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By: Ferney Ortiz Cardona

Skimming y scanning son dos, dentro de otras, estrategias de lectura.

Recuerda que la competencia de inglés es comprender y no traducir. Por ello,
es importante aplicar estrategias y no prestar atención a muchas palabras
Debes aplicar las estrategias dependiendo el tipo de texto. No aplican todas
las estrategias para toda lectura.

Some skimming and scanning strategies are taken from several websites. I have
also included others based on my experience.
People who know how to skim and scan are flexible readers. They read
according to their purpose and get the information they need quickly without
wasting time. They do not read everything, which is what increases their reading
speed. Their skill lies in knowing what specific information to read and which
method to use.
Refers to looking for the main or the general idea (gist) in a text.
Some Strategies:

 Do not read everything.

 Read the title.
 Read the first and the last paragraph (you usually can find the introduction
and the conclusion there).
 Read the first sentence of each paragraph.
 Read the first and the last sentence when having only a paragraph.
 Read the headings and sub- headings.
 Pay attention to some repeated words.
 Pay attention to the pictures, images, illustrations, maps.
 Read the summary (important chosen words) of last paragraph.
 Pay attention to the context.
 Do not try to understand word by word. The idea is to concentrate on the
general idea.
 The last few paragraphs may contain a conclusion or summary, you should
stop skimming there and read in detail.

What is Scanning?
Unlike skimming, when scanning, you look only for specific information without
reading everything.

Some Strategies for scanning:

 Pay attention to cognates (do not forget there are true and false
 Identify the WH questions and the questions.
 Do not translate. Skip (overlook) many unknown words.
 Identify key words (significant words).
 Read complete sentences (they usually begin with a capital letter and
finish in a period.
 Pay attention to the words before and after the unknown words.
 Identify tenses (present, past, future, present perfect, so on).
What does he do? (Present)
What did he do? (Past)
What will he do? (Future)
What is he going to do? (Future)
What has he done? (Present perfect)
What had he done? (Past perfect)

 Identify modals:
What should I do? (Modal should for advice or recommendations)
What can I do? (Modal can)
What do I have to do? (Have to for obligations)
What must I do? (Must for obligations)
What would you do?
Would convierte en potencial (hipotético) al verbo que le sigue y va seguido
del verbo en forma base.
I would go - iría
I would eat - comería
I would be - sería / estaría
I would have - tendría / habría

Los verbos modales son:

ought to
must/have to

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