 

Once  a  search  term  is  completed,  the  results  for  each  Explorer  (Hardware and Software) 
are displayed, which can be navigated using the corresponding tabs. 

A. Filters 
The  search  bar  uses  filters  that  can  be  assembled  by  selecting  a ​property​, followed by an 
operator ​and finally the ​value ​to be searched. ​For example: ​​. 

Both  the  operator  and  the  type  of  value  are  defined  by  the  property;  in  some  cases  it  is 
possible  to  write  the  value  freely,  while  in  others  a  list  will  be  displayed to select them. A 
calendar may also appear for filters that correspond to a date. 

B. Suggestions 
By  default,  positioning  the  cursor  in  the search bar suggests a series of preselected filters 
(1) and the types of assets available to filter (2): 


When  you start writing a search, the bar will suggest these pre-assembled filters based on 
the  value  of  the  word  you  are  trying  to  find,  which  will  be  contrasted  with  the records of 
assets,  programs,  manufacturers,  locations,  owners,  labels  or  barcodes  that  contain 
that value.  


Thus,  you  can  generate  a  search  that  redirects  to  the  Explorer  or  enter  directly  to  ​the 
result profile by​ pressing ​ctrl + enter​.  

2. Explorer 

A. Introduction 
The  Explorer  gathers  all  the  information  related  to  assets  and  software  that  were 
registered  in  the  application.  Here  you  can  navigate  this  information  in  a friendly way, as 
well as save views and export them. 

B. Functions and behavior 

Next we indicate the components of the Explorer: 

1. Selection of ​Assets, Software, Cloud or People. 

2. Selection of ​custom views​ (see ​"Custom views"​). 
3. Filters ​to apply (Applies to the filters tab). 
4. Save ​as a new view. 
5. Export ​.csv (see ​“Report generation”​). 
6. ​Page​selector. 
7. Update​ the current view. 
8. Expand ​to full screen. 


9. See as ​table ​or ​cards​. 

10. Settings​: number of items per page and selection of columns to display. 
11. Selector for ​mass editing​. 
12. Sort ​results by any given data. 
13. filters ​Column(Apply to the current results of the view). 
14. Information ​found by the browser. 
15. Total count​ of assets found or selected. 
16. Total cost​ of assets found or selected. 
17. chart  ​Distribution  ​according  to  the  selected  option  (location,  manufacturer, 
operating system, health status, domains, type of computer). 

Editing an asset 
The  data  of  an  asset  that  is  displayed  in  the  ​Asset  Explorer  can  be  edited  by  following 
these steps: 

1. Click on the checkbox of a particular asset. 

2. The "Asset Edit" option will be enabled below the Explorer table. Click on it: 


A  window  will  open  on  the  right  side  with  fields  that  can  be  edited  as  a  block  (those  that 
do not want to be modified will keep their current value): 



When finished, click on “Apply”. 

Mass Asset Editing 

The data displayed in the ​Asset Explorer​ can be edited in bulk by following these steps: 

3. Click on the checkbox. 

4. Select "all of this page", "all" the results or "none". 
5. The "Bulk Edit" option will be enabled below the Explorer table. Click on it: 

A  window  will  open  on  the  right  side  with  fields  that  can  be  edited  as  a  block  (those  that 
do not want to be modified will keep their current value): 


When finished, click on “Apply”. 


Massive editing of asset 

tags  The  tags  associated  with  the  assets  that  are  displayed  in  the  ​Asset  Explorer  can  be 
edited in bulk by following these steps: 

1. Click on the checkbox. 

2. Select "all of this page", "all" the results or "none". 
3. The "Tags" option will be enabled under the Explorer table. Click on it: 

A  popup  will  open  with  the  tags  or smart tags created in the instance. You can choose the 

option  to  add  the  tag or smart tag to those that already have the asset or replace all those 
assigned by the selected one. 


When finished, click on “Apply”. 

C. Custom views 
They  allow  you  to  store  filters  and  search  customizations,  storing  all  the  navigation 
settings  made,  to  make  them  easy  and  fast.  Custom  views  can  be  applied  for  ​Assets  and 
Software​,  and  can  only  be  viewed  and  manipulated  from  the  corresponding  section; that 
is, you cannot manipulate a custom view created in Assets from Software, and vice versa.  

Views  are saved per user and cannot be shared​. To view them, click on the views icon that 
appears  in  the  Asset  Explorer  and  select  the  view  that  is  of  interest,  as  shown  in  the 
following screenshot: 


Creating and updating custom views 

1. Go  to  the  ​Explorer  ​(Asset  or  Software)  and  select  the  filters  and  columns  that  you 
want to observe. 
2. Click  on  “​Save  as  view​”  in  case it is being created or “Update” in case an existing view 
is being updated. 


D. Report generation 
The  system  allows  you  to  export  customized  views  and  search  results  in  .csv format. The 
maximum  number  of  entries  that  can  be  exported  per  operation  is  100,000,  and  data  on 
assets, facilities and programs can be included.  

The  file  will  contain  the  ​columns  ​that  have  been  selected  in  the  system  at  the  time  of 
starting the report. 

How to generate a .csv report 

1. Go to Explorer (of Assets or Software)  
2. Select the filters and columns that are of interest. 
3. Click on the Export icon. 

3. Discovery 

Within  the  Discovery  section,  you  will  find  all  the  devices  that  were identified during the 
network  scan,  and  have  not  yet  been  converted  into  assets.  Once  this  happens,  they 
become part of the Explorer with the rest of the assets. 

Functions and behavior 

Next we indicate the components of the Discovery section: 


1. Selection of ​views according to state​. 

2. selector ​Page ​and ​setting​ number of items per page. 
3. Selector for ​mass editing​. 
4. Filters ​and ​sorting​ column. 
5. Information ​found by the discovery. 
6. Total count​ of devices found or selected. 

Conversion to an asset 
Any  device  in  the  Discovery  section  can  be  converted  into  an  asset  and  become  part  ​of 
the  Asset  Explorer​.  When  converting  it will be required to enter asset data, for which the 
following steps should be followed: 

1. Click on the selection box of a particular device. 

2. The "Convert to active" option will be enabled below the table. Click on it: 


A  window  will  open  on  the  right  side  with  the  fields  to  complete.  The  entry  of  a  name, 
type, manufacturer and model, and state will be required. 


When finished, click on “Apply”. 

Conversion to assets can only be made from one asset per attempt. 


Change of status 
Within the Discovery table, the devices will be assigned one of the two available states: 

● Pending. 
● Ignored. 

Any  new  device  that  is  found  will  be  identified  as  pending. They will also be the ones that 
will be seen by default when entering the Discovery section. 

Any  device  that  is  marked  as  ignored  will  be  updated if it is found again when performing 
a network analysis, but it will not be visible in the default view of the Discovery section. 

To change the status of a device, the following steps must be followed: 

1. Click on the checkbox of a particular device. 

2. The  options  "Set  as  pending"  and  "Set  as  ignored"  below  the  table will be enabled, 
depending on the selected view.  
3. Click on the desired option. 

The change of status can be done both singularly and massively. 



A. Active 
There are four types of assets:  

● Those that report through the agent. 

● Devices that are discovered through network analysis and converted to assets. 
● Those that are imported and synchronized through external entities. 
● Those that were added manually.  

All of them can have labels, owners, locations, attachments, a health status, an activity log, 
related  requests  via  InvGate  Service  Desk,  and  financial  information.  In  addition, 
depending on the type of asset, more information can be found. 

Below, we indicate the elements available in the profile of an asset reported by agent: 


1. Identification data ​of the asset. 

2. Last update​. 

3. Status​ and option to change it. 

4. Location ​and option to change it. 
5. Asset owner ​and option to change it. 
6. Option to ​follow the asset​ to receive notifications about changes and activity. 
7. Edit ​asset profile. 
8. Tabs with more ​asset information​: 
a. Summary. 
b. Hardware: detail of the hardware information reported by the asset. 


c. Software: detail of the facilities reported by the asset. 

d. Financial information: detail of the financial data entered for the asset. 
e. Requests:  list  of  requests  associated  with  the  asset,  including  details  of the 
priority, status and hyperlink to the request in InvGate Service Desk. 
f. Activity: detail of changes in status or properties registered by the asset. 
9. Connectivity ​status and ​agent ​version ​installed​ (configured in preferences). 
10. Status ​Antivirus 
11. State ​Firewall 
12. health status​ Asset(determined based on ​health rules​ defined). 
13. Summary of ​software information ​asset. 
14. Asset  geolocation  (available  only  for  assets  with  Windows 10 agent and operating 
15. Tags ​assigned to the asset and button to add others. 
16. Summary of ​hardware information ​asset. 
17. Custom fields​ asset. 
18. Users ​who logged in to the asset. 
19. Summary of ​network information ​asset. 
20. Status of ​requests ​linked via InvGate Service Desk. 
21. Documents ​attached to the profile. 
22. Agent information ​and last reporting date. 

B. Location 
It  is  a  property  that  can  be  assigned  manually  to an asset or user. The profile of a location 
shows  all  the  entities  and  facilities  that  have  it  assigned,  and  also  recursively  takes  into 
account its sub-locations. 


Next we indicate the available elements in the profile of a location: 

1. Name ​of the location and option to edit it. 

2. Position ​within the location structure. 
3. Profile summary. 
4. List of ​users ​that have the location assigned. 

Within the summary (2), the following data can be found: 

5. Amount of ​assets ​associated with the location. 

6. Number of ​installations ​associated with the location. 
7. Number of ​users ​associated with the location. 
8. Documents ​associated with the location and option to attach new ones. 
9. Distribution of​ asset types​ in the location. 
10. Distribution of ​main location and sub-locations​. 

C. Manufacturer 
This  profile  shows  assets  of  all  types  that  have a certain associated manufacturer, as well 
as program installations by that manufacturer. 

Below, we go through the elements available in the profile of a manufacturer: 


1. Name ​and ​URL ​of the manufacturer. 

2. Amount of ​assets ​associated with the manufacturer. 
3. Percentage  of  ​assets  ​associated  with  the  manufacturer  with  respect  to  total 
4. Number of ​installations ​associated with the manufacturer. 
5. Percentage  of  ​installations  ​associated  with the manufacturer with respect to total 
6. Distribution of ​asset types​ associated with this manufacturer. 
7. Top 5 ​asset models ​of this manufacturer (only if it has associated hardware). 
8. Top  5  ​programs  ​of  this  manufacturer  with  more  installations  (only  if  it  has 
associated software). 
9. Distribution of ​types of software​ associated with this manufacturer. 
10. Documents ​associated with the manufacturer and option to attach new ones. 


D. User 
This  profile  shows  an  owner’s  details  and  the  assets  assigned  to  them,  as well as a record 
of their activity. 

Below, we review the available elements in the profile of a user: 

1. Name​, ​email address ​and ​type​ of user (if imported). 

2. Location ​of the user and editing option. 
3. Assets ​associated with the user. 
4. Details ​(phone, cell, address, position, etc.). 
5. Tags ​associated with the profile. 
6. Documents ​attached to the profile and option to attach new ones. 

E. Software 
This profile shows the details of software programs. 


1. Name ​of the program. 

2. Manufacturer ​of the program. 
3. Category​, ​type ​and ​classification ​of the program. 
4. Number of installations​. 
5. Versions ​registered. 
6. Most installed version​. 
7. Documents ​attached to the profile and option to attach new ones. 
8. Distribution ​of installations by commercial version. 
9. Tags ​associated with the profile. 


F. Introduction 
Notifications  let  you  know  about  changes  and  activity  records  in  the  assets  to which you 
are subscribed. 


G. Visibility 
The  initial  warning  is  a  pop-up message of limited duration, which is then stored in the list 
of  notifications  located  in  the  upper  right  menu.  From  there,  you  can  check  the  latest 
events, and the count of unread notifications is displayed: 

This list includes: 

1. Notification shortcut and count of unread notifications. 

2. Reported event, asset affected by it and a hyperlink to its profile. 
3. Mark notification as read. 
4. View subscriptions (see "​Subscriptions​"). 
5. Mark all notifications as read. 


6. Subscriptions 

A. Introduction 
If a user subscribes to an asset, they will receive notifications about events related to it. 

B. Subscription 
If  you  drop  down  the  list  of  notifications,  you  can  access  subscriptions  with  the  “View 
subscriptions” option. 

Within the list, you can access the following details: 


1. Total count ​of assets followed. 

2. Search ​by asset name. 
3. Hyperlink​ to the profile of the asset and its type. 
4. Unfollow​ the asset. 
5. Notification​ about the asset. 


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