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The guide to help you get your

first Product Management job.

Product School provides certified courses in Product
Management, Data Analytics, Coding, Digital
Marketing and Blockchain to professionals across 15
campuses worldwide. In addition to on-site
campuses, we also offer the same courses, live
online. Both on-site and online courses are taught
by real-world product managers who work at top
technology companies such as Google, Facebook,
PayPal, Airbnb, LinkedIn and Netflix.

If you want to learn more about Product

Management, Data Analytics, Marketing and more,
head to our curated blog.

Editors & Design: Roy Cobby & Gabriela Araujo.

All rights reserved. This book may not be

reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without our express permission except for the use of
brief quotations in a book review or blogs. Please,
give us credit if you decide to quote our book. 

© 2019 Product School.

Transitioning to Product Management 6

Get Hired at Your Dream Company 19

General Tips & Advice 43

Interview Advice 51

Your First Few Days as a Product Manager 60

HIRED: HOW TO GET A PRODUCT The Google Associate Product Manager
program is, currently, one of the most
 successful avenues to tech leadership.

 Companies as diverse as Apple or Uber
Software engineers are the key to are seeking Product Managers to take
building a product’s foundations. their services to the next level.
Marketing experts need to gain and Compensation for Product Managers
nurture leads. User Interface and is on the rise.
User Experience teams need to know
and define the product from top to Now, you could be thinking, “but I
bottom. And Sales have to close as have no technical/commercial/user
many deals as possible. knowledge, there is no way I can get
into product.”
If any of these processes fail, then all
other efforts are in vain. Wrong. As this book will show you,
some of the most successful product
Product Management has only transitions originated from people in
become a popular term within the music production or finance, with
last few years. While they may seem full-time jobs or with no prior
expendable on paper, they have experience. Our collection of stories
become a critical part of all successful of Product Management transition
technology firms. will show you how it’s done. You’ll
discover exactly how to get to the
interview stage and smash it!
And you may wonder, “Why are
Product Managers now in such high
demand?” Keep reading to discover tailored
guides to go for Product Management
positions in companies like Facebook,
Go back to that first paragraph. And
Amazon and Uber. You’ll also find
now imagine an individual able to
some tips to help you survive and
contain all those skills into one. And
thrive during your first few months as
more. The ability to work within and
a freshly hired Product Manager.
through different disciplines while
keeping the big picture in sight is
what makes Product Managers Ready? Let’s go!

Transitioning to Product Management 

—— Think back on your career. Think In the digital world, being open to
ahead, lay out your future. Think for a change your mental frameworks is
second that you are not interested in everything. Accept this, and you will
Product Management. Just reflect on start the PM road with the right
your professional experiences and mind. Note down these general
those of your peers. Is there a thoughts to push you in the right
common pattern? direction.

Surely, you have noticed that your - Where do you want to be in the next
career is always changing. Any couple of years? Be realistic and
professional who started working in precise. Something like becoming
the last couple of decades is aware of an established Product person in
this. Every few years (for some, it’s the field of FinTech, for example,
just a matter of months!), you could would be a good one. If you perceive
switch company. Sometimes you even yourself as a product, with various
switch function, department, or features and services, it will be
 easier for you to identify possible

Of course, “tech” is the reason: the
more connected we are, the quicker - Training to fill these gaps should
technology makes some careers take you closer to the product
obsolete and others promising. arena, and the movers and shakers
who decide on hires. But never
Seeing that you will have to switch at accept less than what you expected.
some point, your best bet is to choose You should work on products
a path that is adaptable by definition. you’re excited about! Some Product
Product Management is one of the Management techniques, such as
most versatile disciplines out there. roadmapping, can assist you in your
This is because its core skills (technical endeavor. Of course, adding KPIs to
expertise, stakeholder 
 your goals might be exaggerating, but
management, commercial awareness) it is very useful to define your steps
are fully transferable. on a single document.
- Developing a public profile is not It is precisely from these latter
fundamental. But, when you are positions that many Product Managers
getting started in the scene, it can help have emerged. But it is not a path as
you a lot. Certain social media tools are direct as many believe. In fact, pay
particularly useful: microblogging attention to this advice to avoid the
( Tw i t t e r ) , l o n g - fo r m a r t i c l e s common pitfalls that block you from
(Medium), podcasting… Remember, overcoming selection processes.
PMs are keen communicators. Your
continued engagement with product
Engineers to Product
communities, such as the Product
School Slack Community, will help Managers
you “learn the language” of your
favorite companies. Who knows: you Beginning with engineers, it is true
might even meet an eventual that employers trust they will have
recruiter! what it takes to assume the role.
However, their familiarity with
Now, let’s look at actual examples of building and maintaining digital
successful transitions to extract some frameworks does not guarantee
useful wisdom. success.

Learning from Conventional First of all, some engineers have

unrealistic expectations. They think
Product Transitions they can move smoothly from a
junior or mid-management position
What do we mean by “conventional” in engineering in one company to a
product transitions? product management position in
another one. Actually, it is much more
Product Management emerges to fulfill common to occupy intermediate
a gap which is very real. In a digital positions such as Technical Program
world of increased competitiveness and Manager, Sales Engineer and Project
decreased costs, you need somebody Manager.
who is both technically and
commercially proficient in your team. Why? As you can see, they all add an
edge. An employer values exposure to
Someone who is the voice of the user the content or customer-side of the
but understands the limitations of business, because they prove that the
engineers, designers and marketing engineer can survive outside the
teams. world of code and programming.
However, do not assume that you those departments will normally be
need an MBA to prove this. These keen to share their insights. If your
educational programs can be really dream really is product, you should
costly and distract you from practical be happy even to accept a more junior
experience in product. Short and position as a Product Manager than
hands-on practical courses like the one you hold as an engineer.
Product School’s are an efficient
alternative. One of the shared principles involves
the “solving problems” mentality.
An additional mistake many engineers However, Product Managers have a
make is relying too much on their larger degree of choice: it’s important
technical acumen. Their resumes and to understand priorities and justify
interview answers focus too much on how and why you are picking a
their achievements in programming; particular challenge.
however, they actually need to show
diversity of skills and interests. Some Additionally, as an engineer, you are
easy solutions are to join courses, allowed (even encouraged) to get lost
attend events and take part in in the details: after all, the machines
community activities. you build must be as close to
perfection as possible. But Product
Janko Bazhdavela is currently Head of Managers cannot afford that: they
Product & Engineering at The must keep their eye in the big picture
Corcoran Group. He began as Software and long-term.
Developer, moved onto Technical Lead
of the Products Division, Production There is also a different way of
Management and Head of Engineering. approaching targets. Outcomes are much
His next position: Senior Product more important than output. Emptying
Manager at Amplify in New York. your Trello Board is not as important as
the overall value you are generating to
As you can see, Janko worked his way customers and stakeholders.
up: he did not transition straight to
product. His first piece of advice is Besides, your language needs to adapt
logical: the first opportunities can be to the task: while internally you might
found in your own company. rely on technicalities to drive your
efforts; your external stakeholders
Many managers are happy to notice need language and visuals understood
enthusiasm for an expanded by the general public.
commitment, and your colleagues in
One word of warning coming from Designers to Product
Janko’s personal experience: keeping
one foot in tech and another one in Managers
Product Management is a recipe for
disaster. This is because setting up the People without experience might
roadmap and executing it are two think that design is just about how
completely different processes. things look. But for anyone wanting
to make it in this industry, they are
Some other initiatives we mentioned fully aware that it implies much
and Janko undertook include going to more.
conferences and other events; this is
very important for two reasons. First, In the case of Product Managers, it is
the obvious one: networking. Meeting the user experience that matters most
people in the business is fundamental. 
 of all. Indeed, it is often said that PMs

 are the voice of the user. There is a
But, on a secondary level, these cottage industry of tips and tricks on
relevant events will get you thinking building user journeys, understanding
as if you already were a Product their psychology, building empathy.
Manager. Pay attention to how other
Product Managers (like Janko!) tell Designers have the perfect combination
their own stories, and start learning of creative artistry and technical
the art of narrating your own personal prowess that makes them the perfect
experience. This will help you in the candidates for a Product Management
later stages of a recruitment process. position.

In this PM’s case, he had several Senior Product Manager at Xero

reasons to make the transition. He James Taylor is a good example of a
wanted to limit the distance between transition. Originally from Sydney,
his work and the customer; he sought James began the product path
a more dynamic participation in the through a casual conversation with a
entire lifecycle; and appreciated new manager. The manager wanted
becoming more involved in product to learn what he did in the company
strategy. What are your reasons? in his role as Product Designer. So he
Come up with some! first started explaining the usual;
then he started listing extra stuff:
running a pilot program for an
Android app, introducing product
analytics and more. The manager
stopped him saying “I thought you How do they all fit together? What is
were just a designer!”. the right launch sequence to obtain
maximum exposure and a warm
Chances are, if you are a designer at a welcome from your target consumers?
small or medium-sized company, you
have done some of these. Many UX This latter point is actually very
managers find it difficult to distinguish important. Designers have to leave
their tasks from Product Managers. their personal creation bubbles and
This is because the role involves face large audiences. Whether you are
research to understand customer pains in B2C or B2B, you will be required to
and preferences, iterating, running attend some public engagements:
sprints… But there are some differences conferences, presentations, webinars
too! or workshops. You have to polish
your influencer skills, raise your
PMs have an added insight which is profile and build a community.
m a r ke t a c u m e n : n o t l i m i t i n g
themselves to the individual user, but Every Product Manager wants to
also the dynamics of multiple users make evangelizers out of their users:
across time (even those who prefer well, what about starting with
the competition!). This also means yourself?
that you are gathering data from all
parts of the business: you are in close James Taylor has one particular
contact with teams at both ends of example of a mistake they made when
the funnel. Designers can be just too they were starting as a team in a
reliant on users’ perspectives. company. They delivered their
presentation employing the usual
You need to know which other “designer” speak during a meeting.
products and actors would be ready to Rather, it is in the nature of Product
solve the same problem as your team. Managers s to speak and learn the
A release is not something inscribed language of other colleagues.
on a roadmap; you must take into
account the whole environment. Not If you are coming from design, one
just external rivals: chances are, if you trait you should show is your curiosity
are in a big company, there are other and ability to understand other
product teams wanting to release their functions in the company. Remember:
own features. every person has a unique life
trajectory, just like yours! Make
mental notes of what internal
stakeholders care about: it is certainly Marketers to Product
not that simple in real life, but think
logically. Finance teams will care Managers
about revenue. Marketing teams will
care about lead generation. Engineers On principle, it is clear what conventional
will care about product life cycles. marketers are missing: coding skills.
They should be able to figure markets
Indeed, as a designer, you are in a out; and, depending on experience,
prime position to start developing they should more or less understand
many of these attitudes. design principles.

It is likely that your design research However, this is becoming increasingly

will force you to sit down with ancient history as the most successful
different groups. Start by learning marketing techniques involve a reasonable
what they do. Are there any extra degree of technical awareness.
tasks you could complete by going
the extra mile? If engineers see in you Mid-level or Senior Marketers have
a trusted mediator, you are already probably led campaigns that involved a
becoming an unofficial Product combination of yes, their market
Manager! This is called influence- insights: but also their familiarity with
building, and it is fundamental. PMs the possibilities of engineers and coders.
are not likely to have direct executive With new tools emerging every day,
control, so it is really important that they need to be up to date.
their authority originates in strong
informal ties. Now, the intersections between
marketing and product are clear.
Are you lucky enough to share space After all, product is usually the first of
with Product Managers at your Ps listed as the discipline’s essentials!
company? Then shadow them! Show
that you are keen to learn, ask about Amazon’s Ashwini Lahane, responsible
skills, courses… whatever can help to for Product Strategy, Marketing &
complement your gaps. Growth at Amazon Web Services is an
engineer turned marketer. In her case,
As always, be advised: becoming a PM she has traveled the opposite path!
is accepting a challenge not everyone However, she can help clarify the
can handle! intersecting and diverging aspects
between the disciplines.
There are skills which are not Certainly, any good marketer is aware
necessarily transferable on their own. that one reason to justify hiring PMs
The art of preparing alpha versions for is to avoid misalignment between all
digital applications, or developing the teams concerned with the
pricing strategies, are only useful for customer, including sales. A marketer
either engineering or marketing. going into product should keep in
mind their role as conflict-solvers;
However, in their intersection, is this might be applied literally, as PMs
where many commonalities emerge: are often the last hope of a peace
beta testing, demo developing, between departments.
project planning, product training,
use case drafting, roadmapping, And think of this as a task beyond the
revenue analysis… they are the office: friction is the Product Managers
perfect marriage between developing enemy. Features must be conflict-
and marketing. free, as users must have a smooth
experience to be converted into
In fact, according to Ashwini, if recurring customers. This is where
traditional PMs relied mostly on marketers should remember their
product intuition and data-led customer experience lessons, and
planning, successful product people share their insights with more
are now including marketing and technically-focused PM colleagues.
growth in their top priorities. That is,
combining the need to explain your Coming back to Ashwini, she argues
product and expanding user adoption that Product Management today starts
are as important as your creative backwards: from the customers. You
product vision. need to understand, empathize and
validate their needs.
As Extrahop Product Marketing Lead
Isaac Roybal explains, product might be Indeed, validation is fundamental,
seen to create and marketing to and data-led strategies are something
communicate value. But, in reality, many marketers can bring to Product
they both collaborate in processes like Management. There are plenty of
product launches, market research, sources which engineers or designers
customer interviews, sales enablement, will not be aware of, like popular
and competitive research. The overall publications or industry reports. It is
goal is to deliver the message. likely that marketers are acquainted
with tools like Salesforce, Excel, and
What to make of that particular kind design, market, user and design
of marketer, the growth hacker? research, marketing, launch, sales…
Well, they are definitely in the Even if you were in charge of a
product orbit. Their skills spread relatively small product, what matters
from viral to blogs and seek to spur is to reflect on your challenges and
awareness, adoption, retention, and build a coherent story.
revenue. An experience with this
quick and dirty approach to enlarging Consultants like Jordan Sumerlus,
your user base is an asset for a future current Product Manager at Two
product career. Sigma, have also managed the
transition. He began as Technical
Finally, Ashwini closes with one of Consultant, then moved to Technical
the foundational ideas for both Consultancy for Deloitte to finally
marketing and product management: progress onto Product Management
applied psychology. You need to tell at Google. How did he make it?
the story right and tell the right
story. This is something both have in The obvious overlaps involve expertise
common, and can help you as a in communicating and presenting
marketer transitioning to product. strategies and visions. Of course,
consultants are constantly in touch
with customers and must be adept
Other Common Transitions
problem-solvers and negotiators.

There are some other well-traveled But there are many differences;
paths to product. Entrepreneurship particularly the ones connected to the
is, of course, a common point of “negative” stereotypes associated with
departure. If you have been involved
consultants. Product Management is
in setting up your own business in the not a “Boy’s Club”, riddled with office
past, you are familiar with many of politics and lacking transparency.
the challenges that product involves. Rather, it is a role where you have to
delegate and build up your team. No
Certainly, not all founders and CEOs silos are allowed!
have the same degree of involvement.
But many have started projects at
There are even more distinctions
university or other environments below the surface. Not all offices in
which included many challenging tech are cool, open and colourful
stages that mirror the product spaces that encourage creativity; but
roadmap. Everything from conception, they are definitely a step above the
usual cubicles that populate large If you occupy any of these, your way
consultancies. Relationships are to product is clear. What about other
different, probably of a more informal backgrounds?
Unconventional Choices,
Depending on your former role, it
was possible that you were used to Product Successes
dealing with clients and then your
office colleagues in a very hierarchical There are so many ways of making it
way. No more: Product Managers are to product that even more heterodox
in the middle of a storm, and need to background can undertake the
treat any stakeholder as a possible transition. We have collected some
saviour. They are on a more equal notable experiences across the years
footing with everybody, which can be that should inspire you.
good and bad.
Ryan Cunningham is Product Strategist
In terms of approaching tasks, & Operations at Uber Elevate, the
consultants usually look at the bigger company’s current venture into air
picture. PMs are the opposite: details transport. But he actually began as
matter a lot. Business Analyst and Chief Investment
Officer at different financial bodies.
Also, agility is fundamental: Coming from finance, how did he get
depending on projects, consultants to a top Product Management position
can count on medium-term time at one of the leading tech companies?
windows. This ends the moment you
join product! All in all, consulting is Tech, thanks to the promise of
good training, but keep in mind that financial apps and solutions, has
in exchange of more autonomy you slowly become more welcome to
will be losing a lot of direction. You finance backgrounds. In fact, there
need to build your own vision. are many across banks and funds who
would like to enjoy the autonomy and
Which other positions surround creativity that a Product Manager
product? Business Analysts and position can offer.
Project Managers have similar
transitions to consultants. Product According to Ryan, those who
Marketing Managers are similar to consider the jump have the right
general marketers, and Product intuition. A Product Manager’s main
Designers to overall designers. goal is to make a solution happen
which can provide value and usability from various sources, running
to consumers. While you can always simulations, staying up to date with
learn tools and design skills, an innate sectors relevant to your investment
business sense is more difficult to portfolio… A techie simply has had no
train. And, by working with numbers, time to develop the same sound
you are showing that you are quite knowledge of various industries, and
comfortable among spreadsheets and this you should show and highlight
quarterly reports. during an eventual interview.

Next, neither data nor statistics are Let’s check out another, even more,
strangers to you: they are your main unconventional profile. Jason Robert
tools! And the fact that you have dealt Trikakis is the co-founder of HelloSugoi,
with something as sensitive as a blockchain-based ticketing system.
personal or business investments But he started in music production!
implies that you know how to build a
story with them for your clients. Is After writing and producing music for
this not the same as the type of tales bands and different media, Jason
you must build to increase your realized he wanted to do something
influence over stakeholders? else with his life. But traditional paths
tend to be expensive: from law school
Equally, you are more than comfortable to business school, all options are a bit
with tight and conflicting deadlines. out of reach for the many. It was after
With digital products, launch dates do assessing his traits and preferences
not mean anything: features are in that he figured out that Product
constant iteration and review. Management was a suitable career
Competent product management
implies juggling different time Coding was his entry drug: Python,
requirements by external and internal HTML, CSS, and JavaScript led him to
stakeholders. Flexibility through know enough to understand engineer-
sprints and careful planning with your talk. In fact, once you begin learning,
team are essential requirements to you start joining. Because most of the
avoid fatal mistakes. Sounds familiar? available workshops are actually
Yeah, exactly like the world of money. delivered in groups. Look around: it is
almost certain that there will be some
Finally, a banking business acumen is sort of tech community around you
simply unparalleled. Think back to that delivers lessons or at least meets
the countless hours gathering data with a certain frequency. Jason
actually found out about PMing different disciplines is simple. Staying
through these! Something that you up to date with industry tendencies
will read across this guide over and and the surrounding community is
over again (and this is trying to spell fundamental. Join a group, such as
in capital letters) is that almost the weekly events we host.
anyone can become a Product
Manager. As long as you have people As you get inspired, you should start
skills, intellectual curiosity, some building things on your own. Even
degree of creativity and a forward- small add-ons to existing products
looking perspective; you can make it should help. If learning code is
in product. necessary, take it as a productive
A word of advice: not everyone in
music, or film, or book production
No Such Thing as a Straight
will be as dynamic as Jason. In his role
as a company founder, he was Line
practically in charge of everything:
making the music, promoting it, As you can see from these examples,
addressing clients’ concerns, booking Product Management is a discipline
venues… This type of exposure to o p e n t o e ve r yb o dy . We l l , n o t
what constitutes managing a product everybody: to those who are willing to
is something you need to experience put in the work.
before launching into tech from a
different professional arena. People with engineering, marketing,
and user design backgrounds are
Jason is also a Product School alum, a halfway there because they have at
member of the first LA cohort. Taking least one of the essential set of skills
a course focused on the real-life for PMs. However, their transition is
challenges that Product Managers no guarantee either.
face, taught by people in the industry,
is one of the most solid avenues into This is why the path is actually open to
product. professionals from other disciplines.
The most important skill to have is
Th e s e t wo e x a m pl e s a r e g r e a t passion for product. Then, there are
inspiration and should help you look some logical steps: make an inventory
horizontally at the advantages that of your current skills, learn how to
other backgrounds might have. All in present them positively, lay out a
all, the best advice for people from career plan, benefit from being close
to certain industries… A path well
planned feels like your own escalator
to success.
Get Hired at Your Dream Company

—— If there is one thing true about previous chapter, consultants like

passionate product people, is that all him who focus on the technology
of them hold a particular product in sector have a better chance at
high regard. Chefs just love certain becoming PM. He also did a project
food joints. Painters have their that involved Google.
predilection for an Old Master.
All of them focused on either process
Perhaps it was the app they could improvement or identifying where
never drop, or the utility that saved the value chain is within product
them a lot of time, or the service that development, and helping clients get
arranged the perfect holiday. But more efficient in their operations.
everyone in tech has their favorite Sounds like a good start, right?
product and, by extension, their
favorite product-maker. Google really wants to see people like
Luis, who seek to move up front in
Check out these guides to working for the value chain and understand how
some of the most dynamic product products even come up in the first
teams in Silicon Valley and beyond. place, how problems are identified
and how you go about identifying
potential solutions for the customer
Getting a Product Position and then finally, execute on that
at Google product.

Former Google PM Luis DeLeon got his Since Luis took the course, he had the
position offered just after graduating chance to conduct the practical
from Product School San Francisco. exercise on an existing product. He
This is why we are in a perfect position picked Sense, a sleep monitoring or
to understand his transition. environment monitoring system to
basically help you sleep better. It was
a good way to apply some of the skills
Prior to making the switch to product
learned during the course.
management, Luis was doing
consulting and product development
for Accenture. As we have seen on the
So, just going through the process of For example, Luis’ team was working
understanding what a product is, and at Google Fiber, an attempt to disrupt
who the key customers are and a market in terms of Internet and TV.
coming up with a new user feature; it You should come up with an equally
is an interesting exercise to prepare ambitious project as a mental exercise,
for a prospective interview. to show the kind of ambition a Google
hiring team would expect.
Whether you join Product School or
take another path, you need to show In terms of how the process goes, it is
that you can work on the execution similar to other tech companies. So
level of things and helping the you go through the normal HR
execution be more efficient. You need interview, you go through your
to have a perspective on what the interview with the hiring manager,
end-to-end product life cycle is and and then more of a Round Robin with
absorb different questions in different different people on the team, and
ways to measure things, measure finally equal subcommittee.
your success by applying those sort of
frameworks or skills in a real-life Luis did tell us that they make you
situation. feel more comfortable than you
expect. It was more like “Tell me
On your resume and in your about a time when this happened” or
interview, you need to show an ability “Tell me you know what would you
for implementing a system and also do in this situation,” so a lot of those
changing processes and defining questions, not a lot of case studies
policies of how people should work questions. It was more about they are
together throughout the product really trying to get to know you it was
definition stage and how they would: a lot more comfortable than the most
• How they would implement their
product information Thus, Google favors having a macro
view of the product itself so, making
• How they would manage it sure that you study well how the
department you are going to join fits
• how they would change their process into an overall market. Which role
when things all of a sudden failed in would you seek to play in the actual
the field, or somebody had some sort product lifecycle? Asking follow-up
of support issue or a customer issue questions to the person who is
with the product. interviewing you is something they
love. That is the kind of bravery and benefits, make Facebook one of the
commitment they commend at the most coveted places to work.
big G.
It’s no wonder that it is also one of
In short, you should feel confident to the most competitive places to land a
apply frameworks even at the job. Facebook has its eye out for a
speculative stage, during recruitment. certain type of person that can fit in
So, try to be innovative and try to use with the company culture, share its
those frameworks in other parts of core values and will be dedicated to
your work. Even if you have not had a “bringing the world closer together.”
straight product management position,
I think it is something that you can So how can you snatch yourself one of
apply to other things. these positions in over 60 locations
worldwide and become Facebook’s
Finally, another option is to start a next employee?
conversation with your current
manager. Of course, do not tell them You need to be able to demonstrate
you want to switch companies! But that you have proven product
let them know about your overall management experience. Depending
aims. on which role you are going for
(Product Manager of Advanced
If it goes well, they will basically Ne t wo r k i n g pl a n n i n g , P r o d u c t
create a path for you to get there. Manager of Network Insights, to name
Definitely being open about that or a few), you may need anywhere from 3
having your goals discussed with your to 5 years of experience in a similar
manager to make that transition, is role. For some Product Management
definitely another thing that people roles, they ask for more than 10 years
should do and Google would value. of experience.

Apart from experience, there is a

Getting a Product Position
minimum qualification to become
at Facebook Facebook’s next PM, and it varies
greatly depending on the position. For
In 2018, Facebook stole the number some Product Management roles, you
one spot of Glassdoor’s list of “best need to hold a bachelor’s degree in a
places to work.” Its outstanding technical discipline like Computer
workplace reputation, vision and Science, Technology, Engineering or
values, and of course employee Math.
However, for other PM positions, it According to an interview with
isn’t exactly necessary as long as you Miranda Kalinowski, Facebook’s global
have the right amount of relevant head of recruiting, a candidate typically
experience. goes through four to five interviews
before being hired, and the whole
Of course, holding a bachelor’s degree process can take about three months.
in a technical discipline helps, but All potential Facebook hires go through
candidates are sometimes asked to the same first three interviews. The
have a specific technical background following interviews depend on the
as well. position that you are applying for.

Depending on the Product Management A typical interview process will look

position, you could be asked to have something like this:
experience in technical architecture of
web applications and media products, The first interview is a phone interview
designing user interfaces, or experience with a recruiter whose aim is to
creating examples through wireframes determine if the candidate has the
and mockups. appropriate professional experience
and drive to work at Facebook.
Fitting in with company culture and
attitude is a big deal for Facebook, and The second interview is another phone
they want to make sure that you have interview, but this time it is more
what it takes on a personal level. technical. The interview is held by a
When selecting candidates, Facebook Facebook employee that currently has
looks for people who are bold, focused the position the candidate is applying
on impact, fast, open and looking to for. So, at this stage of a Product
build social value. Management interview, you will be
interviewed by a Product Manager.
It’s important to demonstrate that you
are ready to make bold decisions The third interview is when the
quickly for the right reason and candidate is invited onsite to partake in
motivations. Read more about a series of interviews. While onsite, the
Facebook’s core values here. interviewee takes a tour of the office
and then has multiple interviews with
Additionally, Facebook looks for different panels.
talented people who are considered to
be builders, have diverse backgrounds, It’s no surprise that you will be
and fit into the culture. presented with challenging questions.
These usually include hypothetical Manager for Seller Onboarding &
questions and logic questions to Experience for Amazon EU, he should
gauge how the candidate thinks. The know!
questions will test if you have what it
takes to create innovative products First of all, Amazon looks for people
(product sense), make critical decisions who can drive products from ideation
(execution), and if you have the all the way to the delivery, strong
leadership and drive to thrive at analytical understanding, and huge
Facebook (leadership). stakeholder management. Amazon’s
hiring system particularly focuses on
Some example questions: its principles and candidates are
asked to share their experiences
• As a PM on the Facebook Birthdays around those principles.
team, how would you make it
better? If you have a tech background, you
may already have a competitive
• What do you dislike about a advantage in some areas. You may
Facebook feature of your choice? need to improve the understanding of
the customer and business needs; as
• We’ve outsourced a critical mobile well as stakeholder management.
app to a third-party developer.
How do we decide when to take Eventually, you should be able to
that development in-house? capture the market needs, convince
relevant decision-makers, and convert
• How would you decide between them to development requests.
showing more ads on the Facebook Additionally, in Amazon, UX research
News Feed vs. showing a What’s (or user research) is crucial: you cannot
your favorite project where you do anything without quantifying your
played a leadership role? hypothesis. This also highlights
carefully taken steps in ideation.

Getting a Product Position

That said, Amazon has both technical
at Amazon and non-technical PM roles. That is
depending on a product’s core
requirement. One good way to prepare
Amazon has some of the most sought
for the role is to focus on the STAR
after opportunities in tech. Some time
technique; identify great examples,
ago, Orkun Özbatur told us about what
they are looking for. As Senior Product
quantify the results and study them This also includes development
well. methods (such as agile delivery, scrum,
etc), how to capture customer insights
The way the company works is they (primary market research) and some
develop a vision and strategy, and UX/UI elements.
then those are turned into leadership
level goals. The business areas feed His suggestion: improving your basic
into leadership goals and, depending coding understanding and attain
on the department/team structures, technical insights. There are many
almost all individuals should have great free online resources!
personal goals.
Then, the best way of showcasing the
They are all calculated based on the value you bring is to show the impact
potential impact of product you’ve had. Online portfolios may not
improvements and new features. Of be as easy as for a non-designer,
course, return on investment is one of however, you should be able to talk
the most important elements. about how you improved the product
Eventually, all goals are tracked every you managed; for example, a year-
week, so you have a constant review on-year increase while launching
of the progress. new features.

You need to be prepared for that. But A great Product Manager should see
also show a keen interest in tasks like the customer in the middle of
customer interviews and usability everything before anything else. A
studies are also as important to on-site sustainable product or product feature
behavioral data. Both are conducted should take the roots from the user
very frequently to support quantitative and the PM should identify it no
data. matter what!

In the case of Orkun, he had both a You should even leave business goals
“coding kitchen” and a business aside when needed. That builds the
background. Understanding the vision! A great PM should also be
customer is a very important element persistent when he or she needs to
for a PM and conveying that message convince others.
to developers is also an absolutely
required skill. It is all about how you position and
equip yourself. Both business and
tech are very valuable to launch and internal, external, direct, indirect,
to drive strong products. partner, channel etc. Some glue is
Gaining a 360-degree knowledge, like
Product School’s PM certification, is a In the old Microsoft world, regional
good start. Getting a software leaders were representative of
engineering degree will definitely help customer pain points. Now, regional
you to understand the development leads are involved, however, there is a
process better; but don’t forget, you subset or group of customers that are
won’t really code when you’re a identified and made part of the early
Product Manager. stages of pain point definition, leading
to scope/MVP definition and included
in milestones for feedback in the
Getting a Product Position
product development cycle.
at Microsoft
Earlier Product teams didn’t necessarily
What about Microsoft? Working for this have direct access to the customer. Now
company was the shared dream of a you need to have some people skills.
whole generation that wished to enter
tech. And it still is for a lot of people! However, lack of hard tech skills is not
Senior PM Richa Rai has worked in the always a deal breaker. A lot of times
Digital Transformation department at you do not need any development
Microsoft. She will shed a light on experience. It depends on the team,
candidate requirements for this product and program. What is most
position. important is your curiosity about
technology and your ability to learn
First, the key expectation of a Product and understand technology on the fly.
Manager at Microsoft is to be the
leader (without direct authority of Product Managers are folks who are
course). Bring stakeholders together, not defined by their title but by their
keep leadership informed, highlight approach to their work. Richa always
and resolve issues and risk. Basically, looked for opportunities in whatever
own the success and failure of the role she was: gaps, problems,
product/program. common goals, improvements… This
can organically move you to Product
Different teams use different methods Management.
as there are vast customer segments
that the teams interact with –
Highlight the skills that show how you teams that do not fall under your
bring relevancy to data. Also, how to chain of command, or under your
catch trends in data. What were the management.
unnoticed business problems you
solved through insights that you Interviewed candidates should discuss
brought to the table? Have you how they recognized a problem that
streamlined the dashboards to better everybody else on the team was living
serve your customer? with, how they built a business case,
sold it to management, got it
Tell a story around that. If you prioritized, secured resources and
haven’t done any of these then I managed the delivery and outcome.
would advise you to pick up a Interviewed candidates miss telling
business problem in regards to such a story and they get entangled in
analytics and solve it for them. Take their resume when storytelling is the
that story to your interview. That crux of Product Management.
journey will speak volumes about
you. Ultimately, let Engineers do the work
for which they are hired! As a PM,
Candidates that share a story of you stay curious, trust their expertise
passion, that share how they went out and work with them to build and
of the way to fix something that was a validate different hypotheses to solve
pain point for the customer, how they a problem.
creatively solved the problem, how
they solved the problems that came What Richa learned was that you
along the way, what they were need to draw a line in the sand. As a
thinking throughout, how they walk- PM, you have to be the person to
through a real-life problem, will stand create the rough draft of the vision/
out. road mapping/feature list and give
teams something tangible/real to
The most difficult thing for a noodle and comment on.
Product Manager is to be in the
driving seat but not being the actual Take an idea from the conference
driver. You are the leader without room to the discussion to paper and
direct authority, keeping teams that to a live product. But it all starts with
are under different management your vision. You are the creator. As
aligned for a common goal. Your PM you need to LEAD.
product has a dependency on its
team and likewise, on various other
Getting a Product position and have the ability to drive product
planning, development, and launch.
at LinkedIn
In addition to possessing really good
They say that LinkedIn is the dream communication skills, LinkedIn
employer. They put a lot of time and wants the applicants to understand
effort into each person’s success in the technical subjects and emerging
company and care about everyone’s technologies and their relevance to
well being. They motivate their the marketplace. You should hold a BS
employees to reach their goals and degree in a technology-related field.
they have very few bad managers in
the company. Because the Internet is fast moving
and always changing, LinkedIn wants
The culture within the company is the applicants to understand the most
young, trusting and vibrant, and they recent trends in consumer web usage.
embrace diversity because it’s what They should be experienced in social
makes them unique. media and be informed of the
Internet, emerging web technologies
If that wasn’t enough to reassure you and community building.
to apply for a job at LinkedIn and see
it for yourself, they also hold monthly You should be capable of managing
InDays where they “ encourage their and leading highly cross-functional
employees to explore new ideas, teams and to communicate to both
volunteer for special causes and technical and non-technical audiences
invest in whatever inspires them.” If in a clear manner.
you want to join this awesome and
diverse team, here’s how you can do If on top of everything you’re also
it. passionate with a good sense of
humor, like collaborating and are
First, you must prove previous driven to deliver results go ahead and
experience. Depending on the job you apply for LinkedIn.
want the required experience in a
Product Management or equivalent Obviously, when applying for a job at
role is somewhere between 4 years LinkedIn it is an advantage to be a
(for a Product Manager role) and 10+ LinkedIn user yourself and follow the
years (for a Group Product Manager news and updates related to LinkedIn.
role). Make sure that you are also If you are not a user, then at least do
experienced in building web products your research and find out what their
mission, vision, strategy, culture, and them are qualified to go forward.
values are. However, it is important to know
what to expect before starting the
Here are some examples of interview whole process.
questions at LinkedIn:
The interview process roughly takes
• A/B testing – How would you test 1-3 months. It starts with an online
a LinkedIn feature when you don’t application, then phone screening with
have any data to justify your the recruiter, an interview call with the
decision? hiring Product Manager and finally an
on-site interview with the team
• Acquisition – Describe how would members such as the Engineering
you pitch Microsoft CEO that Manager, Data Science Manager, and
LinkedIn is a good acquisition. Product Managers from various teams.
This last one can take a few hours!
• Experience – What are your two
main product management Because LinkedIn was built for
principles? How would you use professionals to connect, network
your experience in Business to and achieve more in their careers, the
help LinkedIn? (If you have an best thing you can do in terms of
MBA.) resume is to update your LinkedIn
profile. Use it as your resume and
• Improvements – What improvements make it great. Here are a couple of
would you make to the site? How tips on how to do that best:
would you improve the signing
process of LinkedIn? Set a professional looking picture of
• Insight – What is the LinkedIn
feature that you love? ✓ Fill in your full job history.

• Metrics and KPIs – What are some ✓ Add your education.

main KPIs for project X?
✓ Build your connections network
• Production – At what point is the (the more robust the better).
product ready for production?
✓ Interact with your connections
Over 80,000 job applications are sent in the comments area.
to LinkedIn every year but not all of
✓ Post small blog posts, project, they are applying for, they need to have
presentations or even short previous experience either working in
videos to show off your cross-functional teams, know iterative
knowledge and skills.’ development principles and practices
or be experienced in managing and
✓ Follow LinkedIn to show developing software products.
interest in them and keep
updated with the latest news. Remember that in Spotify they are
agile. Technical background is not
necessary if you can compensate it
Getting a Product position
with other qualities. Understanding
at Spotify the importance of data as the most
powerful tool in decision-making is
Want to get a product management required as well as some knowledge
job at Spotify? The company needs no of agile methodologies. If you are
special introduction. Everybody knowledgeable and passionate about
knows that it is a cool company that the music they can overlook your lack
changed the way we listen to music. of technical background. It’s required
Originally from Sweden, they now that you know one of the two.
have offices in 20 countries.
Finally, Spotify wants to hire people
Because it’s such an international with different backgrounds and
company the culture within the experiences because they bring
company is very diverse and always diversity into the teams. They believe
changing. If you want to become one this will create a better environment
of the legendary Spotify PM’s, here’s for the employees which will result in
how. a better product.

To apply for Spotify make sure you They also want people to be curious,
know how to use their main product. hardworking, passionate, compelling
Applicants are expected to be at least storyteller and possess good instincts,
engaged Spotify users or understand as well as a critical mind. They are
the basics of the streaming music always open for ideas and changes so
business. you should have the ability and desire
to truly impact Spotify.
Besides being awesome, the applicants
need to have some previous experience
in product. Depending on the role that
Prepare to discuss these following rule: Keep it simple. Yes, you do want
topics in the interview: to make your resume stand out, but
it’s better that you let the words
• Experience – Talk about the one speak for themselves.
role in your entire career that is
most applicable to this role. Make sure to check out these when
putting the application together:
• Spotify as a product – Give us
real-world examples about our - Don’t hide what you’re capable of
product. and what your best achievements
are. Get to the point and present it
• The media space – Give us real- the way it is.
world examples about the digital
media space. - Make it easy to read. Maybe it’s not
a bad idea to ask your friend read it
• The music industry – Give us real- through before sending it out.
world examples about the music
industry. - Make it look good but put more
effort into the words than the
Spotify receives thousands of resumes a design.
year, and most people put lots of effort
into their applications so if you do not - Leave out the things that are not
hear back from them in a few days it is relevant to the position you’re
okay. They have not forgotten about applying for.
you. Here’s what you can expect from
the interview process.
Getting a Product Position
It takes a couple of months (5+) so be at Airbnb
prepared. Send out an online application
that leads to HR screening(s) over the Airbnb Product Manager Helen Sims
phone. Then, multiple video calls with is also a top Product Management
hiring manager, service delivery lead, instructor. So, she has not just been
peer, and clients. And, finally, the in- on one side of the fence: training
person interview. others to succeed in product is part of
her skillset.
As much fun as it is to come up with
creative and exciting ways to present On the whole, the most important
your resume keep in mind the main traits to show potential interviewers
at Airbnb include leadership, Some of the most common backgrounds
adaptability and a strong product at Airbnb include:
• Technical prowess, such as having
When she first knocked at the rental a degree in Computer Science or
platform’s door, she could count on a experience as an engineer.
wealth of experience at gaming
company Zynga. One example you • Being a startup founder.
should follow from her is how she
b e n e fi t e d f r o m t h e c o m p a ny ’ s • Attend business or professional
training program. schools, such as Product School.

Look around where you are working • Transfer from a different but close
now: are there any similar opportunities role in your company.
you could take? This sort of proactivity
is welcome at a dynamic environment Helen, however, advocates for a
like Airbnb. different approach. If you locate a
company or product you simply
The company works like a big product ADORE, just follow your dreams.
community, where business units
actually overlap and cooperate. Product Learn as much as you can about the
Managers are expected to navigate these company (check out the other guides
structures and understand where their on this very same book!) and try to
decisions are impacting other teams. find an entry point: becoming an
influencer, attending conferences,
For instance, one-pagers are a common learning about required skills…
tool to communicate with internal Everything works! Just get closer.
stakeholders whether a new development
will affect their duties. There are also live Take it from Helen. She was really
documents that are constantly updated happy at Zynga, as she had a really
where different teams communicate good understanding of their users
achievements and challenges. (herself being a gamer!). It was later,
when Airbnb slowly became part of
Helen makes an effort to have one-to- her holidays and business trips, that
one lunches with every other PM in the she realized the company’s motto
company, which is an even tastier way (belong anywhere) deeply resonated
of building a cohesive community! with her.
In both cases, she was extremely limits, you might come across as too
passionate and this supported her forward during your interview!
transition from junior to senior
PMing. If you manage to get your foot in the
door, make sure to meet everyone
The great thing is that the PM skillset you encounter; try to learn their
is amazingly easy to transfer between names and motivations. Attempt to
companies and sectors. Picture this: a understand the main thrust behind
professional with business acumen, current projects, and observe with
technical skills and customer attention.
knowledge (which almost feels like a
superpower!). Can you show awareness of the
competition? For companies like
This is not an easy combo to manage! Airbnb, with so many different
In particular, some of the things you services offering rival solutions, it is
should emphasise on your application fundamental that the PM understands
materials and interviews include what they are up against.
communication skills, opportunity
sizing, and customer empathy. But
Getting a Product Position
make sure to show, don’t tell!
at Twitter
When meeting managers at Airbnb,
you should be aware of career The blue bird company is such a
trajectories for PMs. In the first commonplace communication tool
couple of years, you should only with such a simple structure that we
really focus on learning to work often forget those working in the
without supervision; according to background to make it function. It
Helen, most of your projects will have takes a certain kind of approach to
monthly rather than yearly targets. product to be effective without being
too flashy, and this is something an
After that, you will slowly gain aspiring Twitter Product Manager
autonomy and become sole owner. For should take to heart.
the first five years or so, these two
positions, of junior and mid-level Alex Shih used to be Head of Mobile
PMs, are the best platform for later Products at Twitter. His profile is one of
senior and even C-level opportunities. t h e “ c o m m o n a p p r o a c h e s ” we
If you are not aware of timings and mentioned above: a former founder,
with a couple of years of PM experience.
Like Helen Sims, he has been a Product on their toes. The PRD is the
School instructor and understands the beginning of a conversation, aiming
challenges involved with the transition. to build a general direction which the
team can sign up to.
For Alex, the transition took place
inadvertently. He did not even have It goes without saying, to work at
to become a PM as a goal. His aim was Twitter you should be able to show
really to solve important problems: excellent communication skills!
international development, access to
education, providing tools to improve Beware of difficult interview questions.
productivity… Some pitfalls they will ask you about
will cover the prevention of conflict
He first worked on Google Apps, saw between teams.
its potential; and then joined Twitter
international initiatives during Learn a little about avoiding issues
graduate school. As you can see, he like schedules that are too tight;
was able to connect his personal features that cannot actually be
passions to company initiatives, thus implemented; lack of roadmap
m a k i n g h i s a p pl i c a t i o n s s e e m visibility… And expand your selection
genuinely interested in joining a of tools: you might be really used to
particular team. Trello, but what about Jira? Can you
show that you are able to switch
This is something they really valued at between different apps and obtain
the microblogging site. Another skill equally positive results?
that he showed was an ability to draft
impactful Product Requirement One of the benefits of joining a company
Documents (PRDs) How? Well, this size is the amount of training and
everybody in product should act as a resources that you get. Thus, on a
storyteller. Your documents, however prospective application you should
technical they might seem, should explicitly lay out what your expectations
generate a narrative that promotes are in this area: the company should not
your product vision. feel that they are wasting training
materials or improvement opportunities
One of the lessons that Alex learned on anybody!
about PRDs is to avoid proposing a
solution straight away. You need to Alex has continued his commitment
get on well with your engineering to expanding education by becoming
team: make sure that you do not step a product management instructor.
His final advice: read as much as you In fact, their image has always been to
can, but if you can focus on one thing, a deep knowledge of a particular type
focus on knowing users! Who knows, of consumer. Their whole appeal is
with time, maybe someday you will based on looking exciting and new: if
join him and train the next generation you are a PM coming from quieter
of product people. pastures, you might need to work
harder at fleshing out your risky
character. Think of their marketing
Getting a Product Position
material and the way they created
at Apple and dominated the smartphone
market: hustling trumps tradition,
In terms of visual appeal and design, indeed.
Apple is one of the leading companies.
Its key players lie in the physical Depending on the task, you might be
products category, so any aspiring PM part of a slick, small team of daring
worth their salt should show some entrepreneurs. Or, as Apple has
awareness of the differences. grown, you might join a department
that is firmly established. You should
What can an experienced Apple PM be able to navigate both, as both
tell us about the company’s priorities? spirits co-inhabit the half-eaten fruit
Former Apple Global Brand Manager
Thomas Cho has an exhaustive This applies to everything, according
knowledge of the history of products. to Thomas. Traditionally-minded
From the Ford T to the iPod, each operators at Apple will approach new
innovation has been connected to products from a more process-
social changes and led transformations oriented perspective. Startup-inspired
of their own. Thus, any applicant product people will rather be guided
should know about the company’s by innovation. What is the smallest
history. amount of time and effort I need to put
in to launch this? Can I launch, test
and re-launch when I have results?
An important point is to focus on the
More than process, for this new
coexistence of two souls within Apple:
generation of product leaders Apple is
its original start-up like structure; and
searching for performance-oriented
its current transformation into one of
the largest corporations in the world.
Besides, Apple has long-since abandoned the interrelations you notice to
the year-on-year improvement impress your interviewer.
mentality that still plagues some of the
traditional hardware companies. Finally, let’s discuss your philosophical
orientation to product.
They are all in for the kind of disrupting
spirit that startups have brought in the Who would not want to work for
last decade: from revolutionizing Apple? Well, you might be surprised:
transportation, to the world of dating. the emergence of younger, slicker
firms has aged the company really
Secondly, you must know about the quickly. One way to differentiate
interplay between digital and physical yourself in whatever selection process
products. In these times, phenomena you are involved is that you
like ‘unboxing’ videos show us the understand the company’s legacy. It is
marketing and customer engagement based on its origins at the first
rewards for working hard at packaging computer revolution, when these
design. technologies were seriously thought of
as an expansion of human freedoms.
In the past, we have had many
contributors and PMs who have been Things like these might not seem hip
able to live between both worlds. The anymore; however, if you show an
secret? Do not see them as separate alignment with the company’s ethos,
worlds! you are almost certain to make an
impression at later stages in the
Hardware and software, physical and selection process.
digital; they are both to be thought in
conjunction. As an Apple PM, you Keep in mind the startup-big
will be expected to create sustainable company dual soul, the importance of
products that consider this factor physical product and design, and
from the start. having the right mindset; and you
should be on your way to joining
During your interview, it is likely that Apple operations.
you will be asked on how you will
prevent pitfalls that have to do with
asynchronicity. Apple’s generations
of mobile products are closely linked
to their digital forays; make a note of
Getting a Product Position because you cannot simply choose all
use cases or all methods to deliver
at Netflix your preferred strategy. Simplicity is
of the essence!
Netflix has grown from “solving a
problem” (providing films by mail) to Secondly, remember that PMs are not
disrupting the whole media sector. born, but made. You need to unlock
Any PM seeking employment within your growth mindset, apply some
this trendsetting giant will have to discipline and (yes!) be patient.
share the same approach.
There are certain steps you need to
Rohan Thakkar, former PM at Microsoft prioritize.
and Expedia, is Senior Product Manager
at Netflix, with the mission of • First, make sure to acquire as much
“entertaining the world”. That’s a knowledge as you can. There are
strong statement! Let’s dig deeper into many free resources, including
what it takes to join a team like his. bl o g s , e - b o ok s , v i d e o s , a n d
podcasts; which can help you feel
His background is quite diverse but like you belong in the product
firmly centered in tech: from Test world.
Engineer to Program Manager and
finally Product Manager. This journey • Secondly, try something new. Find
has taken him to work in different a relevant project or gig that
departments, and gather many involves identifying a user need
lessons along the way. a n d a t t e m p t i n g t o s olve i t .
Hackathons, for example, are a
First, what is a product personality good opportunity to try this.
suitable for a company like Netflix? You
should have a firm vision, but be ready • Thirdly, network! Utilizing your
to change if evidence changes. community is fundamental to find
Decisiveness and responsibility go a long that special connection that might
way: remember, you are responsible lead you to your favorite company
both for mistakes and successes. (this applies to Netflix or other
companies that you like).
Product Managers will lead to very
diverse teams and are charged with • Finally, prepare, prepare and
identifying and defining opportunities prepare for your interview! Books
within the strategy. This is important like Cracking the PM Interview
and this manual get you ready for But, in between, he ensured that
that scary situation. Make sure to management knew him and the fact
be honest but play up your that he also knew as much as he could
strengths: tell compelling stories, about the products and the customers
absorb the company’s ethos, they were targeting. It is all about
prepare assignments and learn trust!
from your experience.
Secondly, remember that networking
As you can see, Rohan’s advice can towards your favorite company is
help you get a product position in never a bad choice. Kennet first heard
Netflix or any other of your favorite about the offer through a friend who
companies. had previously talked to Slack.

Getting a Product Position Knocking on their door with a

personal introduction already put him
at Slack ahead of the competition. In his case,
he had more UX experience, which is
Slack is such a cool tool we often take something Slack really wanted to
it for granted. Instant communication work on. In any case, what they really
which is fun to use and accepts valued is his attitude and loyalty to the
endless personalization. What’s not company’s users (remember: a PM is
to like? the user's advocate!).

Kenneth Berger, startup advisor, has One of the lessons he learnt is how
the honor of having been Slack’s first quickly initial situations can change.
official Product Manager. As such, he When he first joined the company, it
can tell you a lot about the company, felt like a small startup. Soon, they
what they are looking for and what became popular and, of course,
they would like to see if you became challenges enlarged (along with the
an acting product manager in their rewards!). So, as PM, you should
offices. reassure potential interviewers that
you are ready to accept a challenge
Kenneth actually became a PM for the even if conditions should change
first time by “leaning in”: there was a along the way.
gap in the team after a product
colleague left, and he made a case for Keep this in mind: job titles matter
transitioning into the role. very little. Focus on descriptions, and
you will realize that there are many
more entries into product than you within a company; or network with
thought. It is on you what you make people from other firms.
with the opportunities provided by
Slack or other companies. The vital thing is to do PM tasks, even
if it involves unofficially taking care of
Keep in mind that established operations tasks not strictly pertaining to your
will teach you more about generating role. Changing companies is not
agreements and projecting influence; always necessary.
startups will expose you to a wider
variety of tasks and responsibilities. The final word of advice from Kenneth
is: find your superpower. The easiest
Kenneth also wants you to avoid red way for a PM to boost their profile is to
fl a g s a t p o t e n t i a l i n t e r v i e w s : really find a function where they make
disrespecting other teams is a no-no. a huge difference. Think hard, and
Take ownership of your mistakes, think again, and then invest in making
showing responsibility is more this trait your unique selling point.
important than a making up a stellar You will not regret it!
track record. Interviewers want to
know what type of PM you are, not if
Getting a Product Position
you are good or bad. It’s a matter of
fit! at Salesforce
Plus, constrain your wish to “manage”. Jared Long has been Product Manager
Yes, it is in your job title, but you still at Salesforce for some time. This
work within a hierarchy. Think of company is a really good example of a
yourself as an influencer, a navigator: successful product operation in the
someone who steers the ship but who B2B sphere. Learn how to attract their
must respond to the captain. This can attention.
be difficult, but rewarding all the same!
And it prepares you for management in In the case of Jared, he had a marketing
the long run. background and managed to secure a
position at TripAdvisor as his first
At places like Slack, they do not require exposure to product management. As
an MBA. Backgrounds can be very you know from this guide, marketing
diverse, as long as they show promise. and product are closely connected.
So develop a good relationship with the
product team, if you can transfer However, you should make sure that
your first opportunities afford you the
chance of getting to know other projects for you, though. That will
departments so you can quickly almost always happen.
expand your skill set.
You should also show adeptness to
One surprising feature of his Salesforce data research. This is because you
experience is that quantitative prowess have to learn how to ask the right
or technical skills were not an essential questions, and not be afraid of
requirement to accept the role. Of continuing to ask until you have the
course, spending time side-by-side information you need to make bold
with technical teams you will absorb decisions. In previous roles that are
some of this knowledge. more user-facing, studying up on
design guidelines and case studies
But never feel discouraged but your helped form Jared’s intuition.
difficulty with numbers. Improvising,
learning on the spot; is something Salesforce product teams are structured
that hiring teams value and you around high-level product grouping,
should be able to show during an and then gradually become more
interview. Take it from a Salesforce granular as you get into specific
guy! departments and products within that
One thing about the company is that,
while large, it does not function like Product Managers and Engineering
traditional giants. It has organized Managers will typically work together
teams through scrum to increase to ensure that skills mesh together
efficiency and information sharing. well when assembling a team. So make
Many departments used to be sure that you have prior teamwork
independent companies that were experience with engineers!
absorbed, so showing a welcoming
attitude to diversity and learning You HAVE to know how to work well
from other teams is a good asset. in a team. The interesting thing about
product managers is that you rely on
According to Jared, Salesforce is a the output of people you don’t
company that loves autonomy and directly manage. This means you have
trust. As long as decisions are to be a good communicator.
substantiated, you do pretty much
have free reign to make decisions. Salesforce wants their PMs working
There are always cases where your six months ahead of the current
manager has lined up a couple of development, so they have tons of
processes for reviewing roadmaps, don’t like learning. Just apply to
updating departments on statuses jobs online, or have someone at the
leading up to releases, etc. As an company refer you. That’s the best
individual, they must define why way to get in the door.
they want to move forward with a
project and describe what it is they Salesforce Product Marketing teams are
are trying to achieve. more sales focused and communication
focused. They align the sales teams on
If looking externally, look for the product terminology to use with
associate product manager roles (or customers, which ways to speak with
product manager roles) and network customers, and they also focus on the
via LinkedIn to get your foot in the presentation of information to the
door. When you get to an interview, customers. Product Managers are solely
stress your training in understanding focused on the product lifecycle.
user behavior and understanding the
methods of finding out what user The biggest difference for B2B
pain points are. companies is that you have to work
harder to get in front of your users
What are the dos and don’ts for a PM and understand that the people you
interview? sell to are different than the people
who use your product. They care
• DOS: Research the company, look at about different things.
all of their products, evaluate the
products, know what you like, With enterprise software, there’s also
know what you would change – and typically bigger demand from sales to
have a very good list of reasons for be supported on customer calls, so
why you would make these it’s very important in the enterprise
changes. Ask how they make their that you communicate efficiently
money, understand how much internally so everyone can speak
revenue your product is responsible about the product values the same
for. Be vocal about teamwork, and ways.
you MUST demonstrate knowledge
of who their customer is. These are important because it’s just
like playing telephone, the more
• DON’TS: Say that their product is people between the PM to the user,
perfect. Say that you like working the more likely information is going
alone. Say that you don’t like to get jumbled. You still want to make
talking to customers. Say that you sure the buyers are buying for what
they like, and your customer’s
business sees the benefits they need.

General Tips & Advice

—— Now that you have picked your those things on your resume. You
dream company, we can share with have to start thinking of your resume
you some general tools and techniques as a product. Tools and 1-2 skills
to find a job in product. Make sure to aren’t the right questions.
apply as much advice as you can from
this chapter! The right questions are what is going
to make me stand out among all of the
other Product Managers? Do I have
Treat Your Resume as a
something to highlight? Should I get
Product skills on my own? What features do I
need to add so that it can compete in
Building your resume can be an the marketplace? What research do I
overwhelming task. From the layout, need to do? Recruiters are lazy, make
design, font styles and your list of their job easier.
experiences. What are the most
important factors? Do not worry about lacking some
coding experience. It is possible to get
Shanea King-Roberson used to be a job without a technical background.
Senior Technical Product Manager at Absolutely. But you are competing
eBay, and she advises you to treat with everyone else that also don’t
your resume as a product. Shanea is have a tech background.
currently the Director of Product at
Cloudflare. If you do have a tech background, the
numbers of jobs you qualify for
Before this, she worked at Google from increases. It’s just a numbers game.
2013 to 2017 holding multiple positions Shanea thinks it’s only important if
including Technical Product Manager you want a job at a traditional tech
and Product/Program Manager. company, the Googles and Facebooks
of the world.
According to her, Product Manager
job descriptions are always very Your resume should be tailored
similar, and LinkedIn is just like following the advice above. Get a job
Google search. Check the keywords at the company you want and then
and SEO in a job description and put transition into Product Management.
Build a product and learn to scale. considered waste. The same goes for
Even if it fails to talk about what you Product Manager resumes. Avoid using
learned. Expertise, they need a PM, buzzwords to make yourself or your
you were the best person for the job. statements seem more impressive,
recruiters can see right through that
Remember, your resume is your first and won’t hesitate to discard your
point of contact with a potential resume if there’s ambiguity about your
employer. It is important that you capabilities to perform.
prove that you are ready for a Product
M a n a g e m e n t j ob . No t j u s t b y Finally, use influencers. Customers
presenting valuable experiences, but put more trust in recommendations by
also by applying Product Manager acquaintances than those by brands.
skills when writing your resume. So do recruiters. Send your PM resume
through a current employee of the
According to experienced recruiters company you’re applying to. That
and hiring managers, you only have a way, you won’t be just an anonymous
few seconds to capture their interest applicant. They will associate you with
or be put aside. Think of them as the person you used as a messenger.
Google’s crawler looking for relevance Finally, they might even put up a good
in your resume. Therefore, it is word for you!
important that you find out what
keywords they’re looking for in a PM It seems counter-intuitive that a
resume. This way, you can find and document that receives such a limited
optimize your content accordingly. attention from recruiters requires so
much work from your part. Yet, think
Show that you’re data-driven! As a about it as giving hiring managers the
Product Manager, you are expected to best possible customer experience
make decisions based on data. You with your resume. Everybody wins:
can display your capabilities by they easily find what they want and
quantifying the accomplishments you get a call for an interview.
that you decide to put in your PM
resume. Additionally, this will help
the reader estimate the impact of
your accomplishments.

You should also be lean. In Product

Management, if it does not generate a
quantifiable value it might as well be
Starting a Side Project reference and answer it more clearly
and confidently.

Getting a job in Product Management Some Ideas:

is a unique process. It’s is one of the
few roles in the tech industry where
• Start off with a blog and write
the need to show your capabilities
about products in an industry you
surpasses the need to show off your
want to be an expert in. Talk about
degrees. In short, you have to prove
how you would market a new or
that you can do the job.
existing product, write product
tear-downs, discuss what features
If you want a job as a Product you would add to a product and
Manager start doing the job of a PM why. You can even talk about what
before you walk into an interview!
user experience changes you would
make to a product.
You don’t need to build a startup, it can
be a small side project that’s as simple
• Create a product. Come up with a
as starting a blog all the way to the problem you want to solve, decide
complexity of building an application. on the Minimum Viable Product
(MVP), then interview potential
The main goal of the side project is to users, write user stories and build
show you can: mock-ups. All this will go into a
product roadmap.
- Take action
• A tangible product will increase
- Put together a plan your interview game, but even
simply having gone through the
- Finish what you start process with documents to prove
it, and put you ahead of the rest.
Not only will having a side project
make you stand out – but it will give
you a lot of references and conversation
points during the interview.

For example, if you get the popular

question, “How would you prioritize
multiple features?” You will be able to
use your own experience as a
Earning the Respect of Leaving Your Comfort Zone
Technical Teams to Practice Public Speaking

Knowing how to code is essential to Public speaking is difficult and

being a successful Product Manager at intimidating for most people, especially
a software company in the US. for coders who typically have less
Prepare in advance for this tough outward-facing interactions.
challenge. Here is some essential
advice: Find a Meetup where you can practice
presenting in front of a group. This
• I f y o u d o n ’ t h av e a c o d i n g will push you out of your comfort
background, you’ll need to develop zone and give you a low-stakes
one ASAP. opportunity to make mistakes, learn
from them, and gain confidence
• If you are already a developer speaking and presenting your ideas
without any iOS experience and and projects. PMs need to be able to
looking to join a mobile team, try to communicate internally and externally,
learn about apps and the differences so practice this as much as you can.
with desktop software.
Build Your Product Manager
• If you want a more comprehensive
understanding of coding, check out Job Pipeline
Product School’s 8-week part-time
Coding for Managers course and Networking and building a career
others. pipeline will be the most important
step to take to land a Product
• Familiarity with the various coding Manager job. Go to coffee with co-
languages such as Python, workers, reach out to product peers
Javascript, PHP and Ruby will help at other companies, and focus on
you solve technical problems and finding great mentors.
give you the confidence to push back
on the Marketing and Design teams’ Personal introductions to job listings
requests. are the key to starting the process and
finding a new role. Even with the
• Also, and most importantly, you’ll above tactics, you will still need an
earn the respect of the development
team that you will be leading.
active job pipeline and strategy to be the fullest. We’re not talking just
successful. about job opportunities here.

Finally, you need to trust yourself, What is a community? And how is it

understand why and what you are different from a network?
doing this for, manage your
expectations, and push yourself • A community has common interests.
because landing a Product Manager job That is, PMs, for instance, are
can be very challenging. defined by their common goals to
understand and improve products.
Utilize Your Product
• These shared values lead to trust-
Community building. Helping each other is only
possible where trust is shared
Jonathan Lai has advanced a lot in his among participants.
product career thanks to the network
he has built over the years. Before • We belong to multiple communities
becoming a Founder of Tribe of Five, based on our different interests.
Jonathan worked for American They can be online, or offline. There
Express as Product Manager. can also be sub-communities
within larger groups of similar
Both there and in Goldman Sachs, he people.
gained experience in the world of
financial products. As with many • A network, by definition, is your
other environments, prospering in particular reach within a community.
the product universe has a lot to do That is, your position and ability to
with who you know. Make sure that extract value from your shared
you note down his tips and tricks to interest group.
make the most of your product
community. • This is not the same as your
LinkedIn count!
Every PM has one specific skill they
are brilliant at Data Analysis. Knowing Every time you try something new,
their customers. Conducting amazing you follow a process. First, you suck.
experiments. They do not need to Then, you make mistakes. Suddenly,
cover it all. There is, however, one you manage to do something right!
thing that all PMs need to know: And that’s when you get better. A
utilizing their product community to common rookie PM mistake is
neglecting your network. Try with a At the intersection of software
better way to do things. For starters, engineering, design, and business,
think of adding value to your the next generation of Product
network. Managers, self-taught or otherwise,
must build, measure, test, and iterate
Don’t go crazy, keep it small and on their own skills in each discipline
sustainable. For example, why don’t in order to succeed. Let’s review
you share a good article with general skills all aspiring Product
someone in your network tomorrow? Managers should have.

Once you begin sharing and helping 1. Technical Background

others in your network, you might be
tempted to do too much. Remember, You don’t need to be a software
quality beats quantity. This is because engineer but you need to understand
real connections are the secret. You how a software works and be able to
should be doing simple things and earn the respect of your engineers.
playing the long game, focusing on
relationships rather than transactions. Those who know how to code have a
definite leg up in the process, but if
Some examples include: inviting you don’t, you can still build
someone to an event, and limiting something to prove your curiosity
your meetings to 1-2 people. This will and expertise. Similar to designers
allow for meaningful interactions. who have a portfolio to showcase
designs, an aspiring Product Manager
Make sure to avoid some common needs to be prepared to showcase side
mistakes. If you try to hard to be projects such as wireframes, websites
interesting, the more it works against or mobile apps; some of them can be
you. Don’t force it! If you’re interested, done with tools that don’t require
people will notice. By keeping stakes any coding skills whatsoever.
low, you risk no disappointments. This
means that you should respect the 2. Industry Domain
journey from stranger to friend.
You have to care about the product
Of course, remember to be actually that you want to manage. The best
interested by putting in the work way to prove that you understand a
ahead of time: research your network, market, its customers, its problems
read what they read about and speak and what needs to change is to have
in their language. experience working in the same
industry, even if it wasn’t as a 

product manager.

Let’s say you were a marketing

manager in an e-commerce company,
you can use that expertise to apply to
another e-commerce company, as a
Product Manager. Being a PM requires
deep industry knowledge and it’s
incredibly difficult to switch industries
and jobs at the same time.

Once you get your first Product

Management job in an industry you
are an expert in, it will be easier to
find a Product Management job in a
different industry (if you that’s what
you ultimately want.)

3. Communication Skills

You are going to spend most of your

time communicating instead of
doing. That’s what Paul Graham,
Founder of YCombinator coined as
the manager’s schedule. As a Product
Manager, you are responsible for
defining the what, and your team is
responsible for defining the how.

You don’t need to be a public speaker

or a book author. However, every
Product Manager needs to be an
incredibly fast learner so you can
keep up with industry trends and
team needs in order to be able to
share a clear vision of the product
with every single stakeholder.
Interview Advice

—— Job interview. Is there anything might ask, for example, why are you
more scary than that? You walk into a building it. The right way to answer
room, talk about yourself and your to this is not to say that you want to
abilities and answer their questions do it for the consumers but to specify
the best way you can. When it’s what exactly are the goals and
finished, you wait for them to contact metrics that you are after. On the
you and hope for the best. We’ve all other hand, if they ask you what you
been there but fear it no more. Here would like to build for their company
are the keys on how to rule a PM job the response has to be tied to the
interview. company’s goals and missions.

The perfect answer, according to

An Overview of Product
Randy, would start with “I want to
Management Interviews build product X for your company
because the company’s goal is Y.” The
Former Facebook Product Manager of sentence would continue with “And
Enterprise Product, Randy Edgar, has how I would measure that is with the
done hundreds of job interviews. He key metric Z.”
does not lack experience in that field.
Previously he worked six years at If this is unsure to you then Randy
Facebook and is now the Group Product suggests “answering a question with
Manager at Uber. He studied Business a question to find out what they’re
Administration and Management and looking for and that’s how you nail an
ended up in product about ten years interview.”
Decision making in Product Management
The main thing to remember is has to be data-driven. Always. The
“never say no to an interview because reason that the product you want to
you never know how it’s going to build “is cool” is not good enough. The
work out.” argument needs to be supported by
data and you need to mention this fact
In an interview, they will ask you in the interview.
questions about a product. They
Every hiring manager values what direction the product is going
innovation. What they want to know is and be able to execute plans. “What
what you are bringing into the does this product look like in two
company and to the team. When asked years?” is one of the questions that a
what you would want to build for their product manager needs to be able to
company all you need is “one good answer at all times. They need to have
idea.” Randy’s advice is not to be afraid a somewhat clear vision in their mind
of getting up and using the whiteboard about the product.
for brainstorming and innovating on
site. The person interviewing you Also, a part of leadership is the ability
might even join you for brainstorming! to get along with the designers and
engineers in the team. This is a crucial
Depending on the company you are part of getting things done, and in an
ap plying fo r, th e le ve l o f t he interview, you need to be able to
technicality of the job varies a lot. If prove that you can do it. Randy’s
you apply for Google, you’ll know that suggestion is to make a three-minute
the job will be technically tough and, speech that proves that point. An
therefore so is the interview, but if it’s important note is that it doesn’t
some smaller company and you’re not necessarily mean that you can get
sure about it, ask. things done but that you can get your
team to execute your vision.
The reason behind this is that you
want to know how high the bar is set. “Never talk for longer than two
It’s useful not only for the applicant minutes without asking questions!”.
to know but also for the company.
The most asked question in interviews
A pro-tip that Randy gives is to do is “tell us about yourself.” Plan ahead
your research on the company before what to say in two minutes and
the interview. When you do it, you practice it. Nobody wants to listen to
know what to expect. Also, you will you talk about yourself for 15 minutes.
know what or who has succeeded and Companies want communication and
what or who hasn’t, and you know to know that you have the skills it
the things to avoid from saying in an requires. They want to hire someone
interview. they like so the most important thing
is to communicate and smile.
What is essential for a Product
Manager is to have the ability to be a Communication within the team is
leader in the team, have a vision on very important for a Product Manager,
whether it’s about getting along with confidence before and during the
the designers or the engineers. You interview. Make sure to digest the
need to make compromises and be company website and all internet
collaborative. It’s a two-way street sources perfectly to align with their
and requires mutual respect. mission, vision, values, and culture.
Google is your best friend: read all the
recent articles, market research on
The Ultimate Interview
the topic and industry news.
Checklist by a Top Recruiter
#2: Get very familiar with their
Valentine Aseyo is the SVP of Product products/services and competitors
at Bandsintown. Before Bandsintown,
he spent 8 years working at Facebook Spend a ton of time using their product/
in Ireland, India, and the US spanning services and exploring all the features
many roles from User Experience to available. In addition, you should
Product, as well as Advertising, definitely check out their competitors to
Marketing, and Sales. get a better understanding of the
ecosystem. This will help you identify
Prior to that, he worked at IBM and areas of improvement and position
Colgate & Palmolive. This unique them in the market.
b a c k g r o u n d c ove r i n g m u l t i pl e
geographies and departments made #3: Brevity is a virtue
him an expert in all cycles of Product
Management. PMs need to have killer communications
skills. Being succinct is the #1 quality an
Valentine is also an Olympic recruiter; interviewer expects. Elevator pitches
he interviewed over 2,000 candidates are always the winner rather than a
throughout his career and loves convoluted proposal with lots of details.
sharing his tips & tricks on how to If you can’t elaborate your idea in 2
score your dream job in Product minutes, then you know it’s not a good
Management. idea. If you find yourself talking and
talking for over 5 minutes, you’re
#1: Do your homework probably rambling and not being
This is the most important rule. If you
have the perfect prep, not only will
you be able to answer all the
questions but it will also boost your
#4: Focus on impact few million dollar ideas to innovate,
then there is no value of hiring this
A s yo u t a l k a b o u t yo u r wo r k person.
experience, it’s key to quantify the
impact of past accomplishments: what #7: Solve problem-solving problems
were the success metrics and KPIs?
How many people used your product/ Interviewers are interested in knowing
services? How was the product how you tackle daily problems and
acknowledged by authorities? How how you’d approach to improving
much revenue did you bring? How did their product. They try to probe into
it change people’s lives? Basically, the creativity, scalability, measurability
after you clearly (and briefly) explain and feasibility of your answers by
the project, make sure to follow up asking problem-solving (aka critical
with the quantitative impact. thinking) questions. So make sure you
review their product critically.
#5: Demonstrate applicable experiences
and skills Think about the most important thing
to fix/improve on their platform,
Interviewers like to hear how your have a couple million dollar ideas to
past experiences are relevant to the build on their platform ready to share
job position you’re applying for. with them, think about strategies
Giving many examples (and of course, they can use to expand their user base
their impact) is always very helpful to or other primary metrics they care
show how relevant your background about such as engagement, revenue,
and skills are. Explain your past roles, or cost.
the skills you acquired and how you
could use them in this new endeavor. #8: Stay true to the role

#6: Bring new ideas Remember what you’re interviewing

for and what the team does. If you’re
No matter what job you apply for, interviewing for a product role but
you’ll be hired to make a change in you give examples of marketing
the company. You’re expected to look initiatives to improve their business,
at the existing business with fresh then you’re not on the right track.
and critical eyes in order to generate Don’t answer the questions from the
dozens of ideas and take the team to domain of your past expertise but
the next level. If you can’t surface answer them from the domain of
several things to improve or give me a your future role.
#9: Curiosity feeds the cat into consideration that the recruiter
might not be a Product Manager.
You think you did a good job and now
ready to end the interview? Not quite - After passing the second phase, a
yet! The questions you ask at the end candidate will take part in an
of the interview may make it or break interview with the hiring manager
it. Make sure to brainstorm a variety (usually in person).
of question in advance to show your
interest and curiosity. Refrain from - Don’t expect an offer until after two
asking questions that can be googled more on-site interviews.
to get answers. The questions you ask
will reflect your intelligence, critical - Learn how to answer a question
thinking, and investment in the about your background.
- Prepare for a question about your
#10: Passion is golden technical background.

You may not check all the boxes. No - Learn what to say and not to say if
one ever does! This is where your asked about your favorite product.
passion comes into play. Show them
why you care about the mission of the - Learn how to answer a question
company. Give them examples of about prioritizing features.
things you learned on the job so that
they know you’re coachable and have - Get tools to answer a question about
the ability to learn quickly. Tell them how to run A/B tests.
how you’d go about improving
yourself in the areas that you lack Tips for a job interview:
experience if you were to get this job.
Make sure you have a plan. • Put time into preparing for the
interview to show how committed
Product Management you are.

Interview Specifics • Do your research about the company

(not just the website – go deeper.)
The interview process starts by
submitting the resume or sending out • Talk about the product management
the LinkedIn profile followed by an frameworks – the recruiter will be
interview with the recruiter. Take expecting that.
• Don’t be too technical and bore the – Pick a product and tell me a feature
interviewer. they should build next. Why?

• P r e s e n t yo u r s e l f s h o r t ly b u t – What would be your process for

informatively – tell the three most prioritizing features on your roadmap?
i m p o r t a n t t h i n g s a b o u t yo u r
background (not everything). – Tell me about a product that’s well
designed, or that’s not well designed
• Set yourself for success.
Undoubtedly, the most difficult
• Smile and make contact. challenge is the quantitative PM
question, such as – How many dishes
“Getting a job is kind of a job itself.” g e t b r oke n p e r m o n t h i n S a n
Realizing this as early as possible Francisco?
makes the job hunt much easier.
With this question, the interviewer
An example of a Product Management will assess your analytical skills.
interview question Don’t worry too much about getting
the right answer because you’ll likely
To get a Product Manager job you not even be in the ballpark. What
might send 50 applications and only matters the most is the process
get two offers. Knowing how to through which you solve difficult
answer the most common questions problems.
will help you get you the job you
want. Start by thinking out loud and asking
questions. Choose which ones you’ll
Here are some typical interview ask and which ones they expect you to
questions: figure out. Maybe a good starting point
is the number of people in San
– Tell me about yourself Francisco, do you know the population
of the city? What is an approximate
– How do you measure the success of ratio of people to dishes? What kind of
a product? dishes are used in a household? Which
situations cause a dish to get broken?
– Product X’s usage is down, what Do men break more dishes than
would you do next? women?
Take a step back and catalog what you the final result? Is the incidence of
k n ow o r w i s h yo u k n e w . T h e broken dishes higher in households
interviewer told you that San Francisco with children?
has a population of around 800,000.
You can figure out the number of dishes Break out your math skills and
per person by taking yourself as a calculate!
benchmark. You are not sure about
whether there’s a difference in terms of Double check. Think about the
gender for this problem so you will not number that you’ve gotten as a result.
consider this variable. Do 600,000 broken dishes per month
make sense? Did you under or
Use the information you’ve gathered overestimate something?
and come up with an equation.
That was tough!
Broken dishes = Average monthly
dishes used in SF * Probability of It might seem challenging to attempt
accident to solve this kind of questions on the
spot in a stressful situation. We
recommend that you challenge
” dishes = Monthly dish-washing
yourself with similar questions and
accidents per person * Population of
follow these 7 steps.

“” dishes = Unit sales of dishes in SF *

Checklist: Prepare for the
% sales due to broken dishes Product Manager Interview
Estimate, or find ways to estimate the
variables in your equation. You think The important thing is to jump in
that the dishes to individuals ratio is prepared. Build the most for your
5:1. You assume that the main cause of future opportunities and hit the
broken dishes is accidents during the ground running. Before you begin,
washing of the dishes which occur make sure you double-check these
once every 2 months. critical points:

Think about corner cases and - Buy a domain if you don’t have one
adjustments. Maybe there is an this week. Use sites like Squarespace
important Greek population in San to get a personal website and blog
Francisco; will Greek weddings impact up quickly.
- Add at least 5 blog articles over the - Network with fellow students and
next 5 weeks. in Slack Channels.

- Update your resume. Before the Product

- Include the product management Manager Interview:
tools you are familiar with.
- Collect, study and practice your
- Publish your resume on your response to interview questions
personal website.
- Become a product manager – make
- Make your LinkedIn scream yourself the product
- Clean up any portfolios or mockups
- Publish any articles you wrote about you plan to bring with you
product on LinkedIn and Medium
and share them on LinkedIn.

- Ask for recommendations from

your Product School instructor.

- Include an article or post about your

features project during the course at

- Fill in your description about your

passion and why you want to work
in product.

- Clean up social media accounts.

- Build a product and be ready to

discuss your processes in depth.
Your First Few Days as a Product Manager

—— Congrats. You made it! For all the lessons contained in this
book, we have relied on actual
If you have followed this guide, you will experiences from Product Managers.
have covered all corners to work in This time, let’s hear from Anand
Product. Look back: general principles, Arivukkarasu, Product Growth Manager
common and less common transitions, for AI, Machine Learning and marketing
tips to shine at particular companies automation at Facebook.
and direct interview advice. Of course,
you can come back to each section if First of all, you should establish a
you ever need it again. timeline. When will you stop being
new? For some, they are ready to
And you probably will go back. This is march into battle after a week. Others
because becoming a PM never really need at least a year until they feel firmly
ends. You are constantly improving, attached to their roles. Pick some sort
re-learning processes, methods and of time reference that makes sense to
approaches. Your work will suffer if you and your experiences. If you are
you are not open to new influences, someone who spends a lot of time
and the fact that your natural home is getting used to things, probably several
in tech will force you to stay up to date. months is a good timeframe to go by. In
There is no way you can succeed in the case of Anand, he picks 90 days as
product without attending talks, his reference.
reading more and exposing yourself to
the work of others. You should divide this period in three.
First, the time when you try to
One good way to get used to this understand as much as you can from
upwards journey to digital wisdom is your new environment. Then, when
making the most of your first weeks in you develop and position your product
the job. Let’s finish this book by v i s i o n . Fi n a l ly , wh e n yo u a r e
sharing the essential tips for a novice concerned with execution and
PM. leadership: how you will implement
your initiatives.
Make the Most of Your First Product
Management Experience
When you are understanding, you For the middle period, Anand
should first think of the product. If it is emphasizes getting closer to product
an existing service or line, get an idea development and positioning. There
through active research. Use it, force it, are methods you can use to locate
share it… Gather as much research as strategic needs, where you can actually
there is both inside and outside the make efforts to avoid future pitfalls. For
company. Remember: you must cover instance, discovery workshops with
all that your position entails. This the team can help you identify
includes value proposition, target problems across concepts like the user.
markets, preferred users, personas, Then, a good diagram should to
competitors… That is, you should know encapsulate this information and have
this product as if it were a family it as a reference going forward.
At this point, you must encourage your
If you have been hired to develop a new team to speak up. We are in the
product, try to reflect on other development phase: brainstorm, hold
companies’ properties that offer similar relaxed and open meetings and
services. Rely on your own notes from champion creative ideas. Then, once
before accepting the job, understand you start seriously drafting the product
how previous products have been development roadmap, you will be able
developed in the company. You need to to detect which contributions are more
get a feel of the process even if you are attractive. The roadmap is a fantastic
starting from scratch. tool because it distributes tasks,
generates consensus and can be used as
In both cases, you should identify a reference point in the future.
potential gaps between market and
product. Additionally, immerse This is the right moment to start
yourself in company culture. Try to thinking about Key Performance
identify people’s likes and dislikes, and Indicators and other metrics. These are
see how your individual experiences not to be set in stone, but the best point
can contribute something to the to set them up is right after you have all
operation. Finally, get an idea of how the information you need but before
much autonomy you have, what are you actually start developing. Also,
your lines of communications with make sure that you are aware of the
executives and what are the role lifecycles attached to the project: you
divisions across teams. In short: what must know when other teams will have
do you have to navigate to get things to come in for a specific task
done over there? (engineers, marketers); and when do
preparations end, development starts
and an idea of your endgame.

The last third of this period is all about

showing leadership. After collecting all
that information about the company,
you should know about the best
avenues to move things forward. This
sort of “informal” knowledge will
constantly adapt during execution. Do
not worry about changing more
“formal” information, like your
research papers or your roadmap: they
should allow flexibility provided you
do not abandon your product vision.

Bit by bit you should also focus on

collecting metrics that show your
impact. At this point, you are making a
case for yourself and the product.
Communicate to your teams and your
superiors how you are doing; in both
senses: what is the specific process you
are undertaking, and how well do you
think you are approaching your set

Finally: RELAX AND ENJOY! You are

where you wanted to be, and are taking
the first steps in a surely successful
product career. Make sure to pass on
your wisdom to future aspiring Product
Managers like yourself, just like these
top PMs are doing right now.

Good luck!

Janko Bazhdavela, Corcoran Group Alex Shih, Facebook

Ashwini Lahane, Amazon Thomas Cho, former Apple
Isaac Roybal, former Extrahop Rohan Thakkar, Netflix
James Taylor, Xero Kenneth Berger, Slack
Jordan Sumerlus, Two Sigma Jared Long, Netflix
Ryan Cunningham, Uber Elevate Shanea King-Roberson, Cloudflare
Jason Robert Trikakis, HelloSugoi Jonathan Lai, former AMEX
Luis de Leon, former Google Randy Edgar, former Facebook
Orkun Özbatur, Amazon Valentine Aseyo, former Facebook
Richa Rai, former Microsoft Anand Arivukkarasu, Facebook
Helen Sims, Airbnb

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