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: 7
Name: Sarah Bhalla Roll No. : J204

1. What are the difficulties in migration to IPv6 standard in a network?

Difficulties in migration to IPv6 standard are:
• Selling the Migration Internally to CIO/CFO: The first concern is convincing management
within your organization to proceed with the migration to IPv6. Since IPv6 is most likely
“not replacing” your IPv4 network, you will be running them concurrently – which impacts
things financially since there are direct operational costs.
• The Cost: Cost can include monetary assets, but also personnel and time. The migration to
IPv6 will take all 3, but more so of personnel and time. A large amount of planning will be
needed to get through the project as quickly as possible, and have everything working at
the end.
• Dealing with Legacy System Issues: Legacy systems can be defined basically as older
systems. They likely are missing some common functionality from current technology, but
still exist because they perform a key or important function for the organization just fine,
thus there is no reason to replace it.
• Cleaning Current IPv4 Inventory: The final concern is getting a handle on your existing
IPv4 inventory. For many network administrators, this will involve getting new equipment,
implementing it, hanging onto the old equipment temporarily for backup purposes, then
getting rid of it. But it is more than just equipment. Inventory in this case should also
include services such as DNS and DHCP, both of which change or are removed with IPv6.
Complexity: Migrating to IPv6 will be very complex. It will involve all departments of the
organization, or at least all of them that use computers, and every piece of equipment
connected to the network at any time. Then consider that the migration will be made over
time, and that everyone needs to be on the same page working together for the best outcome
and smoothest transition.
2. What are the migration strategies in IPV6?
While corporations can be able to stagger their IPv6 implementations by dealing with
clients or software content one after the other, provider vendors will want to support
simultaneous implementations of IPv6-enabled devices, such as broadband modems or
mobile devices, as well as IPv6-enabled Internet content, maximum in all likelihood from
important web content vendors like Google or Facebook and establishments like Microsoft
or Bank of America. The first scenario, migrating customers to IPv6 or assisting local IPv6
customers inclusive of smartphones and broadband modems, calls for that each one the
clients be capable of at once attach to the network and access services thru IPv6-enabled
pathways. Native IPv6 assist for those new gadgets at the patron facet includes touching
potentially every consumer tool, implementing new get entry to regulations across the
network, and incorporating new infrastructure services such Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS). In the second scenario of migrating
application offerings to IPv6, it is possibly that transferring the application servers to IPv6
will reveal some dependencies that doubtlessly affect all customers simultaneously if
something goes wrong. Even so, most provider companies will locate it a good deal less
difficult to start to migrate their applications earlier than their clients, sincerely because
their servers are absolutely under their manipulate while customer gadgets regularly aren't.
As organizations across the globe warfare to transition to IPv6, the crucial nature of get
entry to and connectivity among devices and offerings throughout all networks will boom
the complexity of turning in software offerings.

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