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Historical Perspective

Neuroglia: the 150 years after

Helmut Kettenmann1 and Alexei Verkhratsky2,3
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Robert-Rössle-Straße 10, 13122 Berlin-Buch, Germany
Faculty of Life Sciences, The University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PT, UK
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Science of Czech Republic, Videnska 1083, 142 20 Prague 4, Czech Republic

The beginning into fibrous and protoplasmic astrocytes. To the anat-

One hundred and fifty years ago on 3 April 1858, at 37 omists and pathologists of that time it was obvious that
years of age, Rudolf Virchow (Box 1) promulgated the the non-neuronal cells were quite diverse in forms
concept of neuroglia in a lecture delivered at the New (Figure 2) and also underwent changes in pathology. It
Pathology Institute of Berlin University. This lecture was, however, in 1919 before oligodendrocytes and micro-
was part of a series of 20 lectures for colleagues and glia were recognized as separate cell types and introduced
medical practitioners, and the 13th was entitled ‘Spinal into the neuroglia concept by Pio del Rio-Hortega [11–13].
cord and the brain’. In that lecture, Virchow made public It wasn’t until the 1950s that myelin (this term was also
his earlier thoughts [1] on the brain connective tissue, the introduced by Virchow) was recognized to be part of the
‘nervenkitt’ or nerve-cement, which he termed ‘neuroglia’; Schwann cell [14].
he had coined the term already in 1856 in a comment to an
earlier article from 1846 when his collected works were The evolution of concept
republished. The lecture series, however, was a landmark ‘What is the function of glial cells in neural centers? The
because it was stenographed by one of his students and answer is still not known, and the problem is even more
published, almost without changes, in the same year. The serious because it may remain unsolved for many years to
resulting book, which appeared under the title Cellular come until physiologists find direct methods to attack it’.
Pathology [2], is one of the most influential medical pub- By these prophetic words Santiago Ramon y Cajal began
lications in the 19th century. From there, the term neu- his treatise on glia in Histology of the Nervous System [15].
roglia and the concept behind them spread around the The question is still not answered today, although several
world. concepts have emerged that attribute a variety of roles for
Already in Virchow’s eyes the concept of neuroglia was glial cells in brain function.
set against the concept of nervous elements; he wrote The first and somewhat negative role of glial cells was
‘Hitherto, gentlemen, in considering the nervous system, presented by the filling concept originating from Virchow
I have only spoken of the really nervous parts of it. But if and elaborated by Karl Weigert [16]. Here, the neuroglia
we would study the nervous system in its real relations in was given an entirely passive role as an element that fills
the body, it is extremely important to have a knowledge of ‘space not occupied by neurones’. Nonetheless, the second
that substance also which lies between the proper nervous of Virchow’s ideas – that the neuroglia holds nervous
parts, holds them together and gives the whole its form in a elements ‘together and gives the whole its form’ – received
greater or less degree’ [2]. This division between nerve a surprising twist. Indeed, the architecture of the grey
elements and supportive tissue still persists to a large matter is defined by the astrocytes because each proto-
degree in the views of many neuroscientists. plasmic astrocyte occupies its own territory and cantons
For Virchow neuroglia was a connective material, the grey matter, covering all neuronal elements within its
although he would admit that it ‘also contains a certain domain [17,18]. Loss of this specific organization might,
number of cellular elements’ (Figure 1). Nonetheless, glial incidentally, be involved in various forms of brain pathol-
elements were recognized even before Virchow’s ideas ogy [19]. The astroglial domain is also linked to blood
appeared when, in 1838, Robert Remak described a sheath vessels, a phenomenon initially observed by Golgi, who
around single nerve fibres (R. Remak, PhD thesis, Univer- was the first to propose the nutritional role for glial cells.
sity of Berlin, 1838) and in 1851 Heinrich Müller [3] Today, we have arrived at the concept that the astrocyte is
discovered radial fibres in the retina (which later became an essential part of a neuronal–glial–vascular unit, and
known as Müller glial cells). The second part of 19th new studies show that astrocytes control the local blood
century was a golden age of cellular histology, and soon flow and supply neurons with energy substrates [20–22].
after initial findings many different forms of glial cells were In fact, the astroglial cell emerges as an important
described and images published, for example by Otto homeostatic cellular element in the brain because, indeed,
Deiters, Jacob Henle, Camillo Golgi, Gustav Retzius astrocytes control the brain environment by regulating
and many others [4–7]. In 1893, Michael von Lenhossek the volume and composition of extracellular space and
proposed the term ‘astrocyte’ [8] (astroglial cell), and, by controlling the barrier that separates the central ner-
slightly later, Kölliker [9] and Andriezen [10] divided those vous system from the rest of the body. Evolutionarily, the
Corresponding author: Verkhratsky, A. ( initial separation, which subsequently developed into the
0166-2236/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2008.09.003 Available online 20 October 2008 653
Review Trends in Neurosciences Vol.31 No.12

Box 1. also acts as a main source for reactive-oxygen-species

scavengers (e. g. glutathione), thus, confronting metabolic
Rudolf Virchow (Figure I) was born on 13 October 1821 in Schivelbein, damage [24].
part of the Prussian empire, which is now Swidwin in Poland. He Astroglia are also involved in shaping synaptic connec-
studied medicine in Berlin and worked as a pathologist at the Charité.
After the failed revolution in 1848, in which he had actively
tivity in the brain by controlling the genesis and mainten-
participated, he was urged to leave Berlin and he moved to Würzburg ance of synapses (thus, providing morphological
as a Professor of Pathology. He returned to Berlin in 1856 and stayed homeostasis of synaptic connectivity) and by affecting
as the chairman of pathology for the rest of his life. He had a broad synaptic strength and plasticity. Initially, the concept of
interest in science ranging from cancer research, neuroscience to
glia regulating neuronal communications was suggested
anthropology and, as the editor-in-chief of Virchows Archiv, he could
oversee it all. Rudolf Virchow was not only a highly influential by Carl Ludwig Schleich in his landmark book on local
scientist but was also actively engaged in different aspects of political anaesthesia in 1898 [25]. He believed that glial cells could
and cultural life. He initiated laws for meat inspection at slaughter- move between nerve cells and thereby block transmission.
houses and, as a Member of the German Parliament, he was In the extreme case, in general anaesthesia, all neuronal
instrumental in installing a modern sewage system in the city of
elements are isolated by glial cells and the activity of the
Berlin born out of the recognition that there is a relationship between
infections and hygienic conditions. His interest in anthropology led brain is ceased. We now know that it is not as simple as
him to his friend Heinrich Schliemann’s excavations in Troy and Schleich believed, but there might be a piece of truth in his
Virchow convinced him to donate the Priam’s treasure to the city of concept. In particular, microglial cells and also astrocytes
Berlin. He assembled a tremendous collection of pathologic speci- can rapidly move or extend their processes in physiologi-
mens and, at the end of his life, he opened a pathologic museum not
only for students and medical practioners but also for the public. He
cally relevant temporal domains [26,27]; whether this form
died in Berlin on 5 September 1902. of plasticity might indeed affect synaptic connectivity
remains, however, unknown. Nevertheless, astrocytes
are legitimate partners in synaptic transmission (the tri-
partite synapse [28]) because their perisynaptic processes
contain an array of neurotransmitter receptors [29,30],
which enables rapid perception of synaptic transmission
events. Astroglia also feed back to neurons, thus, modifying
synaptic transmission; this feedback is accomplished in
many ways, including the release of gliotransmitters (by
exocytosis, transporters or membrane channels [31,32])
and neurotransmitter uptake, which shapes the neuro-
transmitters dynamics in the synaptic cleft [33].
We have also learned that glial cells have intrinsic
signalling systems. Activity among astrocytes can spread
in the form of Ca2+ waves and they can generate spon-
taneous Ca2+ increases that correlate with the release of
glutamate [31,34–37]. The network of astrocytes and oli-
godendrocytes is interconnected in a complex manner by
gap junctions [38]. This syncytium is highly dynamic with
respect to space and time. It might serve to exchange
molecules for signalling and metabolic activity such as
the long-range diffusion of second messengers (e.g. InsP3)
or metabolic substrates (e.g. glucose and ATP) [39,40]. This
network is distinct from the binary signalling of the
neuronal networks in that it offers a new (and completely
unknown) possibility of analogue information processing in
the brain.
Finally, an entirely new concept of the glia as a stem
element of the brain has been developed recently [41]. Not
only does the radial glial cell act a a pluripotent neural
precursor but also some astrocytes can re-enter the cell
Figure I. (a) Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902). (b) The frontispiece of Cellular
cycle and produce all types of neural cells, from neurons to
Pathology published in 1858 [2]. (c) Lecture 13 (‘Spinal cord and the brain’) macroglial cells; identifying the control factors of neuro-
from Cellular Pathology, in which neuroglia were defined. and gliogenesis represents an important challenge.
Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells have an important
blood–brain barrier, was entirely made by glial elements; role as isolators, the role initially suggested by Pedro
the more advanced blood–brain barrier is formed by endo- Ramon y Cajal (the brother of famous Santiago). Both
thelial cells, which nonetheless seem to be controlled by types of cells produce myelin, which provides for highly
factors secreted by astrocytes [23]. As far as extracellular effective electrical isolation of axons, permitting, thus, the
space is concerned, astrocytes control ion environment (in saltatory propagation of action potentials. These cells are,
particular K+), water movements and uptake of many however, more than simple cable isolators. They are
transmitters (most notably glutamate); the astroglial cell equipped with transmitter receptors and are able to sense

Review Trends in Neurosciences Vol.31 No.12

Figure 1. Neuroglia as seen by Rudolf Virchow. (a) Ependyma and neuroglia in the floor of the fourth ventricle. Between the ependyma and the nerve fibers is ‘the free
portion of the neuroglia with numerous connective tissue corpuscles and nuclei’. Numerous corpora amylacea are also visible, shown enlarged below the main illustration
(ca). Abbreviations: E, ependymal epithelium; N, nerve fibers; v, blood vessels. (b) Elements of neuroglia from white matter of the human cerebral hemispheres. (i) Free
nuclei with nucleoli. (ii) Nuclei with partially destroyed cell bodies. (iii) Complete cells. Reproduced from Ref. [2].

neuronal activity [42]. This signalling route is thought to The diversification of glia
be involved in controlling oligodendrocytes differentiation The initial division of neuroglia into three types, the
and the state of myelination. astrocytes, the oligodendrocytes and the microglia, was

Review Trends in Neurosciences Vol.31 No.12

Figure 2. Morphological diversity of human glial cells. Neuroglial cells from the human cortex. (a) Vertical slice of one of the gyros of the frontal lobe obtained from 42-year-
old women. (b–e) Vertical slice of the parietal region obtained from a 70-year-old man. In all parts, the upper surface of the cortex is oriented towards the top of the image.
Superficial glial cells send their processes towards the surface of the slice where they spread; glial cells located in the deeper layers are represented by many different types.
In parts (a) and (b) blood vessels with tightly attached glial cells are shown. In (e) a small stained ganglion cell is shown; all other cells are glial elements. All images are
obtained from Golgi-stained preparations. Taken from Ref. [6], Vol. VI, Plate V.

accomplished in the 1920 s and has recently been chal- been characterised. These cells (also termed synantocytes
lenged. An entirely new class of glial cells, the NG2-glia (so from Greek synantv synanto, meaning contact [43]; or
named because of expression of specific marker NG2) has polydendrocytes [44] because of their potential multitude

Review Trends in Neurosciences Vol.31 No.12

of functions) have some neuronal physiological features 2 million synapses compared with only 100 000
and receive synaptic contacts [45]. These cells are highly synapses covered by the processes of a rodent astrocyte
reactive and might participate in gliogenesis, myelination [47]. Moreover, in the primate cortex specific types of
and yet unknown forms of synaptic regulation and astroglial cells have been described: the interlaminar
plasticity. and polarised astrocytes. The functional properties of
Moreover, it becomes apparent that astrocytes are not a human astroglial cells are virtually unexplored and these
homogeneous cell population. Astrocytes in different brain cells might have a greater functional heterogeneity and
regions have distinct physiological properties and express regional specificity than astrocytes currently studied in
various sets of receptors and transporters, most likely mouse and rat.
adapting to their immediate environment. This functional
heterogeneity of astroglia can be even more prominent in Glia in pathology
the human brain because evolution from mammals to The first image of glial cells published by Virchow in
higher primates resulted in a remarkable increase in both Cellular Pathology resembles neither the morphology of
density and morphological complexity of astrocytes. The astrocytes, oligodendrocytes nor microglia of the normal
glial to neuron ratio in the frontal cortex has increased brain. This image of spherical cells actually comes closest
from 0.3 in rodents to 1.65 in humans [46], whereas to an activated microglia in a pathologic brain tissue. So
protoplasmic astrocytes dimension and volume of their what he has seen remains in the dust of history. His
territorial domains rose by 3 and 30 times, respectively. followers, however, soon recognized that glial cells undergo
As a result, every human astrocyte contacts and enwraps substantial changes in the pathologic brain, and Alois

Figure 3. Activated glial cells associated with neurons. Abbreviations: Gaz, neuron; aglz, glial cell. Taken from Ref. [48].

Review Trends in Neurosciences Vol.31 No.12

Alzheimer edited an entire book devoted to the pathologic slower time scale, developing within seconds or even min-
glial cells [48] (Figure 3). Today it is well established that utes. Gap junctions amalgamate single glial cells into an
astrocytes and microglial cells have a complex response even more complex structure. An increase in numbers and
pattern in all known disease states of the brain. Microglia, complexity of astrocytes, which correlates with the
very much in line with initial ideas of del Rio Hortega [13], increase in brain cognitive power, can represent the evol-
establish an intrinsic defence system of the brain. Much utionary means for integrating rapid information
has been learned recently about the physiology and proper- exchange provided by neuronal networks with a relatively
ties of these cells, which seem to be true wardens con- slow but longer lasting information processing provided by
stantly scanning the brain environment and searching for glial cells. We might speculate that the combination of
the brain damage [26]. The resting (or better termed binary and analogue information, handled by the two
‘surveying’) microglial cells are spread throughout the cellular networks in the brain, is essential for brain func-
entire brain parenchyma, each cell occupying its own tion in producing thoughts, setting memories and creating
territorial domain. The processes of microglia are in con- emotions, which, in essence, define our human nature. This
stant move, scanning the domain and perceiving either ‘off’ effigy might be heretic, but it cannot be denied without
signals (which indicate the normal brain functioning and consideration; only future experiments will produce the
prevent microglial activation) or ‘on’ signals (which final answer.
indicate brain damage and set up the complex and graded
programme of microglial activation) [49–51]. References
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