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Dramatic Irony

occurs when the reader knows a secret, but the characters in a play or work of fiction do not.
Therefore, the words or actions of a character carry a special meaning for the reader, but are
understood differently by the character.  The characters are blind to facts, but the reader is


is applied to the justice which comes about when an evil act brings about its own punishment
and poetic justice prevails.


is a device used to attract the reader’s attention.  It is a statement which seems contradictory
or absurd, but well-founded and true at the same time.


is a speech given by a character in a play when the speaker is alone. This is presented to
inform the audience or reader of what is happening in the mind of a character and to give
information about the action of the play.

Pathetic Fallacy

is a device used by poets and writers whereby nature mirrors the political condition of
society. Pathos a situation that elicits pity from the audience.


a speech made by an actor DIRECTLY TO THE AUDIENCE, but seemingly to himself or

herself.  It is always a true reflection of the characters’ thoughts. Its function is to reveal


a type of drama of human conflict which ends in defeat and suffering. Often the main
character (dignified, noble) has a tragic flaw (weakness of character, wrong judgement)
which leads to his or her destruction. Sometimes the conflict is with forces beyond the control
of the character – fate, evil in the world.


a hint or warning of things to come, making specific events in the plot seem more probable as
they unfold.


using images to describe or compare something to, so that the reader forms a picture in his or
her mind.


is an ancient Greek theatre term meaning the error, frailty, mistaken judgment or misstep
through which the fortunes of the hero of a tragedy are reversed. Hamartia must express
itself through a definite action, or, failure to perform a definite action. Hamartia can
result from bad judgment, a bad character,  ignorance, inherited weakness, or accident.  This
error does not always result from an error in character.

Tragic Hero

Tragedy is about WASTE, a waste of people and a waste of unrealized potential.  Hamlet has
high individual potential which is wasted by an individual weakness which greatly affects
others.  If Hamlet’s potential had been realized, he would have been a hero.  Unrealized
potential is the difference between a successful

Types of drama in literature There are four main forms of drama. They are comedy, tragedy,
tragicomedy and melodrama. All these types have the common characteristics of drama
genre; they are, plot, characters, conflict, music and dailogue. Comedy Comedy Photo: Source: UGC Comedy is a type of drama that aims to make the audience
laugh. Its tone is light and it mostly has a happy ending. Such tradition came from the
Ancient Greek theatre, where comedy first emerged as a form of drama. Comedy could be
further divided into subcategories, for example, dramatic irony, farce, sarcasm, black
comedy, etc. Each type of comedy has its own audience. Interestingly, such preferences may
also depend on the cultural background of people. Tragedy Tragedy Photo:
Source: UGC READ ALSO: Differences among playwright, poet and author Murders,
deaths, insanity, and pain are among the most common ideas in tragedies. Main characters
usually have some kind of weakness or defect that causes their downfall. Tragedy first
appeared in the theatre of Ancient Greece. Like comedy, it lived through Roman Empire,
Medieval times, Renaissance and other eras. Aristotle believed that the main characteristic of
tragedy was the change of fortunes of the main character because of his flaws. The
philosopher also believed that such drama has to implant a feeling of fear and pity in the
audience. As drama evolved, more modern script writers thought that depicting the downfall
of a common person will cause the viewer to feel greater emotions as it will relate more to a
character of their own social status. Tragicomedy Tragicomedy Photo:
Source: UGC Tragicomedy is a special kind of drama that combines the features of tragedy
and comedy. It means that such play may be sad but will have a happy ending, or it may be
serious with some elements of humor emerging throughout the whole play. Unlike comedy
and tragedy, tragicomedy emerged a bit later, in the times of Roman Empire. Roman
dramatist Plautus was the first to write a tragicomedy and to use the term. In his play
Amphitryon, he used the lightheartedness of comedy but chose gods and kings as the main
characters. This was quite revolutionary of him. Before Plautus, there were strict rules about
writing drama, it was either comedy or tragedy. These genres were never mixed together.
Plautus was the first to note that in our daily lives we have features of both tragedy and
comedy. Therefore, drama also can combine them both. Melodrama Melodrama Photo: Source: UGC Melodrama is the last one of the four types of drama. It is a kind
of drama in which everything is hyperbolized. Usually, themes depicted in melodramas are
simple and without any unpredictable plot twists. There are quite a lot of stereotypes in such
dramas. However, the main point of a melodrama is not to tell a story but to awaken feelings
in the audience. They are mostly love stories with beautiful heroines, charming heroes and
scary villains. Melodrama originated much later than comedy, tragedy, and tragicomedy. It
first appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. Later, it reached Britain and became
one of the most popular types of drama in the 19th century. Particularly, the 19th century was
the period when theatre was the most popular kind of entertainment and was visited by vast
number of people. This is due to the fact that in those times, theatres became available for
common people. As melodrama was aimed at this layer of society in particular, it became
immensely popular. The influence of melodrama on society was so great that it lived to our
days and even penetrated other areas of literature and entertainment. Read more:
Your small property’s front desk system (also known as a property management system), is
the software used to automate the operations of a hotel.

It will allow you to manage the day-to-day operations of a property:

 Process reservations (online and POS)

 Manage guest check-ins and check-outs
 Manage guest booking details
 Track your inventory and rates
 Handle front office accounting
 Manage maintenance
 Manage guest communications (automatic emails)

A good front desk system will keep you totally organised and save you plenty of time by
doing all the heavy lifting for your administrative work.

Watch how Little Hotelier helps you manage your small property with the Best Front
Desk System

Automate guest communications

Email is the best way to keep in touch with your guests, as a lot of your guests will be
overseas in conflicting time zones, making it difficult to get in touch over the phone. The
tricky bit for small hotel owners is prioritising your time so that each guest receives a
consistent and high quality experience when receiving standard email communications from

While you may have outlined a set of emails you’d like to send guests before and after their
stay, sometimes things get so busy and you just forget! Your front desk system should allow
you to automate the following emails:

 Confirmation of reservation (guest details, booking details, credit card used, terms and

 Preparation for stay (reminder of check-in and check-out times, your check-in

process, any upsell opportunities like airport pick-up)

    Email automation gives guests confidence in your business, because they’re getting a more
professional experience. Guests have come to expect this type of consistency.  

Manage guest booking details

Your front desk system should allow you to easily amend reservations. You should be able to
edit every aspect of the reservation, including the ability to add notes, extras, and payments to
a booking.
Also, when you reschedule guests, your front desk system should integrate with your channel
manager so that your room inventory across all booking sites is automatically updated. An
all-in-one solution like Little Hotelier does this automatically. All that you have to do is drag
and drop a reservation to another date and it’s all done!  

Easily check guests in and out

As a small property owner, you wear many hats throughout the day. This means that you
can’t afford to be constantly at your front desk, waiting for guests to check in. You need to
step away from your desk to clean your property and make sure that you have your food and
toiletries in stock.

Without a solid front desk system, this means that organising your daily schedule can become
difficult. Guests may arrive, but their room isn’t ready, so they have to wait for you to
prepare it. Or guests may want to check out, but you’re away from your desk.

With a modern front desk system, you will be able to go about your day with confidence,
because the hassle of checking guests in and out is done for you. Your front desk system
should allow you to:

 Remotely access your reservations calendar, from a mobile device (smartphone or

tablet). This means you don’t have to physically be at your front desk to manage your
property and keep an eye on reservations.

 Request important information like check-in times from all sales channel bookings.
You won’t need to contact your guest afterwards to request this information, making
life much easier for you.

 Print out a check-in and check-out view so you can bring it with you and plan out
your day properly.

  A front desk system is the perfect solution when hiring a full time receptionist is out of your

Your front desk system is just one piece of the puzzle

Front desk systems have advanced to the point that they integrate with booking engines and
channel managers.

Small hotels don’t need the added hassle of using separate systems for each. Find an all-in-
one hotel reservation system that is suited to small hotels, like Little Hotelier is. Make sure
the software you choose lines up with the needs of your small property, especially in terms of
flexibility and cost.

Some solutions will enforce contracts, and structure their pricing based on a percentage of
commission per booking, but it is difficult to grow with such a pricing model. On the other
hand, systems like Little Hotelier operate off a no contract, fixed monthly fee, which makes it
easier for you to budget your expenses.
Make sure you take a free trial of each of the systems you look at – they are standard in the
industry. If no free trial is available, at least request a demonstration of the product. You want
to play around with it to make sure that it is truly the easiest and most comprehensive
solution for your small property.

Definition of Midwife
She is a person who, in partnership with women, is able to give the necessary support, evidence-
based information and care during pregnancy, labour and postpartum period, to facilitate births in a
one and one situation on her own responsibility and to provide care for the new-born and the infant.
This care includes the promotion of well-being, the detection of complication in mother and child,
the accessing of appropriate skilled assistence and the carrying out of emergency measures. She has
important task in health counselling and education, not only for the women, but also with the family
and in the public sphere. The work should involve antenatal education and preparation of
parenthood and extends to areas of woman’s reproductive heal,family planning and childcare.

She may practice in any setting including the home, the community, birth centers, clinics, hospitals
or in any other service.

Midwifery is a health care profession in which providers offer care to childbearing women during
pregnancy, labour and birth, and during the postpartum period. They also help care for the newborn
and assist the mother with breastfeeding. A practitioner of midwifery is known as a midwife, a term
used in reference to both women and men, although the majority of midwives are female. In
addition to providing care to women during pregnancy and birth, many midwives also provide
primary care to women, well-woman care related to reproductive health, annual gynecological
exams, family planning, and menopausal care. In the term midwife, the morpheme -wife is
pronounced as expected, but midwifery is normally pronounced. Midwives are specialists in low-risk
pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum, although they are trained to recognize and deal with
deviations from the norm as well as certain high risk situations. Obstetricians, in contrast, are
specialists in illness related to childbearing and in surgery. The two professions can be
complementary, but may be at odds in some countries, where obstetricians are taught to "actively
manage" labor, while midwives are taught not to intervene unless necessary. Most midwives are
familiar with the process of physiological management and the use of gravity in aiding the process of

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