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Tierra Foxworth

COM 101-401

September 29th, 2016

Instructional Speaker Evaluation

For my evaluation, I had Arion Askins. Arion did his presentation on "How to Jailbreak

an iPhone". I feel that Arion did show his knowledge of the subject. He himself has had many

generations of the iPhone and has jailbroken his personal phones along with other people's

phones. He gave us directions on how to do it in his PowerPoint and told us about some of them.

He used a sample phone to show us what buttons to push and what to expect when doing it. All

together, I think he did a good job in showing us his knowledge.

I think that his presentation tactics were only somewhat effective. His information was

good but the way he delivered them was not the greatest. He had all the steps written on the

PowerPoint but said that he wasn’t going to go through them all. There was also some simple

spelling mistakes on the slides. There was a couple of times where he seemed very laidback. He

mumbled a lot or had very low tone that it was sometimes hard to hear or understand all that he

was saying. During the video and sometimes after it, he was leaning on the table or had his arms

folded on it. He also had his hand holding his chin up and his facial expressions were that of

someone who did not want to be doing this. That gave the message that he wasn’t comfortable

presenting or did not really care as much as he should. We were suppose to pick something that

we enjoyed or were passionate about and his body language did not show that.

He used the video to show us some tricks and tips to do once you have jailbroken your

phone. I feel that it was really long and after a while it wasn’t as interesting and he lost his
audience. He didn’t really do any explaining along with the video which may have helped keep

his audience with him. The man in the video talked fast and went through his information fast so

trying to go along with him was sort of difficult. There may have been a shorter, better video that

he could have used. For those of us that did not have an iPhone, I do not think the video was

relevant so having it go on as long as it did was not the best tactic. Like I mentioned, I feel if he

had took breaks in the video and done more explaining then it would have possibly kept up more

interested and not somewhat bored with it after the first minute.

I do feel that Arion did a pretty good job with eye contact. He looked back and forth from

the PowerPoint, to his sample phone, and then to the audience. There could have been times

during the video that he could have incorporated more than just watching it himself and leaning

down, but he did a good job. Again his body language could have used a lot of improvement.

His message wasn’t really a good one he wanted to give to his audience.

His use of visual aids was done very well. He brought in his own sample phone and

showed us what buttons to hit and explained what happens during the steps. His PowerPoint

listed in detail all of the steps even though he didn’t go through them all in his explanation.

Instead of using a link to his video right in his PowerPoint he had to exit the PowerPoint, open a

new internet tab and copy and paste it in the address bar which isn't that big of deal but it is easy

enough to do so why not?

His transitions I felt were good. He explained the steps and went through most of it with

us. He could have had a better tone like I mentioned before but the content was good. His quality

of research was good as well. I don’t recall seeing any sources other than his own information

and experience, and the video though. His seemed to tell us all the right things that there is to

know when jailbreaking an iPhone.

At the end of his speech, Arion said, "It's cool and you should try it". I do not think that

that was a good conclusion. He didn’t summarize at the end of his speech anything that he had

really talked about. He told us the steps, showed us the video and his phone and was done. I feel

that he could have had a better recall of his thesis and a better closing statement. Overall, I feel

that Arion did do a good job on his presentation and on the assignment.

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