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In recent years, airports have become very 1 (stress)……… {1:SHORTANSWER:= stressful} place where

passengers face long queues, delays and lost luggage. In addition, there now seems to be little 2
(differ) ………{1:SHORTANSWER:= difference} between the terminal of a 3 (type)…
{1:SHORTANSWER:= typical} airport and a crowded, noisy shopping centre. But airports in some
cities – including Paris, Amsterdam and San Francisco – offer travellers a quieter alternative: art
museums. Some feature work by contemporary local 4 (art)…. {1:SHORTANSWER:= artists} , while
others make 5 (arrange)…. {1:SHORTANSWER:= arrangement} with major museums that allow them
to borrow important works of art for special 6 (exhibit)... {1:SHORTANSWER:= exhibition} 7 (inform)
… {1:SHORTANSWER:= information} about airport museums is available online – so why not look it
up before your next flight?

Use the given word in the bracket to form a word

Do you fancy a 1)(SENSATION) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1.sensational} view of one of the world’s most
2) (GLORY) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1.glorious} harbours? Are you 3) (MODERATE) {1:SHORTANSWER:=
1. moderately} fit, brave, and above all, not scared of 4) (HIGH) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. heights} ? If
you can answer yes to the questions above so that is something for you.
Auckland’s Sky Travel has opened a new 5) (ATTRACT) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. attractive} called
Vertigo which will take you up to some 328 metres (1000ft) above sea level. If bungee jumping off
the tower isn’t enough, you can now take an 6)(ADD) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. additional} two-hour
guide tour inside the mast to the highest public man-made 7) (VIEW) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. viewing}
platform in the Southern Hemisphere. Stand on the glass floor panels and see Auckland at your feet -
if you dare! 8) (ORGANISE) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. organizers} say you can see both of Auckland’s
harbours as well as Tasman Sea and Pacific Ocean. 9) (CLIMB) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. climbers} wear
a special helmet and body harness that’s attached to a 10) (SAFE) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. safety}
-approved cable system which runs up the ladder. You start with a practice climb and 11) (EDUCATE)
{1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. educational} video and then it’s up in the lift to Sky Deck on level 60 where
you begin the 44-metre 12) (ASCEND) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. ascent} .
Vertigo’s spokesperson Sonya Haggie says it’s an 13) (MISS) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. unmissable}
experience combining breathtaking views with the most 14) (BELIEVE) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1.
unbelievable} sense of exhilaration and 15) (ACHIEVE) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. achievement} The 16)
(DAY) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. daily} climbs take 2.5 hours. Vertigo is open daily from 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
and anyone who is 17) (REASON) {1:SHORTANSWER:= 1. reasonably} fit can do it!

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