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6/21/2019 How do I manage my project effectively?

- The IB Extended Essay: Managing your Research Project - University of Leeds

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How do I manage my project effectively?

The extended essay is different from any other piece of work that you have done at school before and it may
seem like an overwhelming task.

You will be generating, developing and answering your own research question. You are responsible for finding
all the relevant sources and collecting data to support your research. This requires strong time and project
management skills. In order to complete your project successfully, break the project up into smaller, more
manageable objectives.

Let’s consider all the different processes you need to complete your project successfully:

Planning: choosing a topic and narrowing it down

Researching: searching for information and finding material, reading and note-making
Writing: drafting and writing, editing and proofreading
Reflections: filling in your Researcher’s Reflection Space and Planning and Progress Form, meeting with
your supervisor and preparing for the viva voce.

In addition, you may need to allocate time to subject-specific tasks, such as scientific experiments, designing and
conducting surveys and organising meetings with people you can interview.

Set yourself SMART targets

To complete all these in a timely manner, divide them into smaller more manageable objectives.

You need to think carefully about what these objectives are, and how long each will take. By spending time
planning your project at the start, you will stay organised and on-track throughout the process of your research.

The key to success is ensuring that each objective is SMART. A smart objective is:

Specific. Your target should relate to a specific task or activity you would like to complete.

Measurable. You should be able to easily assess whether you have completed your target. 1/2
6/21/2019 How do I manage my project effectively? - The IB Extended Essay: Managing your Research Project - University of Leeds

Achievable. Your target needs to be something you have the resources and ability to complete.

Realistic. Your target should be something it is possible for you to achieve and appropriate for the activity
you are completing.

Time-bound. Give yourself a time-frame to work within for meeting your target.

This means, instead of feeling daunted by the main aim (write 4000 words), you work through a set of smaller
and more manageable objectives.

Once you have an idea of all your objectives, a good way to organise them is to use a Gantt chart. You can find
out how to create and use your own by downloading a copy of the Gantt chart guide in the Downloads section.

Managing your time

This short exercise is designed to help you test your time management skills.

The exercise is not scored and the results are not recorded. It is just a useful way for you to make sure you
understand any new concepts.

A more accessible version of the exercise is available. In the Downloads section you can also access a PDF

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How do I manage my project effectively?
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Check your understanding exercise Managing your sources and avoiding plagiarism article


How do I use a gantt chart? pdf

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