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LARASATI / Literary and Film Studies

The movie Mulan tells about a daughter who fails to be a bride when she goes to meet
matchmaker. However, the conflict starts when The emperor of China wants a man from each
family to have a duty as an army of China to preserve the country from the rebel, The Hun.
Mulan must be disguised as a man to replace her father's position at war. Therefore, after the
war ends Captain Li knowing that Mulan is a woman. Therefore, the ends of movie is Mulan
saves the Emperor and all of the citizens of China from the Hun attacks. Thus, the movie can
be analyzed based on the women and the men are expected to behave.

In Mulan's community, the women are expected to be graceful, beautiful, and well-
mannered. It can be supported by the three scenes. The first scene is present the three elder
woman are preparing Mulan to look
beautiful by doing good hair-do, make-
up, and dress up while Mulan is kneeling
in order to get good results from the
Matchmaker. The camera uses the
medium-long shot to show that there are
several characters in one frame and show
the Mulan expression. She looks confused and silent. It is implied that Mulan who still young
does not understand and the matter of marriage which is demanded to be a good wife in the
future and can give a heredity as a sign of honor to her family.The beauty assistants are giving
statement "You'll bring honor to us all"[06:57]. It suggest that a young people should obedient
what they parents said

The second scene presents that

women are expected to a beautiful
person. This is supported in the scene
when The Matchmaker holds the paper
and a pen while checking Mulan. The
dark light over the matchmaker implied
that she has the right to determine
Mulan is pass the checlist The camera
uses two shots to show what they are doing between the matchmaker and Mulan expression
looks worry about whether she will successfully become a bride or not the matcmaker said
"Too skinny"[09:24] it is implied matchmaker make sure Mulan has a good waist as
proportional. Honestly, Mulan is too skinny and Matchmaker thinks it is not good for bearing
sons. It refers that women should have good looking and have ideals body.

The third scene presents that

women are expected to have well-
mannered. It is supported by another
scene that women should politeness to
the elder when her father wants to take a
letter from the advisor of the emperor of
China. The camera shot uses a low angle
and at the same time uses over the
shoulder shot to show the position and expression of the advisor of Emperor China is higher
than the Mulan's father. Chi-Fu, The advisor Emperor of China coming by a horse to giving a
command to other families, he looks dislike and anger expression. He said "to hold her tongue
in a man's presence" [15:29 ]. When Mulan interrupts their conversation, the Advisor looks
does not like what Mulan did. He clenches his right hand like holding back anger and shout to
the Mulan's father that tells him to teach her daughter in speaking politeness. It means that the
woman must be submissive, implies man superior to the woman.

In Mulan's community, the man is expected to be forceful in making decisions and

taking responsibility. The scene that takes place out of the yard, Mulan's father is standing out
when Chi-Fu calling his name. The
camera uses long shot to take a full
body of Mulan's father to show his body
gesture. In the scene when the Emperor
comes to share the letters to the citizen.
The father firmly said: "I am ready to
serve the Emperor"[ 15:18 ]. The scene
then presents Mulan's father stood
straight with both hands clenched and legs straight. This scene suggests that he obey the rules
and be responsible.

The man is expected as strong people. The scene presents the group of an army is
training using sticks. The scene provides they are practicing earnestly and the background filled
with a red color symbolizing courage and enthusiasm. They are singing together with said: "Be
a man, with all the strength of raging fire [40:55]". The camera uses eye angle to catch all of
the armies from the above and looks more
dynamic. They are practicing to gain
knowledge and are ready to fight the
enemy, The Hun. The move is cohesive
conformally by wearing white clothes
and long sticks. Here, the red colour
related to the strength possessed by the
soldier that they are strong and tough The phrase raging fire means they have passionate. The
words man here refers to brave and strong, that man should not be discouraged and must go
ahead to face all obstacles and challenges. Thus, this animated movie is to introduce about
China's culture, especially conveys to eliminates patriarchal stigma against women. Women
also can be equal with men, not only for bearing sons but also can get the right to be what they

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