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Learning Objectives Standards Blooms

LO 1: Students will recognize - Develop and use Knowledge, Comprehension

and understand energy models to illustrate
conversions/ transfers. that energy at the
macroscopic scale
can be accounted for
as a combination of
energy associated
with the motions of
particles (objects) and
energy associated
with the relative
positions of particles
(objects). (HS-PS3-2)

LO 2: Students will be able to - Develop and use Knowledge, Comprehension

demonstrate and explain models to illustrate
what moment of inertia is in that energy at the
order to determine rotational macroscopic scale
energy. can be accounted for
as a combination of
energy associated
with the motions of
particles (objects) and
energy associated
with the relative
positions of particles
(objects). (HS-PS3-2)

LO 3: Students will - Develop and use Comprehension, Application

understand and apply their models to illustrate
knowledge of energy that energy at the
transformations in thermal macroscopic scale
can be accounted for
as a combination of
energy associated
with the motions of
particles (objects) and
energy associated
with the relative
positions of particles
(objects). (HS-PS3-2)
LO 4: Students will build, - Develop and use Analysis, Synthesis
analyze, and describe how a models to illustrate
simple electric motor works. that energy at the
macroscopic scale
can be accounted for
as a combination of
energy associated
with the motions of
particles (objects) and
energy associated
with the relative
positions of particles
(objects). (HS-PS3-2)

LO 5: Students will - Develop and use Synthesis, Evaluation,

qualitatively and models to illustrate Analysis
quantitatively describe energy that energy at the
transformations in their wind macroscopic scale
blade design. can be accounted for
as a combination of
energy associated
with the motions of
particles (objects) and
energy associated
with the relative
positions of particles
(objects). (HS-PS3-2)
- Conduct short as well
as more sustained
research projects to
answer a question
(including a
question) or solve a
problem; narrow or
broaden the inquiry
when appropriate;
synthesize multiple
sources on the
understanding of the
subject under
investigation. (MLR
Writing Standard)

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