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Year Wise Export of Enginnering Good

Total Export of Contry

Year Exports of Enginnering Goods Exports Enginnering
Share in total
Actual %Inc/Dec% Actual %Inc/Dec% exports
2000-2001 232 14.29% 9202 7.41% 2.52%
2001-2002 257 10.78% 9135 -0.73% 2.81%
2002-2003 332 29.18% 11160 22.17% 2.97%
2003-2004 369 11.14% 12313 10.33% 3.00%
2004-2005 540 46.34% 14410 17.03% 3.75%
2005-2006 588 8.89% 16414 13.91% 3.58%
2006-2007 702 19.39% 17155 4.51% 4.09%
2007-2008 782 11.40% 19146 11.61% 4.08%
2008-2009 797 1.92% 17627 -7.93% 4.52%
2009-2010 844 5.90% 19301 9.50% 4.37%
2010-2011 1018 20.62% 24805 28.52% 4.10%
2011-2012 1162 14.15% 23654 -4.64% 4.91%
2012-2013 1216 4.65% 24467 3.44% 4.97%
2013-2014 1205 -0.90% 25118 2.66% 4.80%
2014-2015 1058 -12.20% 23669 -5.77% 4.47%
2015-2016 899 -15.03% 20789 -12.17% 4.32%

Value in Million PKR

Total Export of Contry

Year Exports of Enginnering Goods Exports Enginnering
Share in total
Actual %Inc/Dec% Actual %Inc/Dec% exports
2008-2009 62,595 1,383,718
2009-2010 70,699 12.95% 1,617,458 16.89% 4.37%
2010-2011 87,027 23.10% 2,120,847 31.12% 4.10%
2011-2012 103,641 19.09% 2,110,605 -0.48% 4.91%
2012-2013 117,517 13.39% 2,366,478 12.12% 4.97%
2013-2014 123,945 5.47% 2,583,463 9.17% 4.80%
2014-2015 107,174 -13.53% 2,397,512 -7.20% 4.47%
2015-2016 93,658 -12.61% 2,166,846 -9.62% 4.32%
USD (1$=Rs)

Yearly exports from Pakistan 2005-2016

Exports of Enginnering Goods Total Export of Contry Exports

Actual %Inc/Dec% Actual %Inc/Dec%
2004-2005 540 14410 17.03%
2005-2006 588 8.89% 16414 13.91%
2006-2007 702 19.39% 17155 4.51%
2007-2008 782 11.40% 19146 11.61%
2008-2009 797 1.92% 17627 -7.93%
2009-2010 844 5.90% 19301 9.50%
2010-2011 1018 20.62% 24805 28.52%
2011-2012 1162 14.15% 23654 -4.64%
2012-2013 1216 4.65% 24467 3.44%
2013-2014 1205 -0.90% 25118 2.66%
2014-2015 1058 -12.20% 23669 -5.77%
2015-2016 899 -15.03% 20789 -12.17%

Sum 2004-2005 10,811.00 246,555.00

Maximum 1216 25118

Minimum 540 14410

Count 12 11 12 12

Count A
12 12 11 12 12

CountBlank 2

Subtotal (average export) for 2004-2010 708.8

Subtotal (average export) for 2010-2016 1093.0

Filter & Alt;

Top three exports years
Exports of Enginnering Goods Total Export of Contry Exports
Actual %Inc/Dec% Actual %Inc/Dec%
2011-2012 1162 14.15% 23654 -4.64%
2012-2013 1216 4.65% 24467 3.44%
2013-2014 1205 -0.90% 25118 2.66%

Value of Export of Engineering good if dollar rate was constant @82.05 & 78.5 (absolute reference)

Value in Million PKR

Exports of Enginnering Goods Total Export of Contry Exports
Actual %Inc/Dec% Actual %Inc/Dec%
2008-2009 62,595 1,383,718
2009-2010 70,699 12.95% 1,617,458 16.89%
2010-2011 87,027 23.10% 2,120,847 31.12%
2011-2012 103,641 19.09% 2,110,605 -0.48%
2012-2013 117,517 13.39% 2,366,478 12.12%
2013-2014 123,945 5.47% 2,583,463 9.17%
2014-2015 107,174 -13.53% 2,397,512 -7.20%
2015-2016 93,658 -12.61% 2,166,846 -9.62%

Enginnering Share USD (1$=Rs)

in total exports
60 Sum
3.58% 60 Maximum
4.09% 60 Minimum
4.08% 62.5 Count
4.52% 78.5 CountA
4.37% 83.8 countblank
4.10% 85.5
4.91% 89.23
4.97% 96.72
4.80% 102.85
4.47% 101.29
4.32% 104.23
Average USD rate 82.05

11 12

11 12

Enginnering Share USD (1$=Rs)

in total exports
4.91% 89.23
4.97% 96.72
4.80% 102.85

lute reference)

Enginnering Share
in total exports USD (1$=Rs)
Enginnering Value of Exports Value of Exports
Export in USD constant excange rate @78.5
(Actual) of 82.05 (avg) year 2008-2009
78.5 797.39 762.87 797.39
4.37% 83.8 843.66 861.64 900.62
4.10% 85.5 1,017.86 1,060.64 1,108.62
4.91% 89.23 1,161.50 1,263.12 1,320.27
4.97% 96.72 1,215.02 1,432.23 1,497.03
4.80% 102.85 1,205.10 1,510.57 1,578.92
4.47% 101.29 1,058.09 1,306.18 1,365.27
4.32% 104.23 898.57 1,141.45 1,193.10

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