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The Economist- Now and Next- Work in progress

1. What are the different technologies that you can see in the first minute of the video?
Do you find them useful? Safe? Intimidating? 

2. What do Justin and Samantha do?

3. What is a digital nomad? 
4. How often do Justin and Samantha move around?
5. What are the good things and the downsides of this kind of life? 
6. How many location independent workers will there be in the world by 2035? 

7. What is the percentage of people in the world who do some work remotely?
8. Describe a Roam office. 
9. What is a digital detox? What does it mean if you are tethered to something?
10. What is the number of people in the world who share co-working spaces? 
11. What are the benefits of working remotely and co-working according to the survey? 

12. What is the average wage in Kenya? 

13. What is a gig economy? 
14. How much is a human cloud worth per year? 
15. What kind of projects do people at Samasource do? 
16. What are the downsides of this kind of work? 

17. Who is Max? What does she do?

18. What is Max’s main concern about the “dog eat dog world” we are living in?

19. What kind of company is Humanize? 

20. What kind of data is stored and gathered on the badge? 
21. What is the purpose of it? 
22. What are the concerns that some workers have? 
23. What are some other companies using to monitor their staff? 

24. What are the benefits of robots and AI? 

25. How do the robots in the warehouse in Great Britain work? 
26. What is the role of people in this process? 
27. Are they happy with it? 
28. How many jobs will be lost globally by 2022? 
29. How many new jobs will there be by 2022? 
30. What is the conclusion for the future? 

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