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Mackenna Sosa Career Advising

T hursday, February 27th, 2020

Career Advising

St andards
1.2.2 Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills by reading and interpreting workplace documents and writing clearly I daho CTE
1.2.6 Demonstrate lifelong-learning skills by continually acquiring new industry-related information and improving professional skills I daho CTE
1.2.7 Demonstrate job acquisition and advancement skills by preparing to apply for a job and seeking promotion I daho CTE

Object ive
Students will be able to:
demonstrate how to properly fill out a resumé.
determine what is appropriate for a resumé.
find information on a career.
explain how their skills might pertain to a certain job

Out comes: What measures how t he object ives will be met ?

through the successful completion of resumé worksheet
by successfully creating their own resumé will all parts included that were discussed in class

How Will t he Object ive be Measured

Completion of resumé worksheet and online resumé

1. Introduction. Review the parts of the resumé that we discussed the day before. Use this to introduce the next few pieces that we will be working on today. (5min)
2. Resumé fill in sheet Rubric included wit h wo rksheet (12-15min). Discuss and explain the worksheet. Inform students that they must use their tablet or
computer to research a career and fill out all sections accurately and thoroughly for full credit. Turn into basket.
3. Discuss different parts of a resumé (10 min). After students have finished the worksheet, begin discussion of work experience, education, volunteer experience, as well
as format of a resumé. I will provide examples of different formats.
4. What should and shouldn't do on a resumé (10 min). Discuss irrelevant pieces and things employers do not care to know. Discuss parts that are needed, such as
name, contact information, education, and work experience.
5. Online Resumé (20-25 min) After discussing parts as well as format of a resumé, students will begin creating their own online. Using the projector, I will show
students how to use the site and what sections I expect to see by the end of class given how much time we have left in class. Before they leave, students should have
their name, address, phone number, email, and education. If these sections are not finished by the end of class, students must finish at home and email it to me or
show me in class the next day.


Print out resumé for job you currently want or would like to have. Finish online resumé

Accommodat ions & Modif icat ions

If not able to print, pull up on computer or iPad and show me.

Student with disabilities that prevent student from completing work sheet can Google image go job the they want and then look up requirements and training. Then copy
and paste and email to me.

Mat erials

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