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Lesson plan nº5

School: J. V. González Students: 22

Teacher: Cortez Valeria Trainee: Gonzalez G. Candelaria
Teacher trainer: Florencia González Allende Timing: 45’
Date: 05/ 08/19 Time table: 12:20- 13:05hs

Topic: Review Future simple Positive, negative and interrogative form.

Objective: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the future simple to
make questions with accuracy and fluency with the help of the teacher.
Conceptual contents
Vocabulary: Horoscope, star sing, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpion, next week,
this week, next month, tomorrow
Grammar: will – ‘ll / will not- won’t
Phonetics: /wɪl/ /wəʊnt/ /juːl/
Function: Making predictions about the future. Making questions and answering
questions about the future.
Procedural contents
Use of future simple to make and answer questions.
Use of future simple to make predictions about the future
Attitudinal content
Interest in the target language.
Participation in class
Group work
 Good morning students!
 Good morning, miss!

Activity 1 15 min
Students will complete a chart: For example:
Money: rich, poor, millionaire
Work: Doctor, engineer, musician
Family: five children, twins, no-child
Love: Divorced, singled, married
Holidays: China, Cancun, Brazil
Students will choose a number from 1 to 10. They will write the number in the middle
of the chart. Student A will ask: How will be my life in 20 years? Student B will count
the number till he has marked all the categories. When they have finished, student b will
tell student A how his future will be.

 When you were a child, did you play “the lucky number?
 Yess!
 Ok, you complete the chart and then ask your partner to choose a number from 1 to
10. Put the number in the middle of the chart.
 Did you finish? Now tell your partner how his future will be.
 For example, In 20 years you won’t have children. You will be a doctor. You will
live in London. You will be divorced.
The teacher will demonstrate it on the board. After working in pairs, the teacher will
choose some students to tell the whole class her classmate’s future.
 Now, Luz tell us Sofi’s future. In 20 years she …….
 In 20 years she will be singled….
 Excellent work!
Activity 2 10 min
Students will order the questions.

 You have some questions there. They are scrambled. You have to order them. Let’s
do the first one together.
Activity 3 20 min
The teacher will divide the students into three groups. Each will have a colour given.
The teacher will place a board game on the board. Students will take turns to throw a
dice. Students will have to ask and answers according to the square they are on.

 Now, we will play!

 Ok, last class the game ended in a tie! So today, you have another chance to be
the winner!
 This time, I won’t give you the wh- word. You have to make them by your own!
 Let’s start!
Extra activity
Tic- tac-toe
The teacher will draw a grid on the board. Each square will have a verb to be used.
Students will have to make sentences using the verb.

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