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Leader: Chloe Miracle

1. Marian
2. Nikiza
3. Sandro
4. Arkin
5. Jeremiah
6. Ivon
7. Jamaica
8. Kelvin
9. Zhanai
10. Vince
11. Jabron
12. Shirla
Sentences using UNDER

Chloe : I am the new manager and you will be working under me.

Marian : A river boat passed under the bridge.

Nikiza : My dad slipper is under the chair.

Sandro : My pet dog sleeps under the table.

Arkin : Children will educate themselves under right conditions.

Jeremiah: You are living under the same roof.

Ivon : We played games and ate lunch under the tree.

Jamaica : The boat was going under the bridge.

Kelvin : Christopher sat under a tree.

Zhanai : There is cat under the bed.

Vince : I found this necklace under your bed.

Jabron : I put my shoes under the bed.

Shirla : The secretary work well under pressure.

Sentences using OVER

Chloe : He was wearing a light blue jacket over a shirt.

Marian : He pulled the cap was over his ears.

Nikiza : Marian’s clothing was flung over the back of chair.

Sandro : Mix the ingredients and pour over the mushrooms.

Arkin : There is a picture of my mother over my bed

Jeremiah: My cell phone over the table.

Ivon : I ran over a bridge.

Jamaica : Ken jumped over the wall.

Kelvin : The dog was run over by a car.

Zhanai : His horse jumped over the fence.

Vince : We can see his house over there.

Jabron : He looked at himself in the mirror over the table.

Shirla : I steep over a broken piece of wood.

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