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NAVAL, Alex Jr. V.

Rizal’s Life, Works, and Writings

E5C – BSCE Prof. Laura O. De Guzman

 Topic 10: Letter to the Women of Malolos

To the Women of Today,

You are priceless.

In our culture today, the real value of the feminine has been far undervalued and
underappreciated. We tend to value things that we can touch, see, or understand with our logical
mind. But the real essence of who you are as woman is beyond form, dancing in the unseen,
intangible realms. The magic of the feminine is your mystery.

As a woman, I believe that one of your gifts is your profound intuition. You sense, see, and feel
things beyond the physical. You know things way in advance. People may call you crazy,
unreasonable, even unrealistic, but know that nothing revolutionary was created by dreaming
small and buying into limitations set by the society.

We need your feminine gifts now on this planet more than ever in human history. We need your
vision and multidimensional sensitivity. You as a woman have that magical ability to breathe life
into something where there was nothing and give it form. Your value is not in how you look,
how much you weigh, how nice your skin is, whether you have no wrinkles or cellulites. Just you
being you is already the gift itself.

Out of you, we are all birthed. For every human being alive, you were our first home for nine
months. Out of you we were literally formed and came into this world. Without you, we would
not exist. And with you, we are more alive.

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