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International Journal of Obesity (2014) 38, 1180–1185

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0307-0565/14

Differences in neural activation to depictions of physical exercise
and sedentary activity: an fMRI study of overweight and lean
Chinese women
T Jackson, X Gao and H Chen

OBJECTIVE: Neuroimaging studies have documented differences in neural responses to food cues in obese versus lean samples
but little is known about weight status differences in responsiveness to other key features of obesogenic environments, particularly
cues reflecting physical activity. To address this gap, patterns of activation related to visual depictions of sedentary activities and
vigorous physical exercise were assessed in overweight (O-W) and average weight (A-W) samples via functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI).
METHODS: Thirteen O-W and 13 A-W Chinese women were instructed to imagine engaging in 90 physical exercise activities and
90 sedentary activities and to watch 90 landscape images presented during three runs of an fMRI scan within a cross-sectional
RESULTS: Behavioral results indicated O-W women endorsed more negative attitudes toward physical activity than A-W did.
Imaging analyses indicated that body mass index had a significant negative association with activation of the right putamen and a
positive correlation with activation in the right medial frontal gyrus, specifically Brodmann Area 10 in the exercise–sedentary image
contrast condition. For the sedentary–control contrast, significantly less activation in an insula area related to negative affect was
observed for the O-W group. Finally, for the exercise–control contrast, O-W women also displayed comparatively weaker activation
in a cingulate gyrus area implicated in kinesthetic memory of body movements and the re-experiencing real events.
CONCLUSION: Together, results supported contentions that exposure to depictions of physical exercise corresponds to reduced
activation of reward centers and heightened activation in regions associated with negative affect regulation among O-W women
compared with leaner peers.

International Journal of Obesity (2014) 38, 1180–1185; doi:10.1038/ijo.2013.245

Keywords: functional magnetic resonance imaging; physical exercise; sedentary behavior; overweight; reward; negative affect

INTRODUCTION related to appetite control9 and, possibly, attenuating responses

Features of obesogenic environments including increasingly to visual food cues in brain regions involved in food intake
sedentary lifestyles and the abundance of readily available foods, regulation.10 Conversely, modern sedentary activities including
particularly high fat, high calorie, highly processed food, have sitting, television-viewing, videogame-playing and cognitive
been implicated as key influences on the obesity pandemic in work use few calories and actually promote overconsumption
developed countries1,2 and burgeoning obesity rates in rapidly of food.11
developing countries.3,4 Associated neuroimaging studies have Despite the lack of research on potential neural activation
linked obesity to activation of reward centers in the dorsal differences between overweight (O-W) and lean groups, reliable
striatum region including the caudate body and putamen in behavior differences in physical activity patterns, preferences and
response to visual food cues or anticipation of food delivery as attitudes provide bases for plausible hypotheses. For example,
well as blunted responses in some of the same areas during O-W groups spend more time in sedentary activity compared with
feeding that may contribute to overeating.5–7 leaner peers who reportedly engage in more moderate or
To date, however, researchers have not examined whether vigorous physical activity.12–14 Complementing this pattern,
potential weight status differences in neural activation patterns average weight (A-W) children and adults express stronger
are also apparent in response to cues for physical exercise and preferences for moderate or vigorous physical activities (for
sedentary activity. This is a potentially important focus in light of example, sports), whereas O-W peers may prefer sedentary activity
(1) links between rising obesity rates and the transition from or alternatives to physical activity.15,16 In sum, behavior evidence
employment based on hard physical labor to sedentary, mentally for weight status differences in the reward value of physical
taxing work and (2) neurocognitive underpinnings that physical activity suggest that compared with lean groups, O-W/obese
activity and eating share.8 Aside from increasing energy groups experience less activation of neural reward centers in
expenditure, moderate to vigorous physical activity contributes response to physical exercise cues or, possibly, more activation of
to weight control by sharpening hunger–satiety mechanisms reward centers in response to sedentary activity cues.

Key Laboratory of Personality and Cognition, Faculty of Psychological Science, Southwest University, Beibei, Chongqing, China. Correspondence: Professor H Chen or
Professor T Jackson, Key Laboratory of Cognition and Personality, Southwest University, Beibei, Chongqing 400715, China.
E-mail: or
Received 25 June 2013; revised 28 November 2013; accepted 13 December 2013; accepted article preview online 24 December 2013; advance online publication, 14 January 2014
Neural responses to exercise and sedentary depictions
T Jackson et al
On the other hand, behavioral evidence also suggests exposure structure and significant correlations with intentions to engage in physical
to physical exercise cues results in comparatively stronger activity as well as physical activity levels.30,31 The scale had acceptable
activation of emotion centers implicated in experiences of internal consistency in the current sample (a ¼ 0.76).
negative affect (that is, threat/apprehension, pain, social ‘pain’) Negative Attitudes Toward Physical Activity Scale (NATPAS).32 This eight-
within O-W/obese groups compared with leaner controls. O-W/ item self-report scale assesses perceived negative experiences and
consequences of physical activity. These items (for example, ‘If I were to
obese groups more typically have negative attitudes toward be physically active on most days, it would be painful’, ‘y it would be
physical activity including heightened self-consciousness, stigma- embarrassing’) were also rated from 1 ¼ strongly disagree to 5 ¼ strongly
tization, embarrassment and intimidation about exercising in front agree. The scale is related to but distinct from the PATPAS and predicts
of peers or physically fit people.17–22 The association between physical activity levels even after controlling for the PATPAS.32 In this
negative attitudes toward exercise and obesity is also underlined sample, the NATPAS had an alpha of a ¼ 0.85.
by evidence that O-W/obese groups report more pain, physical Physical and Sedentary Activity Images. Visual depictions used included
discomfort and perceived exertion during physical activity than do 90 photographs of vigorous physical exercise (for example, running,
A-W peers.23–25 In fact, perceived exercise difficulty, but not jumping and playing tennis) and 90 photographs of sedentary activities
(for example, lying down on a sofa, sitting on a chair or in front of a desk).
physiological exertion, predicts weight regain following weight-
Ninety photographs of landscapes were used as the baseline as per past
loss intervention among the obese.26 Together, these findings work.33–35 Images were downloaded from free internet websites. One
suggest that exposure to cues for physical exercise results in month before fMRI scans began, 15 undergraduate women not involved in
stronger neural activation in areas associated with processing the study rated all images for valence, arousal and complexity on
negative affect, apprehension, social pain and pain, including the five-Likert scales. Ratings for the image types did not differ for valence
anterior midcingulate cortex, posterior midcingulate cortex, insula (F (2, 28) ¼ 0.02, P ¼ 0.982), arousal (F (2, 28) ¼ 2.99, P ¼ 0.067) or
and amygdala in O-W groups.27–29 complexity (F (2, 28) ¼ 0.43, P ¼ 0.640).
In sum, the correspondence between food over-consumption
and sedentary activity as well as variations in activity patterns and Procedure
preferences of lean versus O-W/obese groups suggest plausible Following approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee at South-
competing hypotheses about weight status differences in neural west University, participants were recruited via on-campus advertisements.
activation to visual depictions of physical exercise and sedentary Subsequently, 63 undergraduate women engaged in the initial screening
activity. On one hand, following from research on neural phase. After reading a general overview of the study and signing an informed
responses to food cues and behavioral studies on activity consent, participants completed individually administered self-report mea-
preferences, O-W participants might show weaker activation than sures of age, handedness, attitudes toward physical activity and history of
their leaner peers do in structures associated with reward (that is, neurological or psychiatric illness. Height and weight were also measured by
nucleus accumbens, orbitofrontal cortex, dorsal and ventral an experimenter and vision tests were completed. After a 2-week delay to
introduce a lag before the experiment, appointments were made with
striatum) in response to physical exercise cues and/or stronger women randomly selected from a leaner BMI subgroup (BMI between 17 and
activation in these areas in response to depictions of sedentary 22.9) and O-W subgroup based on the criterion (BMI423) at which obesity-
behavior. Conversely, evidence of more negative emotional related diseases increase dramatically in Asia-Pacific samples.36
responses to physical exercise within O-W/obese groups might Selected women were asked to consume regular meals but refrain from
reflect increased activation in anterior cingulate cortex areas drinking caffeinated beverages for 12 h before the experiment. Scanning
related to processing threat, negative affect, social pain and pain sessions occured 1.5–3.0 h after a regular meal. Visual images were
during exposure to cues for vigorous exercise. presented in a block design. The experiment comprised three runs, each
In this study, fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) was having three blocks of each image type. Each block consisted of 10 images
performed to test these hypotheses. Specifically, effects of average presented for 1.5 s each with an inter-stimulus interval of 0.5 s. Before and
after each block, a white fixation cross was presented in the middle of a
versus O-W status on neural activation to physical activity cues screen for 16 s. On this basis, each run had a 340 s duration.
were assessed in between-groups analyses of exercise–landscape, Participants were instructed to view each exercise and sedentary activity
sedentary activity–landscape and exercise–sedentary contrast image closely, vividly imagining themselves performing the depicted
conditions as well as correlation analyses of associations between activity, including related body gestures or movements. Conversely, they
body mass index (BMI) and activation within each condition. were instructed simply to watch each landscape images. After their scan,
participants were debriefed about the research purposes and paid 50 Yuan
as compensation for their time.
Participants Imaging data acquisition
Participants were 13 lean (A-W) women (aged 20–24 years, mean ¼ 21.69 Images were acquired in a 3 T Siemens TRIO MRI scanner. Functional data
years, s.d. ¼ 1.18; BMI range: 17.04–22.04, mean ¼ 18.67, s.d. ¼ 1.31) and comprised 591 volumes acquired with T2*-weighted gradient echo planar
13 O-W women (aged 19–25 years, M ¼ 22.15 years, s.d. ¼ 1.72; BMI range: imaging sequences. We obtained 32 echo planar images per volume
23.33–31.63, M ¼ 25.32, s.d. ¼ 2.23) drawn from Southwest University sensitive to blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast (TR ¼ 2000 ms;
(SWU) in Chongqing, China. All participants were right-handed non- TE ¼ 30 ms; 3  3 mm in-plane resolution; FOV (field of view) ¼ 192). Slices
smokers, with no reported past/current neurological or psychiatric illness, were acquired in an inter-leaved order and oriented parallel to the AC–PC
normal or corrected-to-normal vision and normal color vision as assessed plane, with thickness of 3 mm, 0.99 mm gap. High-resolution T1-weighted
by basic color tests. 3D fast-field echo sequences were obtained for anatomical reference (176
slices, TR ¼ 1900 ms; TE ¼ 2.52 ms; slice thickness ¼ 1 mm; FOV ¼ 250; voxel
size ¼ 1  1  1 mm).
Demographics. Aside from age and year in university, education levels of
each parent were assessed using 1 ¼ less than elementary school Imaging data analyses
completion, 2 ¼ elementary school completion, 3 ¼ middle school comple- Data were analyzed using Brain Voyager QX v2.3 software (Brain
tion, 4 ¼ high school completion, 5 ¼ undergraduate/college completion Innovation, Maastricht, The Netherlands). After preprocessing, three main
and 6 ¼ professional degree completion. BMI was calculated from contrasts were specified per single-participants analysis: (1) exercise vs
objectively measured height and weight. landscape, (2) sedentary activity vs landscape and (3) exercise vs sedentary
Positive Attitudes Toward Physical Activity Scale (PATPAS).30 The eight-item activity. A general linear model37 generated statistical parametric maps.
PATPAS assesses perceived benefits of physical activity. Items (for example, Following other published accounts,38,39 main effects were considered
‘If I were to be physically active on most days, it would help me cope with significant using a whole-brain false discovery rate of Po0.05 and a
stress’, ‘y, it would help me make new friends’) were rated between 1 ¼ minimum cluster size of 10 voxels. Resultant single participant contrast
strongly disagree and 5 ¼ strongly agree. The PATPAS has a univariate images were then entered into second-level random effect-group analyses

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited International Journal of Obesity (2014) 1180 – 1185
Neural responses to exercise and sedentary depictions
T Jackson et al
for each of the corresponding contrasts. Across participants, statistical sample (Table 1). The exercise vs landscape contrast revealed
parametric maps were calculated using a hierarchical random effects differential activation in the left and right frontal cortex,
model and RFX two-way 2  2 analysis of variance;40 Weight Status was the temporal cortex, amygdala, putamen and right thalamus. The
between-groups factor and Image Type was the within-participants sedentary activity vs landscape contrast highlighted differences
variable. For specific interaction effects, an uncorrected statistical in activation of the left and right superior temporal gyrus and
threshold criterion of Po0.005 was employed with minimum cluster size
of 3 voxels.7,41 In addition, to identify whether brain activations in the three amygdala. Finally, for the exercise vs sedentary activity contrast,
contrasts had linear associations with individual differences in body activation differences in the left and right post-central gyrus were
weight, BMI was entered as a covariate in correlation analyses within the observed.
entire sample and relations between betas and this external covariate were
evaluated as a whole brain analysis. On the basis of the past work,6,41
significant correlations were identified using an uncorrected Po0.005 and Weight Status and Activity Image Contrast Interactions
a minimum cluster size of 3 voxels. In second-level random effects group analyses of competing
hypotheses (Table 2), the O-W group showed significantly weaker
left insula (BA 13) activation and marginally stronger activation
RESULTS (Po0.006) in the middle frontal cortex (BA 6) compared with A-W
Weight Status Differences on Demographics and Attitudes Toward women in the sedentary activity–landscape contrast condition.
Physical Activity The exercise–landscape contrast also corresponded to weaker
Supporting the integrity of the weight status group distinction, activation in left cingulate gyrus (BA 23) among O-W women
the O-W group had a significantly higher average BMI than did the than A-W women. Finally, for the exercise–sedentary activity
A-W group, t (1, 24) ¼ 9.27, Po0.001. Conversely, these groups did contrast, no significant weight status group differences emerged
not differ in terms of age, t (1, 24) ¼ 0.66, P ¼ 0.434, education (all P’s 40.005).
levels of mother, w2 (2, N ¼ 26) ¼ 6.69, P ¼ 0.15, and father,
w2 (2, N ¼ 26) ¼ 1.39, P ¼ 0.71 or participant year in university,
t (1, 24) ¼ 0.77, P ¼ 0.45. One-way analyses of variance indicated Correlations between BMI and Activation within Activity Image
that O-W women had significantly more negative attitudes toward Contrast Conditions
physical activity than did A-W women (F (1, 24) ¼ 4.11, P ¼ 0.05) Correlation analyses within the entire sample revealed a
while weight status groups did not differ on positive attitudes to positive correlation between BMI and activation of the inferior
physical activity (F (1, 24) ¼ 0.04, P ¼ 0.85). temporal gyrus and an inverse association with putamen
activation in the exercise–landscape contrast. Furthermore,
BMI was positively correlated with activation in the medial
Main Effects of Image Type frontal gyrus (BA 10) in the exercise–sedentary activity contrast
Although peripheral to the main research focus, numerous main (Figure 1). No other associations with BMI were significant
effect differences emerged for Image Type within the entire (all P’s 40.005).

Table 1. Neural activation differences between physical activity image contrasts for the entire sample (n ¼ 26)

Region L/R Brodmann area Talairach coordinates t Cluster size

x y z

Physical exercise–landscape
Superior frontal gyrus L 6  18  13 61 5.00 1137
Middle frontal gyrus R 6 21  10 58 4.88 511
Middle temporal gyrus L 37  45  61 7 8.73 21 016
Middle temporal gyrus R 37 48  64 4 10.41 30 833
Inferior parietal lobule L 40  33  43 49 5.75 3164
Cingulate gyrus L 24 3 1 40 4.62 733
Limbic lobe, uncus R 36 27 2  29 6.13 374
Amygdala L  33 1  23 5.78 1760
Amygdala R 27 1  14 6.42 767
Putamen L  24 5 13 5.16 1292
Putamen R 21 2 13 4.77 632
Thalamus, pulvinar R 15  25 4 6.23 715

Sedentary activity–landscape
Inferior frontal gyrus R 45 48 29 7 5.04 1146
Superior temporal gyrus L 22  42  55 13 7.81 9458
Superior temporal gyrus R 22 48 1 5 5.16 480
Middle temporal gyrus R 37 48  64 4 8.81 19 358
Fusiform gyrus L 20  39  40  14 6.64 1649
Amygdala L  27 1  14 5.75 1069
Amygdala R 27 4  14 5.78 727
Thalamus, pulvinar R 15  25 7 7.00 679

Physical activity–sedentary activity

Postcentral gyrus L 1  54  26 42 5.78 550
Postcentral gyrus R 1 57  25 40 5.70 370
Using a whole-brain false discovery rate of Po0.05 and a minimum cluster size of 10 voxels.

International Journal of Obesity (2014) 1180 – 1185 & 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Neural responses to exercise and sedentary depictions
T Jackson et al
Table 2. Neural activation differences for physical activity image contrasts between average and O-W groups (N ¼ 26)

Region L/R Brodmann area Talairach coordinates t P Cluster size

x y z

Exercise–landscape: O-W4average
Cingulate gyrus L 23 1  12 28  3.67 0.001 123

Sedentary activity–landscape: average4O-W

Middle frontal gyrus R 6 30 5 52 2.96 0.006 126

Insula L 13  27  28 16  4.46 o0.001 90
Insula L 13  30  37 19  4.32 o0.001 89
Abbreviation: O-W, overweight. Po0.005 uncorrected for multiple comparisons using a minimum cluster size of 3 voxels.
Inferior Temporal Gyrus (42, -67, -2)

Putamen (18, 20, -5)

r = 0.47


r = -0.62
Medial Frontal Gyrus (-9, 56, 7; BA10)

r = 0.61


Figure 1. Activation in regions of the inferior temporal gyrus (a) and putamen (b) in the Exercise–Landscape contrast as a function of BMI, with
corresponding graphs of blood oxygenation level-dependent signals from peaks in each region. Activation in BA10 of the medial frontal gyrus
(c) in the exercise–sedentary activity contrast as a function of BMI, with a corresponding graph of parameter estimates from that peak.
Uncorrected Po0.005 was employed with minimum cluster size of 3 voxels (Talairach coordinates).

DISCUSSION this result indicates susceptibility to O-W/obesity is related not

This study may be the first to evaluate and identify neural only to responsiveness to environmental cues that facilitate calorie
activation differences between O-W women and leaner controls in consumption but also to increasingly diminished incentive
response to visual depictions of exercise and sedentary activity. activation to environmental cues reflecting energy expenditures.
Consistent with the hypothesis that exposure to physical activity This pattern is also somewhat consistent with the more
depictions would result in weight status differences in reward area negative attitudes toward physical activity among O-W women
activation, correlation analyses revealed activation of the right in this study and evidence of weaker preferences for physical
putamen was significantly reduced as participant BMIs increased activities such as sports in other O-W/obese groups compared
within the exercise–landscape contrast condition. The finding with A-W peers.15–16 Perhaps reduced reward value of exercise
extends past studies demonstrating exposure to food images depictions among heavier respondents helps to explain why
results in increased activation of dorsal striatum structures related O-W groups engage in less moderate to vigorous exercise than
to habit learning, addiction, positive reward expectancies and leaner groups do.12–14 As such, interventions that increase the
exposure to cues with increased incentive value among obese reward value of increased energy expenditures may have utility
groups relative to lean cohorts.5–7 In concert with those findings, in reducing O-W.

& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited International Journal of Obesity (2014) 1180 – 1185
Neural responses to exercise and sedentary depictions
T Jackson et al
Regarding the hypothesis that weight status differences in brain and evoke associated movements than O-W women were. Hence,
centers associated with apprehension, negative affect, social pain while this effect was not directly representative of differences in
or pain might emerge in response to exercise images, O-W women reward value or negative affect related to exercise, possibly it
did not show more activation in specific anterior cingulate cortex reflected a weight status difference in rates of participation in
areas implicated in intense negative affect states including fear or depicted physical exercise activities.
anticipation and delivery of aversive stimuli,28,29 despite having Notwithstanding its novel focus and findings, the main
more negative attitudes toward physical activity. However, BMI limitations of the study must be noted. First, because only women
did have a positive association with activation of the right medial were assessed, generalizations regarding specific areas of activa-
frontal gyrus, specifically BA 10, in the exercise–sedentary image tion cannot be made to men. Second, despite use of an O-W cutoff
contrast condition. Although the rostral prefrontal cortex sub- indicative of obesity-related disease risk in Asian populations,33
sumes diverse functions, Gilbert et al.’s42 meta-analysis indicated the strength and number of potential activation differences could
that studies of mentalizing (that is, attending to one’s own be even greater in comparisons of obese versus A-W groups.
emotions and mental states) were disproportionately related to In light of significant correlations between BMI and activation
medial activations, whereas lateral activations disproportionately patterns, extensions to morbidly obese samples should evaluate
involved memory functions. As well, the middle frontal gyrus has hypothesized activation patterns more fully. Third, given the cross-
been linked to the regulation of negative affect.43–45 For example, sectional study design, it is not clear whether weight status
Grecucci et al.44 found that during reappraisals of another’s offer differences preceded or followed differences in activation. Future
as more or less negative in the ultimatum game, participants use of longitudinal designs can elucidate this issue. Fourth,
showed significant activations in the inferior and middle frontal although this study linked O-W to having relatively more negative
gyrus. Carter et al.43 observed the capacity to learn which arbitrary attitudes toward physical activity, reduced incentive/reward area
visual cues resulted in receiving aversive electrical stimuli was activation and increased activation of areas implicated in negative
related to activity in bilateral middle frontal gyrus. As such, these affect regulation, evaluation of relations between activation
results align with behavioral evidence of negative attitudes or patterns and objectively measured physical activity is an
experiences related to exercise in O-W/obese compared with A-W important avenue of future work that may clarify further the
groups.19,21,22 functional significance of activation patterns. Finally, following
On a related note, in the sedentary–landscape contrast from landmark studies highlighting implications of neural
condition, O-W women showed comparatively weaker activation responses to food images versus food ingestion for obesity,6,7
in the left posterior insula (BA 13), another area implicated in the effects of weight status on activation to visual images of sedentary
anticipation and experience of negative affect,46,47 fear and pain activity and exercise do not necessarily reflect activation patterns
processing.48,49 Although at odds with our hypothesis that the related to anticipation of or recovery from acute exercise bouts.
O-W might show stronger reward activation during exposure to These are key issues for extensions.
sedentary images, decreased responsiveness in this area,
compared with leaner controls, during exposure to sedentary
images might have reflected comparatively more negative CONCLUSION
reinforcement (that is, reductions in aversive affective experiences) To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate
in the O-W group. From this perspective, behavioral evidence of weight status differences in patterns of neural activation
preferences for sedentary activity or alternatives to physical associated with exposure to visual portrayals of exercise and
activity15,16 and increased time spent in sedentary activities sedentary activity. Preliminary support was provided for conten-
among the O-W/obese can be reframed as a partial reflection of tions that visual depictions of physical exercise correspond to
reductions in negative emotional reactions to increased physical reduced activation of specific reward centers and increased
activity rather than purely as a result of increased reward value activation in regions linked to negative affect among O-W women
such activities might engender. Although interpreting the compared with leaner peers. Furthermore, exercise–landscape and
meaning of an activated area by drawing upon research sedentary activity–landscape contrasts revealed associations
suggesting functions for that area is a sensible approach to between O-W status and reduced activation in centers implicated
tackling topics about which little is known regarding neural in motor learning/re-experiencing events and negative affect,
mechanisms,50 confirmation is now needed in replications that respectively. Extensions to morbidly obese groups may illuminate,
explicitly test relations between left posterior insula activation and more fully, links between weight status and neural activation in
attitudes toward sedentary activity in O-W/obese subgroups. response to visual cues for exercise and sedentary activity.
Finally, two weight status differences in activation emerged that
were not based on predictions. Specifically, O-W women showed
significantly weaker activation than leaner women did within the CONFLICT OF INTEREST
posterior ventral cingulate cortex (left BA 23) in the exercise– The authors declare no conflict of interest.
landscape contrast and marginally stronger middle frontal gyrus
(BA 6) activation in the sedentary–landscape contrast, both of
which are areas implicated in motor learning and movement.51–54 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Activation of the posterior ventral cingulate cortex is also related This research was supported by grants (no. 31170981, no. 31371037 and
to autobiographical memory, kinesthetic memory of body no. 31100758) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Education
movements, storage of motion velocity, visuospatial orientation Ministry of China, a Chongqing 100 Persons International Fellowship and the BaYu
Scholar Program of the Chongqing Government.
and navigation of the body in environmental space.55–58 Vann
et al.59 reported areas 23 and 31 are more active during retrieval of
real than imagined events, contending that re-experiencing real
events modulates activity in this area.
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& 2014 Macmillan Publishers Limited International Journal of Obesity (2014) 1180 – 1185

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