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Concepts About V̇O2max and Trainability Are

Context Dependent
Michael J. Joyner1 and Carsten Lundby2
Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; and 2Center for Physical
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Activity Research, University Hospital of Copenhagen, Denmark

JOYNER, M.J. and C. LUNDBY. Concepts about V ˙O

2max and trainability are context dependent. Exerc. Sport Sci. Rev., Vol. 46,
No. 3, pp. 138–143, 2018. Some individuals show little or no increase in maximal oxygen consumption (V̇O2max) in response to training
programs consistent with public health guidelines. However, results from studies using more intense programs challenge the concept that
some humans have limited trainability. We explore the implications of these divergent observations on the biology of trainability and propose
a new set of twin studies to explore them. Key Words: exercise, cardiorespiratory fitness, gene variants, twins, trainability

always uniform over time. So an initial slow or fast response

Key Points may not always be predictive of the total magnitude of the re-
• Trainability may depend on the training stimulus or dose sponse after a period of months or longer. In addition, because
of exercise. the duration of a vast majority of training studies is measured
• The gene variants associated with V̇O2max trainability iden- in months, it is not clear how years of training might influence
tified to date are remote from key physiological pathways in ideas about trainability and nonresponders.
the O2 transport system like stroke volume and total body It also is important to distinguish trainability from intrinsic
hemoglobin. (or “natural”) ability. Some individuals might enter a training
• We suggest a multidose exercise training study in twins
might be able to help resolve a number of conceptual issues program faster, stronger, or more skilled than others. However,
related to trainability and the exercise dose-response dura- high levels of initial fitness are generally unrelated to the mag-
tion relation for V̇O2max. nitude of change seen in response to standard training pro-
grams. In the case of endurance or strength-related sports, it
also is possible that those who perform well on either laboratory
or field tests with minimal formal training might simply have
been more active during other facets of life. For example, in
Anyone who has ever spent much time in a gym or at sports
sedentary middle-aged obese individuals, there is a strong posi-
practice will tell you that the rate at which a given individual
tive correlation between the intensity of incidental physical ac-
within a group “gets in shape” or acquires new skills in response
tivity and maximal oxygen consumption (V̇O2max) (1).
to training can vary dramatically. Trainability is the general term
However, there are clearly inherent biological factors related
used to describe either the rate of change or the magnitude of
to oxygen transport or muscular strength that are independent
change in fitness or skill in response to training. An individual
of physical activity. Thus, in terms of baseline fitness in free-liv-
who shows rapid and marked improvement to a given “dose” of
ing humans, it can be difficult to discern the role of intrinsic bi-
training is said to be highly trainable. A slower responder or an
ological factors from acquired responses to the activities of daily
individual who improves less over time is said to be less train-
living. There is speculation, for example, that average baseline
able. However, the rate of change to a training stimulus is not
V̇O2max in untrained subjects is typically higher in cultures
where active transportation via cycling is more common.
In the context of these comments, trainability for the purposes of
Address for correspondence: Michael J Joyner, M.D., FACSM, Department of
this article will be defined as the increase in V̇O2max in response to
Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN a specific training program. However, we recognize the limita-
55905 (E-mail: tions of this definition because there are many potential exer-
Accepted for publication: April 6, 2018.
cise training dose-response and duration interactions possible
Editor: Demetra D. Christou, Ph.D.
for a given individual. Thus, the determination of trainability
for a given individual in most studies is a snapshot based on
his or her response to a specific program. The concept of train-
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
DOI: 10.1249/JES.0000000000000150 ability also might be better served if more attention were paid to
Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine the range of values observed in a cohort in response to a specific


Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
program versus a more narrow focus on nonresponders to pro- high-intensity incidental physical activity have higher V̇O2max
grams based on current physical activity guidelines. values (1). In this context, an advantage of measuring re-
In some studies, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is reported. sponses to training versus estimates of other forms of physical
This measure is frequently used in large population studies of fit- activity is that better quantification and control of the input
ness and health or mortality when graded exercise testing with- (training) stimulus is possible.
out direct measurements of gas exchange has been performed. Before delving into the physiological and biological determi-
Although CRF and V̇O2max are highly correlated, CRF is esti- nants of V̇O2max and trainability, it is important to note that
mated from peak METs levels and expressed as metabolic some of the epidemiological and outcomes literature on exercise
equivalents or METs. Each MET equaling 3.5 ml−1·kg−1·min−1 relate fitness to health or mortality outcomes, whereas other
(e.g., resting metabolic rate), with increments of this unit being studies relate measures of physical activity to outcomes. As
used to describe CRF. For example, CRF in an individual with discussed earlier, there is some overlap in these variables; in
a V̇O2max of 35 ml−1·kg−1·min−1 would equal 10 METs. In these general fitness is more protective than physical activity (3–5).
cases, equations are used to link peak workload with a “MET In either case, the protection afforded by either high levels of
equivalent.” There also are validated questionnaire-based ap- CRF or physical activity are generally greater than might be pre-
proaches that can be used (2). Because CRF and V̇O2max are dicted based on their effects on traditional risk factors like hy-
highly correlated, and because we are interested in the biology pertension, diabetes, and blood lipids when compared with
of oxygen transport, the remainder of the article focuses on drug therapy (3,6).
V̇O2max. In summary, trainability is important when considering the
relation between V̇O2max and health outcomes. Because some
Trainability and Why it Matters
individuals show bigger changes in V̇O2max in response to train-
Beyond its obvious importance to coaches and individuals ing, these variable responses raise questions about how uniform
interested in talent identification for sport, trainability has po- the health benefits of training are. They also raise questions
tential individual and public health implications. This is espe- about the extent to which health benefits are related to in-
cially true for V̇O2max. The reasoning goes something like creases in V̇O2max and improvements in other risk factors
this: fitness is a powerful predictor of all-cause and cardiovascu- linked to health outcomes.
lar mortality, and endurance exercise training is recommended
to improve cardiovascular fitness. In population studies, each Determinants of V̇O2max
1-MET (3.5 ml−1·kg−1·min−1) increase in V̇O2max is associated V̇O2max describes the maximum ability of a whole organism
with a roughly 15% reduction in all-cause mortality (3). Impor- to transport oxygen from the air to the tissues and especially
tantly, such an increase in V̇O2max is generally viewed as the exercising skeletal muscles (7). It is thus dependent on
achievable by most humans with modest levels of training. and potentially limited by numerous sites in the so-called O2
In this context, if there are individuals who do not respond to transport cascade. This cascade includes the following: 1) pul-
training with an increase in V̇O2max, then do they receive a monary ventilation, 2) diffusion of oxygen across the pulmo-
mortality benefit from training? Do such individuals need a dif- nary capillary membrane to the blood, 3) the bulk “flux” of
ferent training program? Are the current physical activity and O2 away from the lungs via a combination of cardiac output
exercise guidelines sufficient to ensure most people who follow and arterial O2 content, 4) increased blood flow to contracting
them increase their fitness? Finally, high levels of fitness may be muscles, and 5) diffusion of O2 from blood to tissue and ulti-
more protective against cardiovascular and all-cause mortality mately oxidative metabolism in the mitochondria.
than physical activity (4,5). Although each of the five factors previously outlined can in-
The aforementioned questions also highlight the contrasts fluence V̇O2max, in large groups of healthy humans with a 2- to
and potential overlap between the terms training and physical 3-fold range in V̇O2max, peak or maximum cardiac output and
activity. Although exercise training is a structured program de- total body hemoglobin mass seem to predominate as determi-
signed to improve physical capacity, there also can be adaptive nants of V̇O2max (Fig. 1). The other factors only become poten-
responses to incidental, leisure time, or occupational physical tially rate limiting in either specific patient groups and in some
activity. As previously noted, individuals who engage in more cases (e.g., pulmonary ventilation), elite endurance athletes (8).

Figure 1. Idealized relation between (A) cardiac output and (B) hemoglobin (Hb) mass with maximal oxygen consumption (V̇O2max). Figure based on data
from (8,9).

Volume 46 • Number 3 • July 2018 V̇O2max and Trainability 139

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Training Program workload. This is the only study where individual study partic-
Current public health guidelines typically recommend adults ipant “improvements” versus “no-improvements” is based on an
engage in 150–300 min·wk−1 of moderate to vigorous aerobic objective measure. Figure 2 shows key data from this study. It
physical activity, with lesser amounts suggested for those engag- also seems that all subjects in training studies using repeated in-
ing in more vigorous exercise (10). When large numbers of pre- tervals of 3–5 min at exercise intensities greater than 90% of
viously untrained healthy young and middle-aged humans V̇O2max show an increase in V̇O2max (17). Finally, only a few
engage in guideline-based training for 10–20 wk, the increase studies have followed people during prolonged periods, and
in V̇O2max ranges from 0 to approximately 40%–60% (11–13) Howden et al. (18) found that with 1 yr of high-volume training
with average values of around 15%–20% usually reported and that included high-intensity exercise, male subjects responded
higher mean increases (approximately 25%–30%) seen with with 22% increases in V̇O2max, whereas the number was 15%
more frequent or intense training (11,14). Importantly, the in- for female participants. In addition, this increase was somewhat
crease in V̇O2max with training is not related to baseline higher than that observed by Scharhag-Rosenberger et al. (19)
V̇O2max and is not influenced by race, sex, or age (up to middle (average 16%, range 9%–20%), who followed subjects over the
age) (12,13). In this context, the iconic HERITAGE study course of 1 yr of guideline-based (3 d·wk−1) training.
reported that roughly 10%–20% of subjects responded only A key question that arises when guideline-based studies are
minimally to training with an increase in V̇O2max and thus compared with studies using more rigorous training programs
demonstrated limited or no trainability in response to a pub- is the effect on the range of V̇O2max responses. Is the range of
lic health guideline-informed program (12,13). responses similar but shifted to a higher value? Does the range
Along similar lines, when the effects of such guideline-based increase, or conversely, does the range decrease? The limited
training programs on blood pressure, blood lipids, and blood data available on this topic suggest that the range of responses
glucose are evaluated, roughly 10%–30% of subjects show no may be similar but shifted to a higher value (14). However,
improvement or perhaps a worsening of values (15). However, these data do not provide information about whether a non
the risk factor adverse responder concept has been challenged (or limited) responder to training also would show a limited
on a number of grounds (16). In addition, many of the protective response to a more rigorous or perhaps longer duration pro-
effects of fitness and physical activity on health likely operate gram. In terms of training volume, it can however be seen from
via mechanisms not captured via traditional risk factors (6). Figure 2 that the most extreme responses (21%, 25%, and 24%)
In contrast to guideline-based training programs, studies that observed when training 1, 2, and 3 times per week, respectively,
have used more intense levels of exercise have typically shown become the norm when training 4 (26%) or 5 (32%) times per
that the vast majority of young healthy subjects are trainable week. Hence, comparing studies applying different training fre-
(14). In addition, one of us (see Montero and Lundby) recently quencies, intensities, and durations may be of limited utility.
showed that when healthy young men performed intense cycle Our discussion of the divergent results seen in response to dif-
training 4 or 5 d·wk−1, all of the studied subjects showed an in- fering training programs and the questions raised by this discus-
crease in V̇O2max (11). By contrast, some subjects who were sion highlight a number of related ambiguities in the current
only training 1, 2, or 3 d·wk−1 showed limited trainability. data and thinking on this topic: First, have reports of V̇O2max
However, when two additional training sessions per week were nonresponders to specific training programs been the focus of
added to the limited-trainability subjects, they all became train- too much attention? Do nonresponders primarily represent
able. In this study, trainability was defined as an increase greater the tail of a distribution of responses to a given dose of exercise
than the typical measurement error for maximal attained applied for a given duration? Second, consistent with our use of
the word context in the title of this article, uncertainty in the
trainability and nonresponder discussion also can arise based
on technical errors in the measurement of V̇O2max and also
day-to-day variability in human biology and motivation. These
potential confounds need clear definition when discussing the
results of a given study, comparing results between studies,
and when considering the topic as a whole. Third, clear metrics
related to subject adherence to any program are critical. Fourth,
there also are potential issues about the scaling of V̇O2max
values that need to be considered. In general, we favor liters
per minute but this is not ironclad, and there are numerous scal-
ing issues that might need to be considered depending on the
size and body composition range of the subjects involved
(20). Fifth and finally, will the nature of the distribution of
V̇O2max responses to training change if the dose and duration
of exercise is changed?
Even the most demanding training programs used in con-
trolled studies pale in comparison to the hours per day of train-
ing that elite athletes do for years (21). If this sort of elite
Figure 2. Summary figure showing that nonresponders to training 1, 2, or
3 d·wk−1 became responders when additional training was added. Figure training represents a near maximal dose applied for years, would
based on data from (11). The notation +2 indicates that two additional train- all individuals exposed to it show marked increases in V̇O2max
ing days were added. and would the distribution of responses be expanded or

140 Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
compressed? Our hypothesis is that a maximal dose exercise The previous discussion on genetic factors versus the well-
stimulus applied for a long duration would result in marked established physiological determinants that explain V̇O2max is
training responses in essentially all humans and compress the perhaps informed by recent theoretical work on complex traits
range of responses. However, we fully acknowledge that this (32). This work has advanced the idea that certain “core genes”
proposition is likely “not testable” via a randomized controlled or genetic pathways can be major players in a given phenotype
trial. with modifying contributions from many more pathways. The
inability so far to identify specific genes and variants associated
Subject Characteristics in a major way with the key physiological pathways central to
exercise capacity leads us to question the extent to which this
As mentioned previously, in young and middle-aged popula-
conceptual model applies to V̇O2max. The standard response
tions, sex and age do not seem to influence trainability in re-
to this critique is that larger sample sizes and more sophisticated
sponse to a guideline-based program, and this also includes
modeling are needed to unravel this problem. A counterre-
both white and black subjects. However, there is little informa-
sponse is that if no obvious signal is seen in large groups of out-
tion about sex and age influences on trainability in response to
lier phenotypes, then the odds of such a signal emerging via a
more rigorous programs. This is especially true in adults aged 60
larger sample size in the general population seems low. In either
or older. There are some data (low subject number) suggesting
case, it should be remembered that as late as 2006, at least one
that in response to 1 yr of rigorous training, cardiac hypertrophy
leading proponent of genetic causation (Francis Collins) was
is less in young women than men (18). There also are some data
quoted in the Wall Street Journal as suggesting that “… there
to suggest the loss of female reproductive hormones at meno-
are about 12 genes involved [in diabetes], and that all of them
pause might influence training responses (22). Aging and sex
will be discovered in the next two years,” (33). Although this
differences are clearly areas that are ripe for additional studies
was not an exercise-specific comment, it highlights the earlier
on trainability that include a range of long-term programs with
expectation that a limited number of common variants would
varying degrees of frequency, intensity and duration.
explain complex human phenotypes.
Another response to the argument that the DNA variants re-
Biological Factors — Genetics ported to date are not linked to the known physiological deter-
Data from a limited number of studies on twins indicate that minants of V̇O2max is that they may be drivers of adaptability
V̇O2max values in the untrained state and the response to train- via regulation of replication, transcription, translation, autoph-
ing are markedly influenced by genetics (23–25). Likewise, agy, apoptosis, angiogenesis, miRNAs, and other molecular
HERITAGE used a family study design to show that approxi- transducers of the adaptations to the repeated stress of exercise
mately 47% of the increase in V̇O2max to training was heritable that in the end impact the determinants of the Fick equation.
(12,13). The HERITAGE team subsequently identified a num- In this context, we note that substantial responses to exercise
ber of genetic markers and developed a retrospective genetic training still occur in genetic knockouts of PGC1α and other
panel based on 21 SNP gene variants that predicted approxi- pathways proposed as master regulators of many exercise re-
mately 50% of the training response among individuals (26). sponses (34,35). We interpret these data as highlighting that
However, several observations challenge the idea that ge- the responses to exercise are incredibly redundant with many
netic factors are the major determinant of trainability. First, potential biological pathways possible to generate a phenotypic
we have argued that none of the gene variants identified in response. Along similar lines, lessons from experimental evolu-
HERITAGE are clearly linked to cardiac output, stroke vol- tion studies in model organisms show predicable convergent
ume, blood volume, and red cell mass — the predominant phys- phenotypes but unpredictable karyotypes in response to a given
iological determinants of V̇O2max (7,8). In addition, a survey of selective pressure. Although perhaps not directly related to
approximately 3000 elite male endurance athletes who regu- short-term adaptations to exercise training in humans, these ob-
larly compete at the international level has identified no com- servations are another example of the concept that multiple
mon variants associated with unusually high V̇O2max values in pathways to a given phenotype are possible (36).
these men (27). Of note, it seems reasonable to assume that
these men’s training is likely sufficient to generate maximum bi- FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
ological adaptations in their O2 transport systems.
In contrast, a rare variant in at least one Olympic champion Back to the Future: Is a Next Wave of Twin
skier has been associated with high red cell mass and hemoglo- Studies Needed?
bin values have been associated with a very high V̇O2max So far, we have defined the concept of trainability as it ap-
value (28). In addition, both blood doping and exogenous plies to V̇O2max and we have reviewed why this is important
erythropoietin (EPO) administration can increase V̇O2max in from both an individual wellness and public health perspective.
both trained and untrained subjects (9,29,30). The finding For healthy young and middle-aged people, we have concluded
of a rare variant related to EPO in a single outlier human is im- the following: 1) trainability varies among people, 2) if given a
portant because emerging concepts in genetics research have sufficient stimulus, the likelihood of a true nonresponder in
argued that such findings can inform the search for more com- these age groups seems low, 3) it is not known if extremely rig-
mon variants that might affect the same biological systems. In orous training over years will alter the range of V̇O2max in-
this context, it is interesting that common gene variants in creases with training or merely shift them upwards, 4) twin
EPO-related signaling pathways have not emerged in studies and family studies suggest a significant heritable (genetic) com-
of large numbers of elite endurance athletes with high V̇O2max ponent to trainability, 5) the search for genetic explanations
values (31). that might explain trainability has not identified key variants

Volume 46 • Number 3 • July 2018 V̇O2max and Trainability 141

Copyright © 2018 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 3. Idealized potential results in response to a rigorous program of endurance exercise training on maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) in monozygotic
(MZ; open oval) and dizygotic (DZ; shaded oval) twins. Panel A shows that that the correlation between V̇O2max in untrained MZ twin pairs is “tighter” compared
with DZ twins. Panel B shows the effects of training on V̇O2max if genetic factors play a dominant role in the response. Under these circumstances, there is in-
creased convergence of V̇O2max in the MZ twins and increased divergence in the DZ twins. The range of V̇O2max values also increases in both groups, with some
individuals and pairs showing limited trainability. Panel C shows the effects of training on V̇O2max if factors related to training stimulus play a dominant role in the
response. Under these circumstances, there is increased convergence of V̇O2max in both groups of twins. The range of V̇O2max values also decreases in both
groups, with all individuals and pairs showing evidence of marked trainability.

that intersect in a clear-cut way with the deterministic physio- variants or pathways that might play a role in trainability. How-
logical pathways. In addition to these five main points, there ever, our paradigm will provide fundamental insights into the
are issues like sex differences and aging that might further con- concepts related to trainability and its biological basis. It also
found concepts related to trainability, not to mention specific will provide an important interventional study that will test
disease states. the primacy of the physiological pathways that are largely seen
When we consider the aforementioned five main points, it as deterministic for V̇O2max. If the findings from our hypothet-
seems to us they can be collapsed into three central questions ical study were to show increased heritability estimates for
that could be addressed in comprehensive studies on mono V̇O2max (and also cardiac output and red cell volume as key
and dizygotic twins: first, will rigorous training reduce the vari- contributors to trainability), then a case to continue to search
ability in V̇O2max observed between untrained dizygotic twins for additional gene variants and complex networks that might
(24,25)? Second, in dizygotic twins, will rigorous training in- explain trainability would be strengthened. If the findings sug-
crease the correlation in V̇O2max between twin A and twin B gest that the training stimulus per se is a more critical factor,
so that it is similar to the more uniform V̇O2max values seen in then perhaps reductionist searches for gene variants related to
monozygotic twins (23–25)? Third, will rigorous training in ei- trainability and V̇O2max might be deemphasized.
ther dizygotic or monozygotic twins expand or reduce the range
of increases in V̇O2max seen among groups of twins? In this con-
text, it is important to note that the most informative aerobic
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Volume 46 • Number 3 • July 2018 V̇O2max and Trainability 143

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