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"The man that may be regarded as perfect now is the one who, seeing some advantage

to himself, is mindful of righteousness; who, seeing danger, risks his life; and
who, if bound by some covenant of long standing, never forgets its conditions as
life goes on."
- The Analects of Confucius, Book XIV

Our country is in the midst of a crisis that involves the lives of our countrymen
right at this moment. I don't even need to explain how vicious the virus COVID-19
is, because everyone already knows about it. And in order minimize the number of
people that would lose someone they love because of COVID-19, the government is
doing everything that they can to suppress the spread of the aforementioned virus.
They implemented the 'ECQ' (Enhanced Community Quarantine) to lessen the risk of
people who don't know that they are a carrier of the said virus, accidentally
infecting their fellowmen. Unfortunately, though the ECQ is implemented to protect
our country as a whole, not everyone has the financial capability to survive
through it. People need food to live, and people need money to buy food. However,
for poor people whose work has been affected because of the ECQ, getting money to
buy food is extremely hard. They need the government to help them -and help they
did. The mayors of each city affected by the ECQ provided relief goods to alleviate
the hunger of their constituents. The tanods and captains of majority of barangays
allocated their calamity funds to do the same. Those government officials deserved
to be lauded. But why do we still have countless of people who cries for the
unfairness of the government? Why are there people who complains that they haven't
received any relief goods? This is because not every government official priorities
the welfare of their constituents inside their hearts. It is an open secret that
there are people who views government positions as thrones of power as oppose to it
being merely a position to serve the people. They take advantage of their position,
rob the people of the benefits that they deserve, hide behind their power to
protect themselves and despite being bound by the oath of office that they swore
when they were elected, still continued to satisfy their selfish desires. During
this hard time, those goverment officials should strive to be perfect for the sake
of their people. Just like what is written in the Analects of Confucius, despite
seeing some advantages that this crisis might bring, they should still remain
righteous. Despite the danger of being infected by the virus, they should be brave
and continue to serve the people. And when we finally overcome this calamity, they
should never forget to uphold the oath that they swore until their term of service
ends. That's how every government official should act.

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