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Activity Sheet– 24 February 2020

Unit 8
Assignment Brief -Week 1
This week we launched Unit 8. This is an exciting opportunity to
share your work and show potential employers and progression
specialists how amazing you are. The digital world is how working
people communicate and this unit will give you the tools and ability
to start networking by linking your work to the world.

☐ Check your emails regularly and attend all sessions

☐ Go over your power point and assignment brief – This will be in

your inbox

☐ Follow week one and complete your SWOT analysis – FIRST!

☐ Don’t make the mistake of trying to fix your website first or add
content. It will take you longer and make this unit more
difficult and confusing

☐ Create a blank word document and keep it open while you are
working so you can document, in bullets, your learning, ideas,
research, observations and musings, etc.

☐ Be honest with your self-assessment and swot and create a

schedule of work.

☐ Work in stages; 20 minutes work and take a break; if you overdo it

you will burn out.

☐ When you have completed your swot, work thru your resources
page and begin your research

☐ Select the research relevant to your tasks and your ambitions,

copy the urls and paste them under your tasks.

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