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Challenging Emotion: Irritation

Intensity: 50%
Current Coping Mechanism:

 Distance myself from people

 Talk less
 Interact less
 Become engaged in my cell phone

Practice of breathing technique:

I started practicing the alternate nostril (anulom-vilom) breathing exercise as a routine
everyday for 10 mins. The practice made me realize most about my breathing pattern and I
understood that it needs to be improved. I started practicing longer deep breaths and build
more lung capacity for more efficient functioning.
Whenever irritation and frustration would manifest itself over me, I would take deep long
alternate breaths in order to help me not react impulsively. This would buy me time to think
over it in a deliberate and thoughtful manner and then accordingly respond to the situation.
Also, this practice, in turn, would lessen the impact of the challenging habit that I had of getting
irritated easily.
This practice also taught me to ‘ride the wave’ of emotions in order to be in better control of
my emotions rather than let it control me. I learnt that the emotions when of low or moderate
intensity need to be controlled and not allowed to overwhelm us. This would help in creating
better inter-personal relationships with the people around me.

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