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Al-Manar Modern School

RasElmatn– Lebanon
Name: __________________ Date: 30/3/2020
Grade: 8
Time:40 minutes
Math Quiz

I - In the adjacent figure , given ABC, and [AH] is the height
relative to the side [BC], such that: AC= 12 cm; BH=5.4
cm ; HC=9.6 cm
1) Show by calculation, that AH=7.2 cm
2) Calculate AB in the triangle ABH
3) Deduce that ABC is a right triangle
4) Let M be a point of the side [AC] such that:
ABM=30 °
a) Show that ABM is a semi equilateral triangle
b) Calculate the exact values of BM and AM

II - Consider the following figure

EF=( √ 7−1 ) ; EG=( √ 7 +1)
1) Show by calculation, that FG is a natural number
2) Let N be the midpoint of [FG] , calculate EN

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