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The 21-Day Time Freedom

Miracle Plan
State your desired result.
I am in charge of my time and my schedule.

Associate a strong emotion to your desired result.

• I am in charge of my time and my schedule.
• I have the perfect mix of work, leisure, and family time.
• I choose to only do the most profitable tasks.
• I see myself sitting outside at the end of a very productive day while I read
a book and enjoy the sunshine. (visual)
• People keep telling me they can’t believe how much I can get done in so
little time. (auditory)
• I feel free for the first time in my life and I plan to keep it this way. (kinesthetic)

Create your plan and take action.

OPTION #1: Create a structure for your life that effectively manages
people, technology, and yourself.
Some examples:
• Set one weekly meeting with key team members instead of allowing them
access all day long.
• Create a set of rules that limits when you will check email.
• Schedule time every day for PDT (personal development time).

Pick one or two and do it for 21 work days.

OPTION #2: Calculate the Value of Your Time.

Take an average workweek of 40 hours.
Multiply it by the number of weeks in a year (round to 50).
That gives you a round 2,000 hours of “work time” per year.
Now, simply divide 2,000 into your income goal and you’ll instantly discover what
each hour is worth.

If you want to make $100,000 a year, your time-value is $50/hour.

If you want to make $1,000,000 a year, your time-value is $500/hour.

Insert Your Time Value: _______________

Now create a plan to get that dollar figure out of each hour of every work day.

OPTION #3: “Script” Your Work Days.

I recommend scripting them out like a movie director. Each day, for 21-Days, do
the following:

1. First, make a list of the things you want to accomplish. (note—this “to do
list” is as far as most people go.)
2. Assign a priority to each task—from 1 to 10.
3. Assign a time to each task—from 10 minutes to 8 hours.
4. Then, script out the hours of your day starting with the highest priority
tasks all the way to the lowest.
5. Start your first task and set a timer.2 You’re running against the clock. If
you finish late, move faster next time. If you finish early, great. Take a break.
Get coffee or check email.
6. Then start the clock again and get on to the next task.

Do that every work day for 21-Days.

2  You can use your phone timer feature or just type “timer” into Google for a web-based app.
The 21-Day Time Freedom
Miracle Plan Worksheet
State your desired result.

Associate a strong emotion to your desired result.

Create your plan and take action.

Create a structure for your life that effectively manages people, tech-
nology, and yourself.



Calculate the Value of Your Time.

Insert Your Time Value: _______________
My plan to maximize each hour to get my desired “time value”:

“Script” Your Work Days.

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