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王瑶 interchange 试题

1. Read the following words and translate 30’

etiquette environmental volcano
geography desert greasy
remedy ointment insomnia
multivitamins entertainment diving
gorgeous neighborhood garage
2. Translation the following phrases 40’
与某人订婚 戴隐形眼镜 还清学生贷款 打保龄球

工作直到五点 治愈疾病 下船 停止流血

大蒜汤 看牙医 旅游景点 古老的城堡

冒险 不同的文化 杂货店 不可思议的事情

看电影 有用的建议 典型的家庭 兼职工作

3. Answer the questions with at least 2 sentences


How often do you read ?

Do you like reading ?

Do you think reading is important for children?


where is your hometown ?

Is it a big place or a small place ?

Is anything you dislike about your hometown ?

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