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What Poor Child is This? Poverty and American Children

The video presents the most disturbing report on poverty status in America, especially

among young people. Significantly, the program tries to demonstrate that poverty is inevitable

and cuts across wealthiest economies. The United States of America, for instance, is one of the

developed countries in the world, yet traces of poverty remains undesirable.

Conversely, the program reveals the underneath truth about poverty status by citing

controversial facts in the American upward mobility. The program lays bare the constraints

young people undergo in a depreciating financial economy. The challenges echoed in the

program revolve around mental illness, family bond disintegration, illiteracy, among other


Analytically, the program underscores that the diversity of poverty ranges with the

visibility of wealth ownership and situational cases. In context, the majority of the poor comprise

the segments of homeless people residing in an urban setting. The Key factors that contribute to

the high level of poverty, as mentioned in the program include the wage gap. This eventuality is
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recognizable in the US economy that relies on social problems. It is a gap that has been created

by isolation between the poor and the wealthiest persons in the US.

Other factors that promote poverty include racism that in many ways, has deterred

economic integration among ethnic communities in the US. Consequently, since these children

have poor education backgrounds and parenting, the chances of poor child increase. The high

rates of abuse in foster care again contribute to child landing in the streets. Based on the content

of the program, the likelihood of poor cognitive development among children is high. In context,

the program critiques the emotional, social development of the child when left in impoverished

conditions. Most importantly, the program suggests offering quality childhood education, robust

funding of childcare, and motivation as the best intervention for child poverty in the US.
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Work cited

"Poor Kids Of America (Child Poverty Documentary) - Real Stories." YouTube, True Vision, 28

June, 2017, Accessed 3 July 2019.

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