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The theme of Earth Day 2020 is

a. Protect our species
b. Climate action
c. End plastic pollution

2. The Earth Day was first celebrated in

a. 1962
b. 1970
c. 2001

3. Which name is associated with Earth Day

a. John McConnell
b. Nelson Mandela
c. Gaylord Nelson

4. What is the age of Earth

a. 4.54 billion years
b. 5.54 billion years
c. 3.54 billion years

5. When was first oxygen appeared on Earth

a. 2.1 billion years
b. 2.7 billion years
c. 3.2 billion years

6. Earth is also known as

a. Terra
b. Sierra
c. Tilera

7. Equatorial radius of earth is

a. 6278 km
b. 6378 km
c. 6478 km

8. The correct order from outside to inside earth is

a. Crust – Mantle – Core
b. Core – Mantle – Crust
c. Crust – Core – Mantle

9. The major tectonic plates are

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
10. The layer of atmosphere closest to earth is
a. Troposphere
b. Mesosphere
c. Stratosphere

11. Ozone is formed in

a. Troposphere
b. Mesosphere
c. Stratosphere

12. “Sixth Extinction” is

a. Current period where species are disappearing at extreme rate
b. Sixth extinct species
c. The Sequel to the movie The Fifth Element

13. Which is not true for Global warming

a. Warming of earth beyond natural warming
b. Caused by humans
c. Not related to climate change

14. Paris Agreement on Climate Change was signed on Earth Day

a. 2015
b. 2016
c. 2017

15. Which is green house gas in atmosphere

a. Nitrogen
b. Water vapours
c. Argon

16. What is the Greenhouse Effect?

a. Green painted house
b. Gasses in our atmosphere trap solar heat
c. Making a greenhouse

17. How much of the Earth’s land is covered by forests?

a. 21%
b. 31%
c. 41%

18. Land-based ecosystem with most biodiversity

a. Tropical Rainforests
b. The Tundra
c. Grasslands

19. Climate change mitigation means

a. Limiting green house gas emission
b. Recycling water use
c. Saving biodiversity

20. Which is not the main component of sustainable development

a. Economic development
b. Environment protection
c. Military strength

21. Adaptation to climate change is

a. Rain water harvesting
b. Carbon capture
c. LED lights

22. How many missions are in National Climate Mission

a. 10
b. 8
c. 7

23. How many UN Sustainable Development Goals

a. 17
b. 15
c. 13

24. India’s commitment to Paris Agreement to reduce carbon emission by 2030 from 2005 level
a. 20-25%
b. 33-35%
c. 14%

25. Which is not Scope 1 emission

a. Combustion of fuel in engines
b. Combustion of fuel in transportation
c. Consumption of electricity

26. Fastest growing renewable energy

a. Biomass
b. Solar
c. Wind

27. India’s commitment to Paris Agreement to have non fossil fuel electricity by 2030
a. 40%
b. 30%
c. 20%

28. UN created Environment Protection Agency in

a. 1970
b. 1972
c. 1961
29. Green house gas released by air conditioners
a. Ammonia
b. Clorofluorocarbons
c. Methane

30. Which is on the verge of extinction

a. Polar wolf
b. Polar fox
c. Polar bear

31. The largest ocean is

a. Pacific ocean
b. Indian ocean
c. Atlantic ocean

32. The largest continent is

a. Arctic
b. Asia
c. North America

33. Highest mountain peak in the world is

a. K2
b. Everest
c. Alps

34. Longest river in the world is

a. Ganga
b. Amazon
c. Nile

35. Mid oceanic ridges are associated with

a. High fish productivity
b. High volcanic activity
c. High oxygen

36. Meteorology data does not involve

a. Humidity
b. Wind direction
c. Oxygen content

37. Acid rain is caused by

a. Hydrochloric acid
b. Sulfur dioxide
c. Nitrogen oxide

38. Ocean acidification affects mainly

a. Marine plants
b. Corals
c. Fishes

39. Salt lake in India

a. Chilika lake
b. Naini Tal
c. Givind sagar

40. Which is hypersaline lake

a. Caspian sea
b. Aral sea
c. Dead sea

41. First ethanol powered engine was built in

a. 1890
b. 1920
c. 1862

42. Commercial biogas plants in India are based on

a. Agricultural waste
b. Algae
c. Forest products

43. Which country is leader in building biogas digesters

a. Finland
b. Russia
c. India

c. Lead
44. Toxic heavy metal in polluted water is
a. Copper
45. Bioplastics are not
b. Manganese
derived from
a. Starch
b. Vegetable oil
c. Recycled polythene

46. Which is not true

a. All bioplastics are biodegradable
b. Some bioplastics are biodegradable
c. Some bioplastics take long time to biodegrade

47. Indian government has set a target to increase bioethanol blending by 2030 to
a. 20%
b. 22%
c. 10%

48. Indian government has set a target to increase biodiesel blending by 2030 to
a. 1%
b. 2%
c. 5%

49. Global warming has occurred since

a. 1850
b. 1920
c. 1947

50. Lockdown during COVID 19 crisis has significantly decreased

a. Population
b. Pollution
c. Temperature

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