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The POD of Metabical is that, it is the first prescription drug approved by FDA specifically for
overweight individuals (i.e. those with the BMI of 25 to 30). No prescription drug was specifically
for overweight individuals (BMI of 25 to 30) were available. So, its POD is that is the first
approved drug for such people. It has very less severe side effects as compared to any other
herbal or dietary supplement.
2. The objective of support program was to enhance the results which individuals will receive from
the pill alone and the support system will teach these individuals some lifestyle techniques and
skills to maintain healthy weight after initial weight loss achieved. The options which Printup had
for support program were to include references, online tools (like calorie counter, meal tracker,
food diary), personal support (like experiences and community forum), meal plans (like menu,
additional food tips) and exercise plans (like complete body workout, 14 days challenges) etc.
3. To the overweight people having BMI from 25 to 30, Metabical is the first prescription drug
approved by FDA with very less severe side effects that will help you achieve all your weight loss
goals and make you fit in very less time.
4. Printup should target individuals based on psychographic segmentation because weight loss
troubles people who are very insecure about themselves and there are very few chances that
people will lose weight because of their demographic reasons. It all in your consumers mind that
they are not satisfied with their body. For demographic segmentation they should target those
people who are educated people and are aware about health risks so they want to lose weight
that is why they should be targeted. The other reason for demographic segmentation can be the
age that because obesity in higher age can cause to severe diseases so they must segment them.
Other reasons are totally psychographic that people are not happy and satisfied with their
weight so they must be targeted. Those individuals must also be targeted who are not satisfied
with their current weight loss pills or they are trying to but cannot achieve those results. So, the
segmentation must be done on the basis of some factors of psychographic like non satisfied
people, trying to achieve but can’t or other formulas are not working for them. And some
factors of demographic must be kept in mind when segmentation like age and educated people.

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