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Bid Submission

A. Administrative part

1. Letter of Application
 Company name
 Address
 Email
 Phone number
 Contact of candidate person
2. The power of the person empowered to hire the candidate duly, dated and signed by the
3. Declaration of cooperation
 If It’s consortium with sub-contractors
4. Proof of financial capacity
 Must attach a statement of loss accounts and profits (income statement) the last
three years (maximum 3 pages) justifying each year, an annual turnover of a
minimum of 5 million or equivalent. The declarations must be authenticated by a
desk audits (or auditor).
5. Certificates:
 Certificate of non-conviction under the labor code in its country of origin
 Sworn statement indicating that the candidate has not been, in the last 5 years of a
 Certification of the social security fund of its country valid at the time of filing of the
offer of the candidate
 Certification of its home country pension fund valid at the time of filing of the offer
of the candidate
 Certification of the Labor Inspectorate of the country of origin valid upon filing of
the offer of the candidate
 Certification agencies responsible for collecting taxes, social taxes and charges
under of 12 months
 Certificate or affidavit of non-bankruptcy issued by the Commercial Court of the
country of origin
6. Description of human resource
 A statement average annual manpower the candidate and the number of
managerial staff (distinction between administrative and technical), technicians and
skilled workers.
 A list of available staff for operation with information on qualifications, work
experience and regional as well as participation in similar projects.
 The CV of the frame tipped to the operation (Project Manager / Safety Coordinator /
Head of project / / Head of technical lots / Head light work / Administrative and
Financial Manager ...). Up to 5 CV.

7. Description of Project references

 Overview of references related to the project (Size, implementation mode,
Djiboutian standards) for the past 5 years, detailing the value, date, public or private
recipient. 3 most relevant projects only

B. Technical Part

1. Market include
 The act of engagement, duly completed, initialed, dated and signed;
 Condition of contract, initialed on each page, to be accepted without modifications;
 The technical clauses (Specifications), initialed on each page, to accept without
 The framework for breaking down the overall and fixed price. It will be completed
for each type of work or each item of work with indicative quantities, the price of
the corresponding unit, the price resulting and totals. The cost of the work will be
expressed in EUR. It will be provided in PDF format and Excel; two versions must be
provided: one for a market price excluding VAT, and the other excluding VAT &
excluding tariffs.
 The list of subcontractors and their references.

2. Provisional schedule for the execution of the works

 The general provisional planning, making show the site preparation period, the
breakdown by phases of the project, the deadlines of possible supply. Must register
at least within the time limit of the act of engagement and may propose reduced
deadlines as soon as they are justified.

3. Technical brief specifying the methodology and the organization of the site

 Detail the organization of the management staff of the site

 Explain the ordering procedures and the material supply circuits and materials and
especially those imported
 Summary methodology for carrying out the work
 Site installation plan and provisions concerning the maintenance on site of the activity
of the establishment. This plan will specify in particular the modalities of access of
vehicles to site for heavy deliveries and proposed closing devices to make the perfectly
sealed construction areas;
 Provisions concerning the respect of deadlines and the reduction of nuisances of all
types generated by the works;

 Table of materials or materials: this table will mention for each batch and for each
material referenced in the Specifications if it is the exact reference recommended or an
equivalent reference. In both cases the provenance of the materials will be specified.
When the company has encrypted an equivalent reference, it will provide the technical
data sheets for products to judge the quality of materials and their origin

 Any other point that the contractor would like to put forward to justify the quality of
the offer.

4. Corrigendum memory: Errors and Omissions - detailing:

 The technical inconsistencies noted between the different market pieces

 The items deemed to be missing from the Specifications and BOQ or the quantities it
considers erroneous

The company will have to carry out this essential work because no claim can take place at course of
the site on possible contradictions, forgotten in the market or on the quantities if they were not noted
when the bids were submitted. In particular, he must mention without touching the BOQ, the items it
deems missing from the BOQ and report the quantities it deems erroneous.

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