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Integrated Social Emotional (ISEL) Lesson Plan:


Teacher Thinking… Students and Teacher doing…

Lesson Plan Element: Integrated Social Emotional Objective & Student SEL Objective
What academic content am I Academic Content:
going to cover? What SEL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1
skill(s) will I focus on? How Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of
can I create social emotional what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the
experiences to help students text, including determining where the text leaves matters
mediate the content? uncertain.
What kinds of personalized
objectives am I hoping CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.3
students will create? Analyze the impact of the author's choices regarding how to
develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a
story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are
introduced and developed).

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence,
conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can
follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives
are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and
style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal
and informal tasks.

SEL Skill: Social Awareness

➢ Perspective-taking
SEL Skill: Relationship Skills
➢ Communication
➢ Social engagement
➢ Teamwork

In examining Beatty and Faber closer and comparing and

contrasting these two characters, students will be exploring these
characters’ perspectives and motives. By having students analyze
these characters and engage in discussion about their choices and
personalities, students will practice social awareness skills that
can then be translated to their lives and the people in them.1
“Effective writing and speaking depends on the ability to take the perspective of a reader or listener. Characters in
literature represent different perspectives. Perspective taking is an essential skill in effective speaking and in written
and spoken communication. Perspective taking is part of the SEL core competency of social awareness” (​Examples
of Social and Emotional Learning in High School English Language Arts Instruction, 2017, p. 2).
CASEL suggests activities and practices to target specific

● Discuss how we know the way characters in the literature

feel, based on what the author tells us about the
character’s behavior.
● Routinely examine literature in terms of the perspective of
characters or identifying feelings and thoughts.
● Routinely talk about how others feel in different
● Provide students with opportunities to share how they feel
in different situations.2

Inclusion Activity
How can I engage the Description of Activity
students and invite their Students will be put in pairs to complete the “Characterization of
voices into the room? What Captain Beatty & Professor Faber” handout.
interpersonal skill can we
incorporate and how might I After the pairs have completed the handout together, they will be
connect that to the academic paired up with another pair. One pair will be assigned Beatty and
content we will cover the other pair will be assigned Faber. Using the handout they have
today? just completed and their novel as guidance, the group of four will
engage in a mock debate in which they imagine Montag is
listening and trying to decide which side to take. They will be
provided with the following topics to get their debate going:
● Stance on books
● Beliefs about knowledge
● Opinion of society
Each pair will have 10 minutes to collect their arguments
(supported by textual evidence) and then will “debate” with each
other for 5 minutes.3

We will then come together as a class and split the room down
the middle, Faber on one side and Beatty on the other. For 10
minutes, the two sides will present their ideas, back and forth.
Each pair must share out at least once.

When the debate is over, we will complete our “exit ticket” early:
Exit Ticket Prompt

These teaching practices are suggested by CASEL in the resource “Examples of Social and Emotional Learning in
High School ELA Instruction” for 11th Grade (p. 7).
​Ames (2013)
Today you witnessed a lively debate between two important
people in Montag’s life: Professor Faber and Captain Beatty.
Based on the arguments you heard today, who do you believe is
the winner of the debate and WHY?

How the activity will encourage participation and inclusion:

This lesson will give the students a chance to work in smaller
groups (pairs and groups of four) which may encourage students
who feel overwhelmed in bigger groups to speak out more. The
mock debate portion in small groups will give students a chance
to practice public speaking on a smaller scale before joining the
larger group conversation.

Interpersonal skill and how it connects to the academic content:

This lesson will incorporate the interpersonal skill of participating
in discussion which involves practicing active listening and
effective communication skills. Throughout their work comparing
and contrasting Beatty and Faber, they will need to collaborate,
and then during the mock debates they will need to work with
their team to create and present well-established arguments.4

Body of Lesson with Engaging Practices

How am I promoting SEL? I am promoting SEL by having students collaborate on the
Where can we draw upon characterization handout and share out in small groups. Each
each other’s experiences to student will bring with them to their conversations their prior
make meaning? experiences and personal feelings about these characters. Students
will need to exercise active listening and respectful
Does my lesson meet the communication methods to navigate their discussions in
following criteria: productive ways.5

The activity promotes high This lesson involves high engagement: Students will participate
engagement, meaning in pairs, small groups of four, and in whole class discussions
students are present and throughout the course of this lesson.
There are moments for…
Students collaborate with Creating and sharing: ​Students will be creating connections and
others for at least part of the finding answers and then sharing those ideas while completing
time. the characterization handout with a partner. They will continue to

“Discuss how we know the way characters in literature feel, based on what the author tells us about the character’s
behavior” (​Examples of Social and Emotional Learning in High School English Language Arts Instruction, 2017, p.
“Students gain significant social skills and develop positive attitudes of altruism, kindness, and respect for others
when given structured opportunities to participate as members of organized problem-solving teams. Teachers and
staff create opportunities for students to become engaged in meaningful, creative, and stimulating activities that
enhance their social interactive skills and reinforce prosocial values” (Elias, 1997, p. 77).
build knowledge together when they move into small groups and
There are moments for finally, the whole class mock debates.
creating, evaluating, Evaluating and reflecting:​ The exit ticket will give students a
reflecting, and sharing. change to reflect on what they are taking away from today’s study
of these characters. It will also provide me with a way to evaluate
Students are moving about their understanding, and they will be able to self-evaluate as well.
for all or part of the activity They will need to demonstrate strong argumentative skills both
rather than being during the mock debates and in the argument they make in their
sequestered in desks. exit ticket.

Brain breaks are provided to There will be a lot of moving around during this lesson: moving
process information, make into pairs, the small groups of four gathering throughout the
connections, and increase room, and finally, the entire class splitting down the middle for
transfer. the full class mock debate portion.

Transitions between activities will provide brain breaks.

Optimistic Closure
How will I have students As the class session comes to a close, I will congratulate the
reflect on their learning in students on the strong positions they presented for our mock
an engaging way? How will debate today. I will encourage them to pause in the future when
they capture their thinking they are being presented with information or an argument and
and allow me to formatively consider what makes it a strong argument. What are the most
assess their learning? Where effective ways to present our opinions and share our beliefs in a
can they make connections respectful way?6
between the academic/SEL
content and their lives? How
will we look ahead to
what’s to come?
Time and Space:​ 94 min; Desks will be arranged to accommodate pairs and then groups of four
for the characterization mock debate activity.
Materials:​ Journal Prompt Ppt, Beatty & Faber Characterization Handout, Part 3 Annotations

Materials:​ Journal Prompt Ppt, Beatty & Faber Characterization Handout, Part 3 Annotations
Space:​ Desks will be arranged to accommodate pairs and then groups of four for the
characterization mock debate activity.

“Model and reinforce effective communication and relationship skills” (​Examples of Social and Emotional
Learning in High School English Language Arts Instruction, 2017, p. 9).
Activity Time Description: What will I do? What will students do?
Review: How can I formatively assess that students met the
learning targets while getting them to capture their thinking?

Journal 10 min Prompt: What makes a strong argument? Think about the
information you are exposed to every day (on the internet, in
school, from friends and family). What about the way
information is presented and delivered makes you more willing
to listen, consider the position, and take it seriously?

Beatty & Faber 25 min Students will be put in pairs to complete the “Characterization of
Character Captain Beatty & Professor Faber” handout.

Small Group 15 min Students will be put in pairs to complete the “Characterization of
Debates Captain Beatty & Professor Faber” handout.

After the pairs have completed the handout together, they will be
paired up with another pair. One pair will be assigned Beatty and
the other pair will be assigned Faber. Using the handout they
have just completed and their novel as guidance, the group of
four will engage in a mock debate in which they imagine Montag
is listening and trying to decide which side to take.7 They will be
provided with the following topics to get their debate going:
● Stance on books
● Beliefs about knowledge
● Opinion of society
Each pair will have 10 minutes to collect their arguments
(supported by textual evidence) and then will “debate” with each
other for 5 minutes.

Whole class 15 min We will then come together as a class and split the room down
mock debate the middle, Faber on one side and Beatty on the other. For 10
minutes, the two sides will present their ideas, back and forth.
Each pair must share out at least once.

Exit Ticket 5 min When the debate is over, we will complete our “exit ticket”
Exit Ticket Prompt
Today you witnessed a lively debate between two important
people in Montag’s life: Professor Faber and Captain Beatty.

​At this point in the course, students will have participated in a full debate earlier in the year and would be familiar
with the process.
Based on the arguments you heard today, who do you believe is
the winner of the debate and WHY?

Homework 1 min -Finish reading p. 130-158

-Continue filling out Part 3 Annotations Assignment

Reading novel 20 min I will read aloud while the students follow along.
Students should be working on their Part 3 Annotations
Assignment as they come across particularly effective uses of
literary devices.

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