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Jiada Nucci

Prof. Flowers

Edu 214

5 May 2020

Lesson Plan: Final

Lesson Plan Title: Understanding Feelings

Grade Level: 3rd grade Special Education

Concept / Topic To Teach: Emotions

General Goal(s): Talk about emotions and expressions.

Specific Objectives: For each student to understand their own emotions and be able to identify

the emotions of their peers.

Required Materials: “The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain, an Ipad with the app “Bouncy the People

Trainer”, and a computer and projector to present the lecture.

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Greet class, ask how everyone is feeling, discuss the daily plan and

read the book.

Step-By-Step Procedures:

1) Greet class- ask about feelings

2) Read “The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain

3) Discuss emotions with the class

4) Go over PowerPoint lesson on Emotions

5) Review how to use “Bouncy the People Trainer” on Ipad

6) Have students complete three badges on “Bouncy the People Trainer”

Plan For Independent Practice: Work on Ipad completing badges on “Bouncy the People

Trainer”. Students can practice trying to analyze facial expressions and interpret emotions. They

can also practice understanding and controlling their own emotions.

Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): Students will discuss in a group setting what they learned

about emotions and how they will apply what they learned both in the classroom and in the real


Assessment Based On Objectives: Students should be able to identify emotions in other

students as well as be able to identify and understand their own emotions.

Possible Connections To Other Subjects: Students can apply this information in all classes and

when they interact with other students and people.

Special Needs accommodation: A student with autism is nonverbal and uses a communication

device. The student will practice expressing their emotions through the device and using the

device to communicate with other students. This will help the student who uses the device

express their emotions and will help the other students better understand the emotions of the

nonverbal child, which can be difficult since verbal communication is not an option.

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