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Universidad de Guanajuato

English 3
Activities for Week 4.
Monday 20th to Saturday25th of April.
Name: José Marcos Vázquez Rodríguez
Email address:

GRAMMAR THEORY Second Conditional

Instruction. Click on one of the two links and watch the video. This video is
going to
explain to you the use of Second Conditional.
Second Conditional

Spanish & English explanation

Only English explanation

Answer: Which video was easier for you to understand?

I watch the first video and I understand the structure, in the second video I
learn the pronunciation

WRITING. Writing a story

Instruction. After you watched the video, write a story in 50 words (minimum)
and use
Zero, First and Second Conditionals:

I wanted to win the lottery, If I won the lottery I would buy a super car, maybe I
could buy a Lamborghini, but those things don't happen, if I study in the school
I will have a money, if I save my money I can buy an Audi s3 and a house.

READING. Second Conditional

This second conditional reading gives you a chance to practice your reading
comprehension skills while you see examples of the second conditional. Read
the story
and complete the test at the bottom of the page. Good luck!

I can imagine what my life would be like if I won the lottery. Wow! I could
do so
many things, and my life would be so different. I would love the chance
to change
my life with the money. The first thing I would do is buy a big, new
house. I live in a
small apartment, and I have always dreamed of living in a big house in
the country.
With all that money, I could buy anything I wanted. I don’t have a car
right now, so I
would buy a new car. Or, I might even buy a new motorcycle. I like
and I can imagine myself driving down the highway with the wind in my

Of course, I if I won the lottery, I should give some of the money to

charity. I would
probably give my money to a charity that helps sick children. Also, if any
of my
friends needed anything, I could help them pay for it. I know many
people that
have student loans, and I could help them pay the loans back. That
would make
them very happy. Plus, if I won a lot of money, I would certainly save
some of it in
the bank.

Also, I think that if I won a huge amount of money, I would open a

business. I love
to cook, and I have always wanted to open a restaurant. With all that
money I could
open a fancy restaurant.

However, I know one thing I would not do is travel. I have a friend who
won $100,
000 in the lottery three years ago. She took the money and travelled for
months. I think she is crazy. Travelling is nice, but then she had nothing
left after
her vacation.

I think, however, that the only problem with dreaming about the money I
could win
is that I have never even played the lottery before. As they say: “You
can’t win if
you don’t play.”

Answer these questions:

1. What would the person NOT buy if she won the lottery?

2. What would the person NOT do if she won the lottery?

3. Why would she open a restaurant?

4. Why would she not travel?

5. Do you think she will win the lottery?

LISTENING. Talking about Hobbies

Instruction. It’s time to listen a conversation about Hobbies. Please, watch the
video and
then write your opinion about the video.

Did you like it?
I don’t like, the woman has very high expectations for the men, I think they
were on a daten.
I don’t understand, I watch the video 2 times for understand

Do you have any Hobby?

VOCABULARY. Phrasal Verbs

Instruction. It’s time to learn some vocabularyI want to show you some
phrasal verbs that
are common in the USA. Learn them and use them in your daily English life.
IMPORTANT: Please start the video on minute 5:00

Write your comments about this video…

Brush up (refrescar la memoria)
Get by (aprender lo basico)
Gather up (juntar todo el conocimiento del tema)
Jot down (hacer notas rapidas)
Hold back (algo que nos impide)
Get a head (avanzar)
Lift up (animar)
Hang on (espera)
Catch on (al principio no sabe de algo pero después de hacerlo lo entiende)
Help out (gente que le gusta ayudar)
Come across (
Bring down (gente que lo trate de desanimar)
Look out (al pendiente y cuidado que piense negativamente)
End up (terminar)
Miss out (no te pierdas esto)
Open up (abrir la mente a las posivilidades)}
Pay off ( valdrá la pena)
Put aside (poner a un lado algo)
Go after (perseguir algo)
Stand out (destaca sobre el resto)
Fool around (no este jugando tomenlo en serio)
Get up (levantarte y piensa en tu meta)
Work at (trabajar en ello)
Go for ( ve por ello)

it is important because many times in the texts those words seem, and
is confuse if you don´t understand

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